2 DECEMBER 1911, Page 19

Mr. Lloyd George spoke at Bath on Friday week. After

a judicious reference to foreign affairs, he plunged into a heated defence of the National Insurance Bill, which was "swimming along through a murky flood of misrepresentation," and prophesied that a time would come when its traducers would claim to have assisted it along. Mr. Lloyd George devoted the rest of his speech to an impassioned plea for the en- franchisement of woman. Unless they denied her a soul, with all the responsibilities which that fact implied, how could they refuse to her the power which they gave to man, in the government of the country, to answer those responsi- bilities? Throughout the ages their gentleness had saved mankind from barbarism, and " one sex stood with unpolluted hands at the altar of mercy." It was too late now to talk of man as the ruler of creation. This was no new experiment. Wherever it had been tried in our great colonies it had been a complete success. He therefore appealed to the Liberal Party to be true to its high and honoured tradition, and once more next year to widen the bounds of liberty and set the bond free. When Dr. Johnson listened to a young lady who poured out a flood of rhetorical abstractions of this type his only comment was, "Fiddlededee, my dear ! Fiddlededee I "