2 APRIL 1836, Page 11


On Thursday week, the ship Jane Brown arrived at Greenock, direct from Canton. after the extraordinary short passage of four months and one day. She left Canton on the 23d of November, hiving performed the voyage from Greenock to Batavia, Singapore, and Canton, and back, in ten months and twenty days. Shortly after her arrival, it tug- steamer moved idongside, and towed her up the river to the Broomie- law, where she arrived in the afternoon. This ship is the first Clyde vessel that ever arrived in any port of our liver with teas direct from China, and she is the first vessel that has arrived at the Broomielaw, with teas direct from the East. Her cargo, we learn, is the first Ma portation of the last tea.crop ; and the sale is looked forward to with intense interest by the trade, who have been waiting with impatience for this importation.—Glasgow Courier.