2 FEBRUARY 1850, Page 2

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Parliament was o ad by Commission soon after one o'clock on Thus-

day. The Lords . . oners were the Lord Chancellor, the MIN, quis of Lansdowne, the Marquis of Breadalbane, the Earl of Minto, and the Bishop of London. The Commons having been summoned, and having appeared at the bar with the Speaker at their head, the Comrms- - loners read the Royal Speech, as follows.

" My Lords and Gentlemen—We are commanded by her Majesty to assure you that her Majesty has great satisfaction in again having recourse to the advice and assistance of her Parliament.

-" The decease of her Majesty Queen Adelaide has caused her Majesty deep afflic- tion. The extensive charity and exemplary virtues of her late Majesty will always render her memory dear to the nation. " Her Majesty happily continues in peace and amity with Foreign Powers.

In the course of the autumn, differences of a serious character arose between the Governments of Austria and Russia on the one hand, and the Sublime Porte on the other, in regard to the treatment of a considerable number of persons who, after the termination of the civil war in Hungary, had taken refuge in the Turkish territory. Explanations which took place between the Turkish and Imperial Governments have 'fortunately removed any danger to the peace of Europe which might have arisen out 'of these differences. Her Majesty, having been appealed to on this occasion by the Sultan, united her efforts with those of the Government of France, to which a simi- lar appeal had been made, in order to assist, by the employment of her good offices, in effecting an amicable settlement of those differences in a manner consistent with the dignity and independence of the Porte.

Her Majesty has been engaged in communications with Foreign States upon the measures which might be rendered necessary by the relaxation of the restrictions formerly imposed by the Navigation-laws of this country. The Governments of the United States of America and of Sweden have promptly taken steps to secure to Bri- tish ships in the ports of their respective countries advantages similar to those which their own ships now enjoy in British ports. With regard to those Foreign States whose navigation-laws have hitherto been of a restrictive character, her Majesty has received from nearly all of them ...nuances which induce her to hope that our example will speedily lead to a great and general diminution of those obstacles which previ- ously existed to a free intercourse by sea between the nations of the world.

"In the summer and autumn of the past year, the United Kingdom was again visit- ed by the ravages of the cholera; but Almighty God, in His mercy, was pleased to arrest the progress of mortality, and to stay this fearful pestilence. Her Majesty is persuaded that we shall best evince our gratitude by vigilant precautions against the more obvious causes of sickness, and an enlightened consideration for those who are most exposed to its attacks.

"Her Majesty, in her late visit to Ireland, derived the highest gratification from the loyalty and attachment manifested by all classes of her subjects. Although the effects of former years of scarcity are painfully felt in that part of the United King- dom, they are mitigated by the present abundance of food and the tranquillity which


"Her Majesty has great satisfaction in congratulating you on the improved con- dition of commerce and manufactures. It is with regret that her Majesty has observed the complaints which in many parts of the kingdom have proceeded from the owners and occupiers of land. Her Majesty greatly laments that any portion of her subjects should be suffering distress ; but it is a source of sincere gratification to her Majesty to witness the increased enjoyment of the necessaries and comforts of life which cheapness and plenty have bestowed upon the great body of her people.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons—Her Majesty has directed the zstimates for the year to be laid before you. They have been framed with a strict regard to economy, while the efficiency of the various branches of the public service has not been neglected.

"Her Majesty has seen with satisfaction the present state of the revenue.

"My Lords and Gentlemen—Some of the measures which were postponed at the end of the last session for want of time for their consideration will be again laid be- fore you. Among the most important of these is one for -the better government of The Australian Colonies.

"Her Majesty has directed various measures to be prepared for the improvement Of the condition of Ireland. The mischiefs arising from party processions, the de- fects of the laws regulating the relations of landlord and tenant, the imperfect state of the Grand Jury Acts, and the diminished number of electors for members to serve in Parliament, will, together with other matters of serious consequence, form the subjects of measures to be submitted for your consideration.

