2 AUGUST 1919, Page 2

The Hungarian Bolsheviks last week attacked the Rumanian forces, which-

had occupied Eastern Hungary at the request of the Allies for the duration of the Armistice. The Allies on Saturday last announced that, as Bela Kun had broken the Armistice by attacking one of their number, they would deal with him. The Allies stated also that, until his Terrorist rule had given place to a representative government, they could not raise the economic blockade of Hungary or make peace with her. Presumably the Allied troops in Southern Hungary will now be permitted to occupy Budapest. The Czechs and Rumanians might have done this in the spring, if the politicians in Paris had not hesitated and changed their minds. As Bela Kun is now openly at war with the Allies, the task of suppressing him and his gang cannot well be postponed.