2 DECEMBER 1848, Page 19


Tuesday, November 28.


Hyde and Hoskine,Loughborough, surgeons-Tindalland Brothers, Scarborough, ken-. mongers; as far as regards It. E. 'flndall-Todd and Co. Liverpool, and Jackson and Co.. New Orleans-Turner mid M•Intyre,,Preston, tailors-Caldwell and Co. Warrington, ironfounders-Wright and Geodes, Crawford Street, Marylebone, booksellers -Lukier and Collyear, Cheyne Walk, butchers-Lawrence and Moore, Chornon-upon-liedlock, grucers-Sherring and Co. Ardwick, watchmakers-Benson and Co. Birmingham, ;brush-manufacturers; as far as regards H. Venom and W.Phillip -Morton and Street,: iHampton-in-Arden, fellmongers-James and Sergeant, catpenteni-Moore aril Co. Newcastle-under-Lyme, ooksellers- Distin and Sons. Crannuurne Street. (emaciation -Glendinalug and, Sugden, Haddonfield, woollen-merchants-Webster aud Pickerin, Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturers-Mills and Taylor, Breutwood, corn-des era- Croughton and Todd,. Black Lion Yard, Whitechapel, cabinet-makers-Nash aril Son, Salford, agents for cattle-ealeamen-Till and Robinson, Manor Street. job-inasiers- Kelly and White, Bankside, iron-merchants-Huggins and Co. Glasgow, mei, hauls ; se far as regards E. J. C. Attarbury-Mottrarn and Sons, Sheffield, merchants-Puma and Marston, Norfolk Street, attornies-Spurrier and bornforth„ Birmitigham,.matatte lecturers of Britannia metal wares.


Hourcw, SAMUEL, Halme, plasterer, to surrender Dec. 12, Jan. 3: solicitors. Mo. • Vincent, Temple; Mr. Simpson, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Port, Manchester.

CANN, Josue, Exeter, baker, Dec. 13, Jan. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Soles see Tomer, Aidermanbury t Mr. Wreford, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Ilemaman, Exeter. Day, Sersair, Berkeley, coal-dealer, Dec. 14, Jan. I I solicitors, Mr. Blake, Black- friaralload ; Mr. Smith, Newnhami ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton. Bristol.

DENTON. Joanne, Denton, hat-manufacturer, Dec. 8, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke, and. Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Brooks, Ashton-under-Lyne; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.

FAULKNER, Join:, Manchester, coach-lace-manufacturer, Dec. 12, Jan. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and Edwards, Ely Place ; Mr. chew, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.

GooDe, MATInew, Great Yarmouth, linendrsper, Dec. IA, Jan. 12 : solicitors, Messrs. Nicholls, Cook's Court, Carey Street ; Mr. Costerton, Yarmouth ; official assignee, Mr.. Groom, Abehumis Lane. JONES, W., Beckford Row, Walworth, grocer, Dee. 4, Jan. IS: solicitor, Mr. King,. North Buildings, Finsbury Circus; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street. Joansta THOMAS, Hammersmith, brick-maker, Dec. 6, Jan. 4: &filcher. Mr. Foudrinier, College Street, Dowgate; official assignee, Mr. Bell. Coleman Street. LILLEE, W., Albert Road, Peckham, shipowner, Dec. 8, Jan. 20: solicitor, Mr. Dixon, Austinfriars ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court. OpENsIlAW. RICHARD WALICES, Birkenhead, wine-merchant, Dec. 12, Jan. 3: tors, Mr. Carpenter, Staple Inn; Mr. Bretherton, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr, Turner, Liverpool. ORME, JAMES Bootlernm-Linacre, Lancashire, hotelkeeper, Dec. 11, Jan. solicitors, Mr. Humphreys, Gray's Inn Square; Mr. Forsbuw, Liverpool ; official assig- nee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. ROBERTS, WILLIAM, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, apothecary, Dee. 9, Jan. 20: son. cuter, Mr. Lambert, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers. SIMMONS. WILLIAM, Marden, Kent, dealer, Dec. 8, Jan_ 20: solicitors, Messrs, Palmer and Co. Bedford Bow; Mr. King, Maidstone; official assignee, Mr. Follett, BasInghall Street. STEAD, ELME, Kirk Burton, corn-dealer, Dec. 18, Jan. 5: solicitors, MC. Moss, Sergeant's Inn ; Mr. Reyner, Sheffield: official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. SWITHRNBANK, Jeov RBr, Blackburn, Innkeeper, Dec. II, Jan. 3: solicitors, Messrs. WIglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn Square; Messrs. Bale and Co. Manchester ; Moors. Wilkinson and Kenyon, Blackburn ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. TAYLOR, EDWIN, Bristol, stock-broker, Dec. t2, Jan. 9: solicitors, Messes.. Magihs and Co. Old- Jewry; Mr. Fox, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Miller. BrisioL TUCKER, EDWARD. Nicholas Lane, dealer in shares, Dec. 8, Jan. 9; solicitor, Mr. West. Gresham Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. Guildhall Chambers. Wunsowson, ELIZABETH, Dover Street, Piccadilly. lodging-house-keeper, Dee. 9, Jan. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Shaw and Newatead, Ely Place, Holborn ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers. WOOD, Cna.mas, Leeds, grocer, Dec. 14, Jan. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Allistons, Warnford Court; Messrs. Richardson, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.