"Her Majesty has learned with satisfaction that the measures which have been al- ready passed for the promotion of the public health are in a course of gradual adop- tion; and her Majesty trusts that, both in the Metropolis and in various parts of the United Kingdom, you will be enabled to make further progress in the removal of evils which affect the health and wellbeing of her subjects.

"The favour of Divine Providence has hitherto preserved this kingdom from the wars and convulsions which, during the last two years, have shaken so many of the states of the Continent of Europe. It is her Majesty's hope and belief, that by combining liberty with order, by preserving what is valuable and amending what is defective, you will sustain the fabric of our institutions as the abode and the shelter of a free and happy people."

The Commons departed, and the Peers adjourned during pleasure.


The House of Lords resumed at five o'clock ; and after sonic prelimi- nary business, the Earl of ESSEX moved the Address echoing the Speech, with a running and eulogistic commentary. Vaunting the singular tran- quillity of this country during the convulsions of Europe, he highly praised the upper classes for having sacrificed their prejudices and interests, and for their courage in passing the measures of commercial relaxation; the middle classes he praised for their good sense in the time of disorder; and the press for its almost invariable support of order and property. Touching upon the agricultural complaints, he maintained that the dis- tress was not of a permanent but a temporary character; and laughed at those who had allowed their intellects to be obfuscated by the self-styled farmers' friends. On another topic he expressed a hope, that the time was not far distant when more liberty would be allowed to the Colonies as respects their internal affairs.

Lord Mernuee seconded the Address ; with some censure of the agri- cultural agitators, who have increased the panic by false alarms; and of those most opposed to the agriculturists, who with words of peace in their mouths have endeavoured to set class against class.

The Earl of STBADR1100ILE maintained that the distress is not of a tem- porary but a permanent kind ; and, with a retrospective history of Corn- law legislation, he moved, by way of amendment, to add, after the words "great body of the people," the following passage—

"But we feel compelled humbly to represent to your Majesty, that in many_ parts of the United Kingdom, especially in Ireland, various classes of your Majesty's subjects connected with the land are labouring under severe distress ; which is attributable, in our opinion, to recent legislative enact- ments, and aggravated by the operation of local taxation." The Earl of Dessinr seconded this amendment ; with particular refer- ence to the declining state of Ireland. Re stated, that last year was the first in which he had not received his rents; and he knew a gentleman who could not get a tenant fin his land at twelve or ten shillings an acre. Re was sick of the cry of " more capital" to the land : capital would find its level, and if land offered profitable emploent for it there would be no want of it. That statement might be called an excuse to farmers for not paying their rents ; but landlords, tenants, and labourers, must learn that they will have to share the depreciation. On the other hand, he contended that the boasted prosperity of manufacturing industry is partial and fallacious. The property invested in land is estimated at 2,000,000,0001., that in manufactures only at 80,000,0001. ; and the boasted increase in cotton exports was only 13 per cent in 1849, while it amounted to 28 per cent in the five years ending with 1837, under a sys- tem of restriction.

