2 AUGUST 1975, Page 5

Tory paralysis

From Lt-Cdr Noel Pauhey, RN (Rtd) Sir: As usual, the pundits are wrong. The real threat to our country lies neither With over-mighty trade unions nor with the present Labour administration, inadequate though this is. It lies with the Paralysis of the Tory Opposition. In the absence of an effective Opposition, there is no alternative government for the people to choose: and a nation which can no longer choose how it is governed is a nation which is no longer free.

The situation has not arisen overnight. Since the war, one party, Labour, has known what it wanted and where it Was going, and it has literally dragged the Conservative Party with it. The Tories have held office as often as Labour but, because they have sacrificed their principles td obtain political Power, socialism has flourished and continued to advauce its hold regardless of which party governed.

Why otherwise the reluctance of the Tories to specify the cuts in public expenditure which they call for incessantly, and to explain clearly what the consequences of these would be? And, when next year unemployment tops two million, does anyone belive that the Conservatives will oppose Mr Wilson when he cuts taxation to restimulate demand?

It is forty years since the Tories were last in such disarray. Then, at the eleventh hour, they,were saved by the leadership of Winston Churchill. Will the hour again find the man?

Noel PauIley 'Corfu', Cardiff Road, Creigiau, Cardiff