Dec. 19, Shepard, Shirley, Southampton, brewer-Dee. 19, Schlesinger, strand, merchant-Dec. 19, Wragg, Melina Moe, West minister Bridge Road, iron-merchant- Dee 21, T. and G. Seddon, Gray's Inn Road, cabinet-makers-Dee. 2-, Pearce, Croydon, tailor-Dec. 20, H. and J. Wilkins, London Wall, wool merchants-Dec. 29, Payne, Lewes, clothier-Dec. 22, Hare, Bartlett's Buildings, brush-manufacturer- Dec. 21, Cbappelow jun. Jermyn Street, saddler-Dec. 21, Webster, Hedge !tow, Islington, victualler-Dec. 21, De Vear, Lisle Street, currier-Dee. 21, M. S. and St. Oxley, Norfolk Crestent, Hyde Park. hotelkeepers-Dee. 21, Duelers, Regent's Place, Westminster, tea-dealer-Dee. 20, Gatrell, Lymington, upholsterer-Dec. 20, J. and J. Trevere, East Lane, Walworth, carpenters-Dec. 21. Day, Commercial Road, Pimlico, civil-engineer-Dec. 21, Bolton, Luton, straw-manufacturer-Dec. 19, Hodgkins, Birmingham, shoemaker-lice. 19, Williams, Mullin, cattle-RW..11mo- Jan. 4., Burton and Co. Manchester, manufacturers-Dec. 21, Metcalf, North. Shields, banker-Dec. 21, hi•Douald, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, confectioner,


To be granted, unless cause b sr shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Dec. 21, Rowdier, Cotton Street, Poplar, victualler-Dec. 20, Field, Barge Yard, Warehouseman-Dec. 22, Payne, Lewes, clothier-Dec. 19, Hutchens, Portsea, timber- merchant-Dec. 22, Hare, Bartlett's Buildings, brush-manufacturer-Dec. 20, Carden, Oxford Street, silk-mercer-Dec. 20, liewcomen, Austinfriars, merchant-Dec. 19, Cambridge, Cheltenham, cigar•dealer-Dec. 21, Gartside, Preston, draper-Dec. 21, Flint, Manchester, builder-Dec. 20, Cole, Birkenhead, estate-agent-Dec. 19, Heming- way, Liverpool, merchant-Dec. 19, Maddock, Liverpool, tallow-chandler--Dee. 19, Day, Liverpool, draper-Dec. 19, Robinson, Nantwich, cheesefactor-Dec. 27, Braund jun. Exeter, land-surveyor. To be confirmed ustess cause be shown to the contrary on or before Dec. 19. E. and T. J. Curtis, Aylesbury, plumbers-Haleutz and Baker, St. James's Street, dealers in ready-made linen -Dickenson, Wolstaliton, Staffordshire, grocer-Handley, Brecon-Jackson, Lackenby, Yorkshire, builder-Turner, Bristol, carrier--Tomlin, Charing Cross, carpet-warehouseman- Tregerthen, Lianelly, grocer-Martin, Oxford, tailor-Miller, Oxford Street, bookseller.


