2 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 19

A Selection ql Forty-jhor Glees ; with a Piannthrte Accompaniment.

The materials for making a selection of glees are much more acces- sible than for compiling a set of Madrigals. The original copies are

Within every, one's reach ; and being published in score, the selector's trouble is reduced to nothing. Madrigals exist only in single threads, which must be woven into a fabric before their colours &nue out; and hence the perpetual recopying of copies. The aim of the present selec- tion seems to be the introduction of glees into the circle of lady per- formers,—a laudable design, and one which we hope, for their sakes, will succeed. A new and interesting source of musical enjoyment is placed within the reach of all who like to avail themselves of it. Re- garded thus, the selection is most judiciously made ; although the loftier range of glees is, of necessity, excluded. The page is sadly deformed by the substitution of the treble for the tenor clef—that is, of the wron6 notes for the right. Nor is the change at all needed, since, for ladies who cannot read a score, there is a compressed arrange- ment for the pianoforte.