2 DECEMBER 1848, Page 11

In the French National Assembly, on 'Thursday, IL Ledru-Rollha opened

the debate on the Roman affair; condemning the intervention as needless, inopportune, and counter to the spirit of the Paris Revolution of February, -which was to vindicate nationality against foreign dominion, and popular against monarchical rights: Rossi was assassinated be- cause he was a " foreigner." M. de Montalemhert gloried in the honour to the Republic from its having placed the sword of •Charlemagne at the disposal of the virtuous Pius the Ninth. The sentiments of these speakers were followed up by other Deputies. M. Dufaure disengaged the particular intervention from general European politica. The sole question was this— could the intervention be regarded as a declaration of war? That he -con- eidered impossible, in presence of the specific instructions to the .Ambas- sador that the personal safety of the Pope was alone to -be cared for. General Cavaignac moved a resolution "approving of the measure of pre- caution taken for the safety of the Pope's person, and reserving ultimate decision till all the facts are fully known." This was carried by 480 votes to 68.