2 APRIL 1910, Page 13



Sza,—The Centre Party Union has for some time been the second title of the Middle Classes Defence Organisation, and has recently been adopted as its distinguishing name on the ground that the original title could be misunderstood as implying a selfish motive and a class limitation. Lord Cromer and Mr. Harold Cox are now upon the Council, and concur in this manifesto. I should be obliged if you would give publicity to the manifesto in your valuable paper. It is hoped to follow it up with a meeting at the Albert Hall.— "Ittarriassro.

The Council of the Centre Party Union, speaking, as it believes, on behalf of all patriotic citizens, desires to enter an emphatic protest against the forcing of another General Election—and perhaps of a series of General Elections—upon this country.

We have just emerged from one Election, with all the strife, turmoil, and bad feeling which such an event produces. If the result has proved inconclusive in relation to some special items of the competing political programmes, it is none the leas an obliga- tion incumbent upon the Government of the day to attempt the discharge of such of its functions as, in the paramount interest of the nation, must be performed,—viz., the safeguarding of the financial interests of the country and the provision of adequate means of national defence.

There would be no humiliation—indeed, there would be great credit—to be derived from an honest effort to place party tactics and party feeling aside for the moment and to co-operate with the Opposition for the public weal. So far there has been no indication of any intention on the part of the Government to make an effort in this direction.

Among all classes of the community there is a growing appre- ciation of the baneful influence which party politics, carried to extremes, exercise in this country.

A meeting of national protest against the infliction of another General Election upon the unwilling electorate will shortly be arranged. All associations willing to co-operate are invited to communicate with the secretary of the Centre Party Union, 5 King's Bench Walk, Temple, B.C."