2 DECEMBER 1899, Page 9

The Stranding of the White Rose.' By C. Dudley Lampers.

(S.P.C.K. 2s.)—Frederic Cornwallis, unable to earn his living at a desk—no wonder, seeing that he could scarcely add up a column of figures—finds a congenial employment in a 'salvage expedition ; and a very remarkable expedition it turns out to be. There is a villain (introduced, we may suggest, with less mystery than might have been employed—we all know what the good-' looking young man with shifty eyes will turn out to be) a beau- tiful heroine, indeed two heroines, a bluff sailor, and the other customary drarnatis persona. The story does not pretend to novelty, but it is sufficiently readable.----Kidnapped by Cannibals. By Gordon Stables, M.D. (Blackie and Son. 3s. 6d.)—As usual it is a long time before we get to the cannibals. But it is un- gracious to find fault with Dr. Stables, who always keeps us amused whatever the place where he lays the scene of his story. This book is no exemption to the general rule.—The Twin Castaways, by E. Harcourt Barrage (Nelson and Sons, 2s. 6d.), is a not very easily intelligible story. It takes us, however, to fresh scenes,—to Cayenne, for instance, which it interests us to read about, though it seems a very undesirable place. But we might suggest that it is somewhat too full of horrors, as, for instance, when the captain is thrown overboard.