Jevons, Tipton, grocer ; first div. of 104. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birming- ham-Smith, Little Bolton, roller-maker • first div. of is. 81d. any Tuesday ; Mr. Pott, Manchester-Hassell, Manchester, milliner ; first div. of Is. I ltd. any Tuesday : Mr. Putt, Manchester-Hyde, Newcastle-wider-Lyme, printer ; first div. of 25. 3d. any Friday ; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham-Edwards, Barslem, manufacturer of earthenware ; first div. of 4s. any Friday lir. Whitmore, Birmingham-Smith, Preston, corn-merchant; first div. of 2s. any Tuesday ; Air. Hobson, Manchester- Singer, Trowbridge, grocer ; first div. of U. Nov. 29, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Acraman, Bristol-Williams, Brecon, draper ; first div. 3s. Nov. 30, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Stansfeld, King's Arms Yard-Hammon, Sekforde Street, ClerkenWell, watch-case-manufacturer; first div. of 3s. 3d. Nov. 30, and three sub- sequent Thursdays ; Mr. Stansfeld, King's Arms Yard-Dorrington and Son, Leeds, cloth-merchants ; first div. of 6d. any day after Nov. 29 ; Mr. Young, Leeds-Hare, Liverpool, tallow-chandler; first div. Is. ad. (on new proofs), any Monday; Mr. Bird, Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

Morris and Co. Glasgow, importers of foreign manufactures, Dec. 2, 23-Mills, Arbroath, merchant, Dec. 1, 21.

Friday, December 1. PAIITNESsIlles DISSOLVED.

Jackson and Little, Sheffield-Fiddian and Crompton, Crescent Road, Millbank, build- ers-J. and W. Booth, Warrington, printers-Abell and Beane, Mitcheldean, Gloucester- shire, surgeons-Emerson and Neste, Bathe,aston, brewers-Faulkner and Co. Man- chester, cotton spinners-Thomson and Co. ; as far as regards C. Thomson-Ball and Bayley, Burwell, Cambridgeshire, millers-Babidge and Lambell, Bristol, animal char- coal manufacturers- Roberts and Co. Birmingham, ironmasters-Jones and Co. Bristol, ivory black manufacturers-Rowlandson and Co. Manchester, ironmongers-Brown and Weston, Sheffield, Britannia metal manufacturers-Brook and Co. Huddersfield, fancy cloth manufacturers-Watson and Co. Battersea, veneer cutters-S. and W. Urlwin, Watford, fellmongers-W. and W. Woodcock, Wisbech St. Peter's, farmers-J. and J. Marriott, Fiskerton,- Nottingliamahlre, millers-Shepherd and Tassell, Faversham, attomies-Davies and Son, Newport, provision merchants-Clarke and Mathews, Wrexham, tallow chandlers-Lineker, Brothers, Bawtry, mercers-Cooper and Co. Mitre Court, St. John Street, paper stainers-Gordon and Cooke, Warwick Court, Hol- born, school agents-Wood and Co. Church Street, Kennington, saw mill proprietors- Farley and Co. Manchester, fancy box manufacturers-Gosnell and Co. Three King Court, Lombard Street, pert suffers ; as far as regards M. A. Getman-Chart:wean and Co. London-Ramsdem and Co. Halifax, wire drawers-Ronald and Co. Glasgow, merchants; as far as regards P. M. Brown.


BEARD, RICHARD, Herne Bay, coal dealer, to surrender Dec. 7, Jan. 4: solicitor, Mr. Brough, Sergeant's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.

COLLINS, FREDERICK WILLIAM MICHAEL, and REYNOLDS, ALFRED, Charterhouse Square, engravers, Dec. 12, Jan. 12: solicitor, Mr. Brialey, Pancras Lane ; official as- signee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. Cooaz, THOMAS, Liverpool, warehouse keeper, Dec. 12, Jan. 3: solicitors, Messrs. Cornthwaite and Wilson, Old Jewry; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool.

n81'15016, MATTHEW, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper, Dec. 14, Jan. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Maples and Co. Old Jewry ; Mr. Brewis, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

GUILLAUME, WILLIAM EDWARD HOUGHTON, Botley, timber merchant, Dec. 11, Jan. 15.: solicitor, Mr• Guillaume, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

Hone, Join?, Walcot, Somersetshire, draper, Dec. 15, Jan. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Maples and Co. Old Jewry ; Mr. Hervey, Bath ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.

PARSONS, Joins, Nottingham, purse manufacturer, Dec. 15, Jan. 12: solicitor, Mr. Lees, Nottingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham.

