2 APRIL 1921, Page 23

From Another Angle. By Margaret Lockyer. (Duckworth. 8e. 6d. net.)--The

angle from which this story is told is that of the Croats, or rather . the Czeoho-Slays during the war. It is difficult, of course, to check the author's account of the attitude of the inhabitants of that part of the Austrian Empire, but at any rate she tries to make her story convincing, and it is interesting to those who belong to the more powerful nations of the Allies to see the events of these four years through the eyes of ene of the smallest of the oppressed nations. Even before the outbreak of wax, Anton, the hero, throws in his lot with Serbia- and --lives-there-in-exile. -The-novel-is -absorbing

reading and contains exciting episodes connected with the elaborate Secret Service of the German Empire, but the real interest to the English reader is conveyed in the title—the consideration of the war From Another Angle.