2 DECEMBER 1843, Page 7


STOCK Exensturs, FRIDAY Arrilawoow.

An advance occurred in the price of the English Funds on Tuesday, in con- sequence of a purchase of 160,0301. Consols by the Chancery broker ; being a reinvestment of money already raised by the sale of some of the stock of a very large capitalist, recently deceased, who by his will made a provision of 5,000/. for each of thirty-two grandchildren. The price has, however, since experienced a decline of per cent from the highest point, and was today heavy at that depression; but an improvement has again occurred, and prices close at the highest quotation of the week. The books of the Three per Cent Consols and New Three-and-a-half per Cents closed today. There was a temporary pres- sure of stock upon the market, caused by the unwillingness of many stock- holder" to hold stock till the opening in January. The stock thus offered was, however, speedily absorbed, and the high quotations reestablished. Notwith- standing the improvement in Consols, the Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks have been nearly stationary. Indeed, they have now reached a point beyond which scarcely any further improvement can be expected; as from the high price of Three per Cent Stuck, there can be little doubt that the reduction of the Three-and-a-half per Cents will he attempted during the next year; and any improvement in Consols or Reduced Three per Cents, by rendering this reduction more certain, will tend to lessen the value of Three-and-a-half per Cents. The premium on Exchequer Bills, which had been depressed 2s, below last week's quotations, has recovered, and is now about Is. in advance of our last prices. There has been a greater inquiry for money, both com- mercially and in the Stock Exchange ; and in the latter place, during the settlement of the foreign account, yesterday, the demand almost amounted to pressure. It was, however, only temporary, and luts not led to any permanent increase in the rate of discount or interest. The business of the Foreign Market has not been of a very extensive cha- racter. Several bargains have occurred in Greek Bonds of the Loa.nelof 1824 and 1825; which are now quoted without the overdue Coupons, and have been current between 13 and 15, several purchases having been made at the latter quotation ; but the price is not quite so high this afternoon. It has hitherto been customary in the Foreign Stock Exchange, to restrict bargains in Stocks upon which the dividends have been unpaid to bonds bearing all the overdue Coupons ; but as the major portion of the Greek Loans of 1824 and 1825 have found their way to Holland, where the overdue Coupons are separated from the Bond, this Stock was, in fact, virtually excluded from our market. Upon a representation, the Committee of the Stock Exchange have allowed bargains in the Bonds without Coupons to be registered in the Official List, and several transactions have consequently occurred in them. Mexican Stock bas been at an advance of nearly 2 per cent upon last week's price; a re- port having been prevalent that the difference between the two Governments has been adjusted. Some sales occurred this afternoon which have produced a decline of per cent. Spanish Stock advanced more than 1 per cent upon the receipt of intelligence that an Administration had been formed ; but the price- has declined a per cent today, in consequence of the still threatened retire- ment of General NARVAEZ. The official announcement that the negotiations for the Portuguese Tariff had terminated, caused several portions of Stock to be brought to market, and there was a temporary depression; but as some pur- chases (said to be made on account of French capitalists) have since occurred, the quotations have recovered, and are today the same as they were last week. It is reported that some financial scheme is in agitation, by which, through the instrumentality of some of the Parisian bankers, a large quantity of Stoat will be absorbed. The other Foreign Funds have not experienced much fluctuation; neither have the transactions in them been of an important character. The Railway Shares generally continue objects of investment ; and a great improvement has occurred during the last few days in the value of those of the Brighton Railway. A proposal has been made to that Company, by the Directors of the South-eastern Railway, to rent the Brighton line for a period to be agreed on, on such terms as will assure to the shareholders 5 per cent upon the amount of the capital expended ; and the Shares were consequently at one period today at an advance of 41.; the price closing, however, about IL below the highest quotation. The South-eastern and Dover, and the Croydon Shares, have both risen ; but not to the same extent. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

The English Funds close at an advance on the morning's quotations; the price for Account ex dividend being 95/ /. equivalent to 96/ 97 with the divi- dend. Several bargains have occurred it, Consols for Money, by special transfer, at 96/ and 96/. Exchequer Bills have improved to 38s.

In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been del:messed, but has rallied again, closing at the morning's prices. We are still without any French mail. The other Foreign Bonds are without material alteration.

We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares in addition to those given in the morning : Bristol and Exeter, 64; Eastein Counties, 9/ / ; Great Western, 94/ / 4; Brighton, 42 1/ 1/ ; Birmingham, 218 219; Paris and Orleans, 29/ / ; Rouen and Havre, 9/ ; South-eastern and Dover, 301; Ditto Scrip, 31; York and North Blidlaud, ex New Shares, 114.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Ceut Reduced 31 per Cent Ditto. New 31 per Cents shut 951 3 951 1 102 shot Chilian Deferred Colombian 6 per Cents, 1524 ex Venezuela Dan sh 3 per Cents Detelt 21 per Cents 46 48 111 1

86 87

541 3 Bank Stock for Account 182 4 Ditto 5 per Ceuta 991 1001 Exchequer Bills prem. 56 8 Mexicali 5 per Cents Cousd . 313 / India Stock

Portuguese New 5p. Cts.1841 431 I Brazilian 5 per Cents 74 6 Russian 5 per Cents 116 17 Belgian 5 per Cents 103 4 Spanish (Aril% e) 5 per Cents. 221 1 ("Milan 6 per Cents 991 1001 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 34 3


We are without any change in the English or Foreign Funds; speculation in the latter being paralyzed by the non-arrival of the French mail. The fol- lowing transactions have occurred in the Railway Shares: Birmingham and Derby, .52k; Brighton, 42; Birmingham, New Quarter-shares, 24; Croydon, l56; Manchester and Leeds, 89k: Ditto and Birmingham, 34; Midland Counties, 85.