PETERSON, JOHN, Mount Street, Lambeth, shoemaker, Dec. 8, Jan. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Stanliand and Long, Bouverie Street ; Mr. Badcock, Abingdon; official as- signee, Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers. PINDER, EDWARD, High Street, Camden Town, chemist, Dec. 7, Jan. 10: solicitor, Mr- Peddell, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.

Pares, EDWIN, Bristol, soda water manufacturer, Dec. 12, Jan. 19 : soliciters, Messrs. White and Co. Bedford Row; Mr. Bridges, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.

STEVENS, WILLIAM, Acton Street, builder, Dec. 13, Jan. 10: solicitor, Mr. Edwards, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

STORY junior, Casistornint, High Street, Bow, hatter, Dec. 7, Jan. 12 : solicitor, Mr. Tamer, Mount Place, Whitechapel Road ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. TIPPLER, ROBERT, Great Tower Street, colonial broker, Dec. 12, Jan. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Shearman and Slater, Great Tower Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

Warmer, JOHN, South Shields, banker, Dec. 14, Jan. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard ; Messrs. Chater, Newcastle upon Tyne ; official assignee, Mr.

Biker, Newcastle upon Tyne. DIVIDENDS. Dec. 22, Strange, Abingdon, wine merchant-Dec. 15, Burton, Commercial Road, Lambeth, builder-Dec. 28, Senior, St • Swithin's Lane, hardwareman-Dec. 22, Brown, Winchester, builder-Dec. 22, Weddell, Gosport, scrivener-Dec. 26, Green, Beck- ford Bow, Walworth Road, corn merchant-Dec. 22, Macbryde, Watling Street, wine merchant-Dec. 22, M. E. and J. Bell, Finch Lane, newsvenders-Dec. 29, James, Cardigan, victualler-Dec. 27, Dethick, Newton Heath, Manchester, brewer -Dec. 23, Daintry and Ryle, Manchester, bankers.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Dec. 26, Davis, Luton, merchant-Dec. 22, Darby, Waisham in the Willows, Bury St. Edmund's, baker-Dec. 28, Price, Merthyr Tydvil, Innkeeper-Dec. 26, Lee, Man- chester, paperhanger-Dec. 26, Armistead, Barrovrford, Lancashire, cotton spinner. To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Dec. 22. Stokes, Nottingham, tailor-Todd, Hartfleid, Sussex-Hill, Horneastie, seed mer- chant-Scholz*, Bury, grocer-Gorely, Ewell, farmer-J. and F. E. L. Clark, Pudding Lane, ship brokers-Antill, Newcastle upon Tyne, wine merchant-Gay, Dover, Mustard manufacturer-Churches, Basinghall Street, Blackwell Hall factor.


Hickes, Huddersfield, commission merchant ; first div. of Is. 2d. Dec. 2, and three Subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Elphiek, Castle Street East, Oxford Market, glass cutter ; first div. of 9z1. Dec. 2, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Naish and Glennie, Farringdon Street, ironmongers ; first div. of 3.1. Dec. 2, and three subsequent Saturdays; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Webb, Bury St• Edmund's, draper; first div. of 3s. 64. Dec. 2, and three subsequent Satur- day ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Dodgson and Bradbury, Biahopsgate Street, iron- mongers ; third div. of 6d., making Sr. 2d. Dec. 2, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane -Stockdale, Liverpool, soap manufacturer ; first div. of 8s. Dec. 4, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-More and Blake, Norwich, coal merchants ; first dIv. of Is. 6d. Dec. 6, and two subsequent Wednes- days; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Edwards, Upper Stamford Street, Blacktriars, corn merchant; first div. of 9d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Tenth, Winlaton, Durham, grocer ; sec. div. of Is. In addition to Is• previously declared, Dec. 9, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon Tyne-CorrIck, Bristol, mahogany merchant ; div. of El. Dec. 6, or any subseqnent Wednesday ; Mr. Hutton, Bristol-Shiers, Manchester, paperhanger; first div. of 3s. 64. Dec. 5, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester.


W. and J. Dodds, Glasgow, cordage manufacturers, Dec. 5, 26-Stirling, Edinburgh, victualler, Dec. 8, 29-Scott, Stow, Edinburgh, woollen manufacturer, Dec. 8, 29- Grahame, Glasgow, commission merchant, Dec. 7, Jan. 4.