The Earl of Carmine spoke against the amendment. If it were a mere philological distinction of words, it was not worth while to alter the Address for it; if it were to be taken in the view of the proposer's speech, it raised a large question, which had better be deferred to a more suitable opportunity of discussion. Lord Carlisle entered into divers retrospect- ive considerations, to show that, whereas the agriculturists had declared that they could not grow corn at less than 80s., and then at 638., they have not only contrived to grow corn, but actually to get more rent out of their lands. He also showed that corn has twioe been lower when agri- culture was basking under the full glow of protection than it is under free trade. He ascribed the lowness of price to temporary causes,— failure of the Irish potato crop, European revolution, &c. ; deman.ded longer time for the experiment in free trade ; argued that the arrange- ments of landlord and tenant are not to be settled upon waiversal and in- flexible rules, but must be governed by the specialties of each ease; and insisted that you must look beyond the condition of farmers and landlords to that of the people at large, which has been extremely benefited by the diminished price of the articles of subsistence. Iwfact, the Protectionist complaints amount to this—that there is too much to eat in the country. Yet the trade of agriculture is not decreasing : on the contrary, he under- stood that a greater breadth of wheat had been sown during the last year than had ever been the case before; and the applications for enclosures of land were seventy-two, affecting 48,065 acres—the largest amount for which application had been made in any one year. With regard to any change of policy founded on these complaints, whatever might be the ease on the well-ordered estates of their Lordships, there was scarcely a by-lane in the rural districts, or a back street in their large towns and cities, that would not cry out loudly against any such attempts. Sooner than consent to any measure which should either in seeming or in reality diminish the comforts or necessaries of life of the great masses of the people—Fleenor than he would give his individual consent to any propo- sition or to any change of policy which would have that effect—he would forfeit the place which he had the honour to hold among their Lordships' ranks. With these feelings, he called upon their Lordships to give a positive and in point of number an overwhelming refusal to adopt the amendment The Duke of Bream:ere thanked Lord Carlisle for the admission which he had just made, pointing to the sequel of all these Free-trade measures ; for free trade was the best course he could adopt if he wished to be shorn of all his honours. The Duke eomplained that the slighting allusion to agricultural distress in the Queen's Speech was a slap in the face to the owners and occupiers of land for making their complaints. The noble Lord who moved the Address had lectured the Protectionists on their con- duct: he was not surprised at that—he never knew a man who left their ranks who did not hate them most cordially. The noble Earl had con- gratulated the House on their " courage" in passing the measure ; cou- rage! was that the term he had got for cowardice ? [The Duke spoke much more in the same strain, and was proportionately cheered by his own


T debate proceeded without much interest. Earl Frrzwuziam and Earl GRANYLLLE supported the Address ; the latter declaring that the question raised by the Protectionists was exclusively one of rent. The Earl of Wtarcezesea warmly declared that the Saxon blood in the veins of the English tenantry and labourers would not let them consent to be trampled upon. Lord BROUGHAM did not say that the distress had been exaggerated, but he denied that it had been ascribed to the right cause : free trade could not be the cause, for in France, a protected country, the distress is beyond all comparison greater than it is here. And in that country the "burdens upon land" are immeasurably greater—in the refit> of 12 out of 19: a landowner receiving an income of 19,000/. would have to pay 12,0001. towards the support of government. In Germany, the taxes are 25 per cent. Lard Brougham cast a passing censure on the shortsighted benevolence of those who attempt to force up the wages of needlewomen by removing a few thousands, when the state of the labour-market will not allow of their receiving more than 2d. or nd. a day. Lord STANLEY spoke at some length for the amendment, with emphasis, but with less than his usual animation. He maintained allthe opinions he had ever expressed—and expressed, he feared, at too great length on former occasions—as to the practical impolicy of the great experiment that had been adventured, and as to the impracticability of obtaining fell and free recip ro- city from the countries which compete with us. He rejoiced at the assurances of peace, but awaited explanations before he could quite understand the passage respecting the "friendly relations" with Russia, while there are differences between that country and our ally the Porte. He wanted to know on what pretence Italy remains under the divided occupation of the French on the West and the Austrians on the East—two great armies hazardously in presence of each other! He reverted to the insult offered —not intentionally—to the agricultural interest, by the light and trivial allusion to the distress : he denied that the distress affects only the land- lord and occupier—it touches the labourer on the soil, the small shop- keeper, the mechanic, and the artisan. While he did not deprecate the advantages of cheapness and plenty for the masses of the people, he re- gretted to see Government led into error by those who describe themselves as being alone "the people." lie could not impute the prosperity of manufactures to any specific cause : of the enormous increase (128,000,000 yards) in cottons, 89,000,000 have gone to British India, and comparatively_a small portion to any country with which free trade has been established. Rs denied that the question was one of rent alone; though he declared that if they carelessly sanctioned measures for breaking down the interests of

the great landed aristocracy, the days of that landed aristocracy, of the British monarchy itself, would be numbered. A republic would be esta- blished—landed property subdivided, as in France • and then would ensue that state of distress which his noble and learned friend (Lord Brougham) so graphically described. Such is the end to a course of policy openly avowed by many who support her Majesty's Government. Lord Stanley proceeded for some time with arguments to make out that free trade must fulfil Lord Ashburton's prediction, by throwing large tracts of land out of cultivation.

