2 APRIL 1870, Page 3

The burglarious acrobat who is said to be going about

London taking rich people's jewels has turned up in Parliament. Colonel Beresford on Monday asked in more formal terms why he was not taken, and why also Colonel Henderson lived at Wandsworth. Mr. Bruce could not say much about the burglaries, but said an addition of 180 detectives to the force had diminished serious crimes from 7,273 to 6,633, and increased convictions from 1,087 to 1,170. As to the Chief Commissioner, he did live at Wands- worth, but he had a telegraph wire, " which he worked himself," in his house. We dare say working the wires is a pleasanter amusement than turning, and more scientific, but it is hardly an occupation for a general in command of 8,000 men. We have nothing to do with the Chief Commissioner's residence, but in England every official, except the Queen, is expected to live close to his work.