29 SEPTEMBER 1928, Page 27



HOW A CLERGYMAN RECOVERED HIS LOST NERVE THOUSANDS of men and women are held back in life because they are afraid. They have lost confi- dence in themselves. They are afraid of something, they don't exactly know what. Sometimes they are afraid of the Future. Sometimes they fear the effect of being thrown up against some stronger and more vital personality than themselves. Sometimes they are afraid of the consequences of Action even if it is only the action of opening the door of their employer's room or of ringing someone up on the telephone... Sometimes they are troubled by fits of Depression (that curse of modern times) and by strange, irrational fears and mor- bid thoughts which haunt them, interfere with their work and make their lives miserable. But there is no reason why they should go on being in this state. These fears can be killed by Pelmanism, as the following letter from a Clergyman shows : " Three years ago I completed a course of Pelmanism.

" I began in a horrible neurasthenic state of 18 years' standing, with an impaired Will, an impaired Memory, utter lack of Self-Confidence, and full of Fears.

" After a few weeks of the Course I was told (by someone ignorant of my taking it) that I looked brighter and more alert. Certainly the benefits grew and still show themselves. I finished the Course with a clear and calmer' mind; a restored Memory of good capacity; a stronger Will and such Confi- dence that I have undertaken and do undertake, duties and responsibilities such as would have been quite impossible a few years ago.

" The latest evidence of the benefits received is that I crossed to Belgium this year by the Dover-Ostend route. This may appear to be a trifle, but when I consider that the idea of being on a ship has, for 21 years, been the cause of innumerable nightmares, I look on the voyage as the greatest victory of my life. This fear is dead—killed by Pelmanism.

" I certainly got my money's worth and a bit over, and look back with pleasure to the work of the Course, and the courtesy I received at the hands of the staff." (B 30,206.) PELMANISM helps to banish such irrational but harmful " fears " as these as though they had never been. It makes you sure of yourself and of your own scientifically-trained and consciously-directed powers. It gives you that sane, sensible Self-Confidence which wins the confidence of others, and enables you to make your presence felt in the world and to get ahead when, without' it, you would have fallen behind. And it gives you much more than that. It trains your mind and increases your Efficiency. It trains your senses and enables you to cultivate an appreciation of the finer things of life. It drives away Depression and Morbid Thoughts and develops Self-Reliance, Self-Restraint and Mental Poise and Balance. Not only does it help you to increase your Earning Power, but it gives you a sane, sensible, cheerful outlook on life.

A BUSINESS MAN writes : "I have no fears now; they have all disappeared. .My rather timid disposition has become a resolved,determined 'disposition. My capacity, for Work is far greater than that of a year ago."

(G 31,329.) A TEACHER writes : "I have more Self-Confidence and am not so subject- to fits of Depression."

(D 32,263.) A CLERE writes : "I am very happy to tell you that I have benefited greatly since commencing this Course, especially since my greatest weaknesses are Shyness and Lack of Self-Confidence. My nervousness has practi- cally gone; and feel a different person."

(S 30,745.)

A SHOP ASSISTANT writes : "The chief benefits I have derived from the Course are: Increased Self-Con- fidence, greater interest, wider outlook, keener mental grasp, more tenacious memory, ability to do more and oetter work with greater speed and less fatigue, and the formulating of an ambition. I am now living a life of purpose and true achievement."

(P 32,187.) A Oyu.. SERV ANT writes : "I began the Course in a state of Mental distress caused by fears and a foreboding of evil. I have succeeded in regaining Confidence and driving these away. I have thus acquired a calmness of outlook that reflects itself in my work, in my con- versation and in my appearance."

(J 33,099.) A NURSE writes : " I have a much brighter outlook on life and have to a large extent regained poise of mind and body. No matter how tired and dismal 1 may feel on *king, before I ant half-way through the exercises I feel quite cheerful and ready for anything."

(A 32,142.) AN ENGINEER writes : "I have abolished zinticcessary, fears. I can now talk with confidence to my superiors, whereas previously I was rather inclined to be flustered.'" (B 33,129.) Readers, by enrolling for the revised Pelman Course, are now able to utilise for their own personal advantage the results of the latest Psychological research, and (under the expert direction of the instructors of the Pelman Institute) to apply recognised Psychological principles to the solution of their own personal difficul- ties in Professional, Business and Social Life. • Pelmanism_ is fully explained in an interesting book entitled " The Efficient Mind." Read in this book how.. Pelmanism banisheS Depression, Mind-Wandering, Forgetfulness, Timidity, Lack of Confidence and Itide-: cision, and how it develops in their place Observation,: Initiative, Concentration, Self-Confidence, OptimisM Cheerfulness, Organising Power, Resource f Business Acumen, a Good Memory, the Power of Thinking Creatively and other equally valuable qualitie.

The Pelman Institute will be pleased to send a free copy of this book to any reader of the Spectator who writes for it to-day to the Secretary, The Pelman Institute, 96 Pelman House, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C. lc Readers who would like to call at the Institute are cordially invited-to do so. The Chief Consultant will be pleased to hav a talk with them on any matter affecting their personal dicienc and no fee will-be charaed for his advite; ' 7 '