2 AUGUST 1879, Page 24

Pontius Pilate. By Jeanie Morison (Mrs. Campbell of Ballochylo.) (Daldy

and Isbister.)—Mrs. Campbell describes iu vigorous (though sometimes faulty) verse, some of the closing scenes of the Scripture narrative ; and, having small regard to the unities, carries on her renders to the Neronian persecution, and to the legendary suicide of Pilate near Lucerne. The task is one of extra- ordinary difficulty. Who can be equal to the simple force of do story with which wo are so familiar ? Mre. Campbell, too, makes at least one grave mistake. The " First Soldier" is made to relate the Resurrection, after the manner of the messenger in a Greek play. But is it not a cardinal point in Christian belief that our Lord appeared after his resurrection only " to chosen witnesses "P The whole doctrine of his Spiritual Presence is bound up with this fact. We cannot say more for Pontius Pilate than that it shows a power which might have been better used.