He had been asked to state what measures he desired to see carried. He believed himself, that a moderate protective duty would be advantageous to the agriculturist, advantageous to the revenue and not injurious to the con- sumer: but he did not now call on their Lord:chips to interrupt the progress of the great experiment which was being tried. He asked their Lordships, however, and with confidence, not to refuse their assent to this amendment, which asserted that the two causes of agricultural distress were the recent legislative enactments of this country and the pressure of local burdens, for which those enactments had formerly compensated. The Government had the option of removing one of these causes ; and as the distress of those con- nected with the cultivation of land was caused by the measures of the Government, the Government was bound to take some steps to relieve it. (green.) The Marquis of LANSDOWNE replied to several of Lord Stanley's ar- guments. He took the opportunity of stating explicitly, that this Go- vernment is not only at peace with Russia, but in a state of amity with that power. The progress made in obtaining reciprocity With other powers, within the comparatively short space of six months, exceeded all his expectations. Such is the case with the United States of America, with Sweden, and in a great degree with Holland, though the negotia- tions are not yet completed. He asked, if the amendment were carried, what its promoters meant to do ? The Duke of RICHMOND replied—" I am prepared, if this amendment is carried, to get rid of the present Government; and I have every hope that the Members of a new House of Commons will give their protection to all the domestic interests in this country."

After a speech from the Duke of BEAUFORT on the Protectionist side, and a few words in explanation on a minor point, from Earl GREY, the House divided— Present. Proxies. Total.

For the Address 86 .... 66 .... 162

For the Amendment 69 .... 34 .... 103 Iffinisterial majority 49


The House of Commons reassembled at a quarter to four o'clock ; and some time was occupied with the announcement of notices of motions and Other formal matters.

Mr. Cifanwis Vnaarres, in rising to move the Address, said that he should have been the least appropriate person to be selected for such a purpose, but for the disposition lan all sides to refer the condition of the country- to recent changes in our commercial policy, and for his implicit reliance on Lord John Russell that he would not in any way surrender or compromise those measures which he believed in ho for the wulfare of the people. Mr. Villiers recited tho topics of the Address responding to those in the Queen's Speech. Touching upon the foreign paragraph, he justi- fied that kind of intervention which consists in upholding the cause of peace and humanity. Although we must sympathize with nations strug- gling for their own freedom, there is no way in which we can aid them so well—can so well influence foreign governments—as by pointing to our own example, which shows that the greatest amount of liberty enjoyed by any people on earth is consistent with peace, order, and wealth. He argued at considerable length, that every prediction Lade by the advo- cates of free trade in commerce and navigation has been fulfilled, and that every prediction made by the advocates of protection has been nulli- fied—that every advantage expected from the elaange has been realized, every bad consequence negatived. He read copious shipping statistics, showing that in Liverpool the vessels building have increased from 2,229 tons at the beginning of 1849 to 2,850 novt ; with similar increase in other ports. He also cited statistics to show that pauperism and crime are de- creasing, that employment is increasing, and food abundant : more flood has been imported during the last sixteen menthe than was imported in the sixteen years before,—namely, at the rate of 1,000,000 quarters of corn a month. He calculated the amount of saving to the country in 1849 from the diminution in prices of food as compared with those of 1847. The average price of wheat has fallen from 698. 5d. to 39s. 4d. ; barley, from 37s. to 25s.; oats, from 28s. to 15s.; beans, from 40e. to 26s.; pees, from 398. to 29e. 6d.: he took the consumption of wheat at 20,000,000 quar- ters barley, 20,000,000 quarters ; oats, peas, and beans, at 20,000,000 quarters: at the different prices, the gross saving on all those kinds is 61,000,000/. At a low estimate, the corresponding diminution on butter, cheese, potatoes, and other vegetables, amounts to 30,000,0001.; making an entire saving of not less than 91,000,000/. sterling.

