29 SEPTEMBER 1944, Page 21


B ok Token for one gumea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct

of tins week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, loth. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and

the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. scamp. us must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the US.A.

4 2. Wordsworth is hardly likely to have rid Earth's first blood, have tides -." 1 i I. Of the earth earthy. (4.) t. A friendly chat, at any rate to begin 5. Many a head's fallen to them. (7.) 9. Diary entry for a regatta? (9.)

4. Continue to grow older. (7.) 5. " No. , nor hatchment 5. " In everything we are sprung Of . Elever.ses in the precincts. (5.) . Sailor-hat. (6.) with. (7.) patronised one of these for his Excursion. (so.) o'er his boes, No noble rite." (Shakespeare.) (6.)


Observation post seen in confusion, ending just the same. (4, 6.) lie emphasised the cat in caricature. (4.)

. He takes a toss. (5.)

7. Isn't it age? (anag.) (9.)

8. Funny glasses. (7.) Metal bird in the abbey. (7.)


Friendly cards. (7.)

The drink is being cooled for all farts perhaps. (9.) Evidently one gets nothing out of a h. tom (4.) To say they haven't the manners of pigs would hardly meet the case. (8.) " Conies the blind Fury with tie abhorredAnd slits the thin spun _de." (Milton.) (6.)

53. The first half proverbially faits to

zo. Before Dan takes it to heart. (7.) 21. Detects. (6.)

16. Keep the entrance open for dissemi- 17. Some are mixed up in the market. (8.) 23. Salt downs. (5.)

25. Bearing. (4.)

r8. He satisfies but himself seems over- ft Say it round a twisted fist. (7.) 6. Bet in march (anag.). (so.

7. He is apt to become banal when con- fused. (5.) yield the second. (to.) nation. (9.) satisfied. (7.)