2 AUGUST 1946, Page 21


[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first coma solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 13th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Crossword," the NUMBER of she puzzle and a zid. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.] 110\m 111‘111 iskiv 1IMMIIIIIMIIII - ".•.1,411\ \ ,,,,;•:, 'MAL III\ ,,,,,,,, , ..„. I: IllkllMil\'11\ AI



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1. They should have no difficulty in arranging a game of fives. (as.) 7. It might have helped Antony to get the ears he wanted. (5.) 8. All aim, Ada; at becoming this in Thibet. (5, 4.)

to. They have military associations with Sherwood. (9.) IL The award of the chestnut roaster. (5.)

12. Term for a term. (6.)

4. She lived up to her name in con- nection with the America's Cup. (8.)

17. Eve's nine (snag.). (a.) 18. "For the sword outwears its -" (Byron). (6.) o. Everybody's game,-or nobody's ? (5.) 2. A very jaundiced-looking political figure ? (9.) Hump I seem to get from it. (9.) 5- Foundlings' founder. (5-) 6. It is taken aback when riding. (ta.)


I. Dance that might be included in prison exercise. (9.)

2. " Where Venice sat in state, throned on her thousand -" (Byron). (5-)

3. Obviously the air-marshal knows how to make hay. (6.)

4. I'm in the mould. (8.)

5. She made a speech at Tilbury. (9.) 6. Ben Jonson's estimate of Shakespeare's Latin. (5.)

7. Suitable address fort across. (5, 6.) 9. Named otherwise it might photograph. a monster. (xx) 13. Sow in baste yet deteriorate. (3, 2, 15. Perhaps, however, things will liven up in April (4, 5.) x6. Oil scare (snag.). (8.) 19. Sailor and Scot take to the road. (6.) 21. Trots from the slope. (5.) 23. House lizard. (5.)