2 APRIL 1927, Page 26

: THREE SILENCES. BY Catherine I. Dodd. (Jair the first

Silence—in 1646, ,andteloses in the early-years of thrashing. of.a vide 7s. -6d.)—This -story.....e•Petis,,With the.- .present century_ . The main:-,figure, however, is. the t ' Silence, who is brought up by liet-gi.eLit-iiint,4he se tSilence—in the Isle'of Man. --After a care=free ehililhooi an ," polite education, the third Silence comes W.' l'-ng She enjoys ,a-few years of happy married lik-but is then ea upon to inakeasye_at renunciation, and devotes lfie rest-fol. :Wife to phflanthropie work. The story gives the impression ,likelag404aded upon fact. It is unexciting,-buttuIYof se

and charm,, and vividly suggests the changing §ocial and domestic conditions during the long period covered. The portraits of the second and third Silences are drawn with much insight and tenderness.