2 APRIL 1842, Page 7

The show of "agitation" this morning is more imposing than

it has yet been ; that is in respect of quantity, for as to quality it does not differ from the description in our first page.

The Mayor of Leeds presided over a large meeting in the Music Hall on Wednesday, about 800 or 1,000 persons being present ; and they adopted resolutions condemning the Income-tax ; pointing out that " the only remedy for the existing difficulties and privations of the manufac- turing class is the complete revision of the Tariff on liberal principles"; and requesting the Members for the borough to oppose the tax in the House of Commons. A meeting in the Town-hall of Spalding, the Brigg Agricultural Association, and certain farmers, says the Stamford Mer- cury, "at the ordinary held at the George Inn;Barton," have denounced the change in the Tariff relating to foreign cattle and provisions, and the Income-tax.

Resolutions against the Income-tax have been adopted by large- majorities in the Edinburgh Town-Council and in the Merchant Com- pany, and unanimously by the Aggregate Liberal Committee, at a meet- ing attended by several hundreds of the leading Reformers of Edin- burgh.