2 AUGUST 1845, Page 10

We believe we may now confidently state that Parliament will

be pro- rogued not later than on Saturday next. If by any exertion the business of the session can be despatched before, the prorogation will take place on Thursday the 7th instant. Her Majesty will, it is expected, embark upon her Continental tour in the evening of the same day, whether the House be-dismissed on Thuraday-or Saturday.—Timas.

The King of Holland, with a number of general officers' was to have reviewed the Household troops and Horse Artillery in Hyde Park today; but the review was postponed on account of the bad weather. It may take place on Monday morning.

Last night's Gazette contained the formal announcement, that "her Majesty has been pleased to appoint General his Majesty the -King of the Netherlands G.C.B., to be a Field-Marshal in the Army."

The Gazette also contained this notice-

" Admiralty, ist August.

"Parliament having granted money for the purpose of covering the expense of tire- riding retirement to 300 Captains of the Royal Navy who shall be above the age of fifty-five, or in some instances above the age of fifty, on the following principle, viz:—

" That those Captains who shall be at present, or who shall come in turn to be on the Half-pay List of 14s. 6d. a day, and shall be above the aforesaid ages, may be placed on the Retired List at 11. a day, with the designation of Rear-Admiral ; and their widows to be entitled to pensions of 1201. a year.

"Those Captains who shall be at present, or when they would come In turn to be on the Half-pay List of 12s. 6d. a day, may be placed on the lietired List at les. a day, to be increased to 1/. a day, and to have the advantages of the preceding clause when they would have come In turn to receive the 14s. 6d. on the Effective List ; and should they die while on the 18s. list, their widows to be entitled to 1101. a year.

"Those Captains who shall be now on the Half-pay List of 10s. 6d. a day may be placed on the Retired List at 16s. a day, to be increased to the foregoing scales and ad- vantages as they would have respectively come in turn to have received the higher rates of half-pay aforesaid on the Effective List ; and in the event of their death while on this 16s. list, their widows to be also entitled to 1101- a year.

"My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty deem it right to give this public notice hereof, and to direct such Captains as shall be desirous of being placed on the Retired List on the terms stated to send in their names, specifying their respective ages, to me, for their Lordships' information, prior to the let October next ; on which day the in- creased rates of pay will commence, should a sufficient number prove to be desirous of availing themselves of this offer.

"Those officers who possess good-service pensions, and who decide on acce.pting the retirement, will be allowed to retain such pension until they would have corneal:: turn to be placed on the Flag-officers List had they continued on the Effective List.

"Such Captains as may be out of Europe on service or otherwise, and who may be desirous of accepting this retirement, will not be excluded in consequence of not send-

ing their application prior to the 1st October next. W. A. B. Haaairanx." The Directors of the Bank of England have contributed 1001. to the national testimonial to Mr. Rowland Hill.