2 DECEMBER 1911, Page 12

Confessions of a Robin. By A. F. Mockler-Ferryman. (S.P.C.K. 2s.)---The

Robin, lineal descendant, as he tells us, of the historic " Cock Robin," is a very interesting person, especially when he relates his experiences of human society. Evidently he has got someone who knows all about him to interpret him to the world. There is the description, for instance, of the " Wander Times," and the bird's terror, when in the course of one of these escapades he finds himself in a pheasant cover which is being beaten ; having a high opinion of his own importance, he thinks that it is he who is being hunted.

Two pretty little books may be mentioned together as belonging to the " Dainty Gift Book Series" (R.T.S. is. per vol.)—They are Under the Captain, by Maud Maddick, and The Life of a Doll, by A. Fraser Robertson. Both enforce an excellent moral, one in a serious, the other in a playful manner.