He regretted the existence of the agricultural distress ; but called to mind how often it had been considered before, and how every possible kind of relief had been tried without effect ; and from the way in which events had negatived former predictions of agriculturists, he anticipated that as they found they could raise corn at 808. and 63a, so now they would still be able to raise it at the price which is to be obtained for it: In proof that enterprising farmers do not really despond, he observed that land still fetches as high a price in the market as ever it did ; and he cited a particular case, that of a farm in Gloucestershire- " It contains 400 acres, and was formerly let at 20s. an acre. The land has been drained, and money otherwise laid out in permanent improvement*. It has been recently taken on lease by an experienced farmer with adequate capital at 40s. an acre. By the terms of the agreement the tenant is to be at liberty to destroy game, to remove hed cut down trees, and in short to

deal with the land as if it were his own. (Iges, ronical cheers from the Opposi- tion.) When we heat of land turning to waste, and the landed interests going to ruin—when, in fact, the worst comes to the worst--then the coun- try must resort to good farming. (Cheers.) The lease also provides that all differences arising between landlord and tenant are to be settled by arbitra- tion. (Ories of "Name I") If there be any question as to the correctness 01 the account, I shall get liberty from the person who has disclosed it to me to:eve the name of the farm or the parish."

He denied that the land has peculiar burdens—it has peculiar exemp- tions; and in facilities—as to the manner of farming, the neighbourhood of markets, and ready communication—the land of Great Britain is supe- rior to that of other countries.

" I believe that the prosperity of this country will endure,and that the prosperity of Ireland must follow. I have full confidence in the vigilance of the Government, and in those great concessions of civil and religious free- dom which have been made during the last twenty years. I never can be- lieve that the great measure of commercial freedom can be productive of other than good ; and I cannot help hoping, with the last paragraph of her Majesty's Speech, that, by combining liberty with order—by preserving what is valuable and amending what is defective—you will sustain the fa- bric of our institutions, as the abode and the shelter of a free and happy people.'" Sir JAMES Dm seconded the Address. He had voted against the alteration of the Navigation-laws but was glad to find his apprehensions negatived. He was glad to see that her Majesty contemplated an increase in the number of Parliamentary voters in Ireland, but should have been better pleased if they had had some intimation that a similar measure was to be extended to this country. (Loud cries of "Hear hear !") Sir Jour; TROLLOP; traversing the ordinary Protectionist arguments, moved an amendment to insert the following passage after the words " commerce and manufactures."

" But humbly to represent to her Majesty, that in many parts of the Uni- ted Kingdom, and especially in Ireland, the various classes of her Majesty's subjects connected with the cultivation of the soil are labouring under se- vere distress, mainly attributable, in our opinion, to recent legislative enact- ments, the operation of which is aggravated by the heavy pressure of local taxation."

Colonel CHATFERTON briefly seconded the motion, with an allusion to the distressed state of Ireland.

