2 APRIL 1954, Page 14

TORMENT FOR AUTHORS SIR,—Miss Arnot Robertson has written about the

things we overhear; what about the things we oversee 7 About 35 years ago I was going down Whitehall on the top of a bus, looking idly into the first floor windows of the govern- ment offices. in the course of the few seconds it took to pass one I saw a man sitting at a desk facing the large window; two men stood one on each side and about a step away from him. The sitting man stood up and raised his arms as in a desperate gesture. The other two stepped up close and seized his arms. Was it the exposure and arrest of a spy, or the chief having a fit 7 Or what 7—Yours faithfully, HERBERT R. BARTON The Rectory, Corton Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk