29 SEPTEMBER 1923, Page 2

It will be remembered that in order that he might

take part in this new regime Zaghlul Pasha was released, nominally on grounds of health, from his internment at Gibraltar. Zaghlul is now back in Egypt, and on Thursday, the 20th, launched the campaign of his Wafd Party for the coming elections to the first independent Egyi.ti in Parliament. It is indeed extra- ordinary how beneficial the return to political life has been to the Pasha's health. It has been remarked that he has immediately undertaken a programme of speeches, interviews and demonstrations which would stagger an American President. Unfortunately it is difficult to see how this activity, which in other circumstances might have been considered the patriotic effort of an old man to serve his country, can benefit Egypt in any conceivable way. His speeches contain the most illogical abuse of this country.