Sir Caliatiozs WOOD followed up the statements of Mr. Villiers, insist- ing that trade and manufactures are not only in a state of present but of progressive prosperity : and to bear out that assertion, he quoted trade circulars, statistical returns to Government, &c. We pick out the salient points of this statement. Our exports for 1849 amounted to 58,848,0001. declared value ; an in- crease over 1848 of 10,000,000/., and the increase advances month after month. He went over the principal items of cotton hardware, iron, silk, woollens, &c. ; showing that the increase was spread throughout. While the quantities are increasing, prices are rising,—calico prints from 9s. to 10s., eambries from 6.s. 9d. to 7s. 6d., and so on. In spite of the change in the Navigation-laws, shipbuilding is increasing in every port excepting that of Lynn. The agricultural distress prevails chiefly among small holders, and discharged labourers ; labourers in employment find their condition to be singularly beneficial Although the sudden fall in price has caused discouragement and distress among farmers, the reaction of prices has already sufficed to check the immense exports from the Continent : and in the Hark Lane Express it is stated, that notwithstanding the large im- ports, stocks are light. Meanwhile, although corn has fallen, since 1815, from 808. to 508., there is only one county of England in which the rental has fallen. At the same time, he must say that the language used by landed proprietors throughout the country, identifying protection with the preservation of high rents, has left them without reason to complain even if rents be not paid. It VMS said that labourers would be thrown out of employment ; but tho roor-Iew returns prove the reverse. The num- ber of persons relieved in 506 unions—all that had yet made re- turns for this year—was, on the 1st of January 1849, 987,164 ; on the 1st of January 1850, 923,167 • a diminution of 63,997. ThroughA out England and Wales, the total diminution in the number of per- sons relieved up to January has been 15.4 per cent. The expenditure for the year ending at Lady-day 1848 was 6,180,0001.; Lady-day 1849, 5,792,9631. • a diminution of 287,802/. One branch of British agriculture has laboured under no depression—the export of British wool is enor- mously increased. The consumption of sugar—which during certain states of price had been forced—and the consumption of coffee, have de- creased ; but in cocoa, rum, brandy, tea, and provisions, there has been a very great increase of consumption in 1849 as compared with 1848. Raw materials also have greatly increased in consumption ; flax, from 1,315,599 hundredweight to 1,676,512; quicksilver, from 1,604,639 pounds to 2,29,458; -silk, from 3,645,371 pounds to 4,303,610; cot- ton wool, from 5,769,256 hundredweight to 6,255,663; sheep's-wool, from 60,800,570 hundredweight to 70,204,837. In the mining districts of Cornwall, employment is brisk, wages are good, and exports are in- creasing. In shipping there has been an increase ; the numbers standing thus—Inwards, in 1848, 24,949 ships, 5,095,000 tons ; in 1849, 28,946 ships, 5,678,000 ions: Outwards, in 1848, 23,394 ships, 4,678,000 tons ; in 1849, 25,660 ships, 5,120,000 tons. The revenue is increasing, and in the year ending in January income exceeded expenditure by 2,098,000V In the Bank of England gold amounts, in round numbers, to 17,000,000/., against 15,000,000/. at the corresponding period last year. As to the im- portations of gold from California, he did not think that the whole sum derived from that place exceeded 60,0001. or 70,000/. He be- lieved that this prosperity would continue ; and that, rising from its tem- porary depression, the agricultural interest would participate in the gene- ral improvement: its prosperity would be based, not upon the delusive foundation of protection, but upon the firm foundation of a natural state of things, from which it could never be removed. The Amendment was supported by Mr. H. A. HBRBER_LT Sir Yonat WALSH, MT. GRANTLEY BERKELEY; the original Address, by Mr. FAGAN. The Marquis of GRANDY moved the adjournment of the debate. Lord Jour Resin:am wished for an understanding that the debate should be brought to a conclusion on Friday night. Mr. Disnarra confessed to a wish to close the debate on Friday; but several around him cried, "N No understanding !" and he could not promise. it would depend partly on the temper of gentlemen opposite : "From past experience, I am sorry to say that the noble Lord is not able to exercise that influence upon his own side cif the House which he wishes to exercise upon this."

The debate was adjourned ; and the House broke up at a quarter past twelve o'eloek.


ID. the House of Commons, early on Thursday evening, Mr. Turxrzt stated the order in which Ministers propose to bring forward certain mea- sures. [See list of Notices.] In the Tipper House, Lord Been:num moved the first reading of a Bill to Consolidate and Amend the Laws and Statutes relating to Bank- ruptcy ; "a digest of the bill of lust year, to correct the errors, blunders, and Omissions, which had been practised upon that measure by the House of Commons. A Bill for the better Regulation of Select Vestries, introduced by Lord LANSDOWNE, was also read a first time. NOTICai OF MOTION(.

Monday, 4th February. Lord John Russell—In Committee of the whole House, to move for a Bill for the better Government of the Australian Colonies ; and to make a Statement of the Colonial Policy of the Government. [Postponed to Friday the 8th .1 Tuesday, 5th February. Chancellor of the Exchequer—Bill for amending the Law relating to Savings-banks.

— . Mr. Anstey—B 1 for the repeal of Penal Acts against the Roman Catholic Religion. .... Mr. Horsman—To call the attention of the House to the state of Legislation on Ecclesiastical Affairs.

.... Mr. Drummond—Bill to facilitate the Transfer of Real Property. .... Mr. Moffatt—Bill to amend the Law relating to Bankrupt Members of the House of Commons, and to vacate the seats of Bankrupt and Insolvent Members, and to facilitate the recovery of Debts from such Members. .... The Chancellor of the Exchequer—Select Committee on Savings-banks. .... The Chancellor of the Exchequer—Select Committee on Army and Ordnance Expenditure.

.... Mr. William Fagan—Bill to make Life Policies of Insurance amenable at law, and to make other amendments in the Law relating thereto.

.... Mr. Milner Gibson—Bill to establish County Financial Boards for the as- sessing of County Rates, and for the administration of County Expenditure in England and Wales.

.... Mr. Halsey—Bill to amend the Rating of Small Tenements. .. Colonel Dunne—Committee of the whole House, on the Acts which prohibit tkegrowth and manufacture of Tobacco in the United Kingdom, with a view to their repeal.

Wednesday, 6th February. The Solicitor-General—Bill for the regulation of Process and Practice in the Superior Courts of Common Law in Ireland.

The Solicitor-General—Bill to simplify and improve the Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. .... The Solicitor-General—Bill to amend the Laws for the Registration of As- surances of Lands in Ireland.

.... The Solicitor-General—Bill to amend the Laws concerning Judgments in Ireland.

*. Mr. Hawes—Select Committee, to inquire into the grievances complained of in Ceylon in connexion with the administration and government of that colony, and to report their opinion whether any measures can be adopted for the redress of any grievances of which there may be shown just reason to complain ; and also whether any measures can be adopted for the better administration and govern- ment of that dependency.

Thursday, 7th February. Mr. Poulett Scrope—Bill to exempt dwelling-houses be- low a certain value from local taxation.

.... Mr. Stuart Wortley—Bill to amend and alter an Act passed in the 5th and 6th years of the reign of King William the Fourth, so far as relates to Marriages within certain of the prohibited degrees of affinity.

Friday, 8th February. Sir William Somerville—Bill to restrain Party Processions in Ireland.

The Solicitor-General—Bill to enable persons having limited interests in land in Ireland to make Building Leases and Improving Leases.

.... The Solicitor-General—Bill for facilitating and better securing the due ad- ministration of Charitable Trusts.

.... The Chancellor of the Exchequer—Bill to make better provision for the ma- nagement of the Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues of the Crown, and for the direction of Public Works and Buildings. .... Sir George Grey—Committee on Prison Discipline

. Monday, 11th February. Mr. Labouchere—Bill for improving the condition of Mas- ters, Mates, and Seamen in the Merchant Service.

.... Mr. Labouchere—Bill for the regulation of the Merchant Seamen's Fund. .... Mr. Labouchere—Bill for the regulation of the admeasurement of the Ton- nage and Burden of the Merchant Shipping.

. Sir William Somerville—Bill to amend the Laws which regulate the qualifi- cation and registration of Parliamentary Voters in Ireland.

Sir William Somerville—Bill to shorteu tha aeration of Elections in Ireland; and for establishing additional places for taking the roll thereat.

Tuesday, 12th February. Sir William Molesworth—ltesolutions on the subject of Colonial Government.

TAursday, 14th February. Mr. Ewart—Bill for enabling Town-Councils to establish Public Libraries.

. .... Mr. Ewart—Reappointment of Committee on Public Libraries. .... Mr. Ewart—Repeal of Advertisement Duty.

.... Mr. William Fagan—Committee of the whole House, to take into considera- tion the Law relating to the Rate or Tax called "Ministers' Money," in Ireland. .... Sir De Lacy Evans—That payment of a direct Tax, governmental or paro- chial, shall qualify to vote for Members of Parliament. .... Mr. Adderley—Bill repealing part of the Act 5 Geo. IV. which empowers her

• Majesty, with the advice of her Privy Council, to appoint any places in her Ma- jesty's )ominions for the Transportation of Felons and others under sentence of punishment.