2 AUGUST 1851, Page 20


Shortly after the death of Wordsworth, a committee was formed among his friends and more immediate admirers for the purpose of setting up a tablet to his memory in Grasmere Church, where the poet lies buried. The work, the execution of which was intrusted to Mr. Thomas Woolner, has now been completed. Surmounted by a band of laurel leaves is the inscription, written by Professor Keble ; under which the poet's head is sculptured in relief. The likeness to the man has received decisive praise from persons whose verdict is final; the intellectual likeness to the poet will be more widely appreciated, and recognized with as cordial an admiration. The meditative lines of the face, the thoughtful forehead and eye, the compressed, sensitive mouth, are rendered with refined in- telligence. In two narrow spaces at each side of the head, are introduced the crocus and celandine, and the snowdrop and violet, treated with a rare union of natural beauty and sculpturesque method and subordina- tion. Throughout, the delicately-studied execution shows that the work has been a labour of love.