2 DECEMBER 1837, Page 8

the Countrn.

The Reformed Corporation of Hull have adopted a petition to Parliament, praying for Household Suffrage, Triennial Parliaments, and Vote by Ballot. The Earl of Durham is to present the petition to the Peers, and Lord Worsley to the Commons.—True Sun. Why does not the Reformed and Reforming Town-Council of Liverpool follow the example, which it ought to have been the first to set ?

The address of Mr. Tooke to his late constituents at Truro (which appeared in our advertising columns last week) bus put the " Doubtful " Member, Mr. Turner, in a very awkward predicament. Unless he can rebut the charges brought against him by Mr. Tooke, be must submit to the imputation of having gained his seat most unfairly. We learn from the Falmouth Packet, that the electors of Truro are waiting with anxiety for Mr. Turner's reply.

The Northern Division of Durham is doing its duty. Meetings in support of the Ballot have taken place at Newbottle and Lam-hester during the week ; and a more important one, with the same object, is to be held in Sutherland, the most populous town in the county, and " the f iurth sea-port in the empire." We state these flicts in honour of the intelligence and public-spirit of this county, and as setting examples worthy of imitating in all other places.—Durham Chronicle.