2 DECEMBER 1837, Page 8

If the provincial newspapers truly indicate the state of public

opinion in the country, there is an all but universal feeling of disgust and dis- appointment among the Liberals at the Anti-Reform policy of the Government, declared in Lord JoniN RUSSELL'S speeches on the Ad- dress. Mr. 1VAKLEY is abused in many of thesejournals, simply be- cause be was instrumental in eliciting from the Home Secretary the disagreeable information that the Ministry had become Conservative. The conduct of some of the Parliamentary Radicals in London is not calculated either to mend our position or to augment their own influ- ence. These gentlemen have been exhibiting themselves at dinner- parties during the week, with the view, it would almost seem, of dis- abusing their constituents and the public of the notion that they were tamest in their condemnation of Lord JOHN Resseu.'s Conservatism. Twaddle about "the Tories," and the old nonsense about the necessity of maintaining the Whigs in office, has formed the staple of Radical oratory. With one or two creditable exceptions, the tenor of the talk Is pianissimo—just what the Whig Whipper-in must desiderate. Lord Joins RUSSELL, may spurn them ; but the faithful creatures are ready to crouch, and fawn, and follow at his heels, through the filthiest pud- dles in the dirty road he travels. It is a pity that these gentlemen, who discussed their mysterious policy with closed doors, bad not the discretion to hold their tongues for a week together. They might have taken Hamlet's advice, and played the fool in their own house, instead of proclaiming abroad their resolution to suffer all that the Whigs may like to inflict. How a clever man, like Mr. CHARLES Buti.va for instance, could have deli. vered himself of the trash attributed to him at the Lambeth dinner, is astonishing. Had it been any other person's, he would have called his own speech sheer nonsense.

The Tory returns petitioned against by Liberals, are for Huntingdon- shire, Ipswich, Newcastle-under. Lyne, Petersfield, Hull, Tamworth, Bridgewater, Berwick.upon- Tweed, Lanarkshire, Portarlington, Tra- lee, Newry, Kerry. The Liberal re turns petitioned against by Tories are those for London Marylebone, Bristol, Durham, Sulford, Canterbury, Bridgnorth, Tynemoutb, Taunton, Reading, Honiton, Walsall, Shaftes- bury, Poole, Roxburghshire, Dublin, Longford, Carlow County, Carlow Borough, Sligo Borough, Queen's County, Kinsale, Belfast, Youghall.