2 DECEMBER 1938, Page 22


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

Sut,—What exactly is the effect of the Non-Intervention Committee's proposals about granting belligerent rights to General Franco ?

On November 21st the Diplomatic Correspondent of The Times wrote as follows :

" The Barcelona Government have withdrawn . . . and are in the process of dispatching from Spain, all their foreign volunteers. The British plan, including the granting of belligerent rights, will be able to take effect when a corresponding number have left General Franco's territory."

Next day he wrote : " To obtain his wish [the granting of belligerent rights] General Franco, it seems, will have to arrange for a number of volunteers to be withdrawn from his side equal to those withdrawn from the other side."

On November 23rd the same Diplomatic Correspondent wrote :

" The granting of belligerent rights still remains contingent on the withdrawal by General Franco of volunteers in equal proportion to those withdrawn from the Republican side."

What does " corresponding " mean ? Is it " equal numbers " or " in equal proportion " ? Both cannot be correct. I presume the latter is.—I am, Sir, &c.,