2 APRIL 1921, Page 15


fro me EDITOR or THE " SPEOTATOB."1 finiss-The revfewer of English Pageantry: an Historical Out. /ine,- in your issue of March 26th, evidently does not know his Pepys, as he confesses never to have heard of Jacob Hall before, nor to know when he danced. Under date August 29th, 1668, Pews writes : " And so to Jacob Hall's dancing of the ropes; a thing worth seeing, and mightely followed." HO again mentions Hall on September- 21st of the same year: "And thence to Jacob Hall's dancing- on -the ropes, -where I saw such action as I never saw-before, and mightely worth seeing." Pepys' final comment is, "He seems a mighty strong. man." Your re- viewer's description of Hall's picture in. English Pageantry shows that he added beauty to his strength.—I am, Sir, be.,