2 FEBRUARY 1861, Page 8


&Foca EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arrimaroow.

The Consol Market opened with firmness on Monday morning, and soon experienced an advance of 5 per cent. The first transactions for Money were at 911911, and the closing quotations were 915 911 for Money, and 91} 91/ for Account. On Tuesday there was an additional rise of nearly / per cent, since when increased buoyancy has been manifest, and some large transactions have been entered into, both for February and March Accounts; the last quotation for the latter is 911 911 after being " buyers " at 911. A further improvement of per cent took place today, viz., from 911 to 925. The Market is not quite so firm at the close, leaving off 92 "buyers" only. Money has been in good demand at full rates, but without creating any material pressure. The improved tone of the market is owing mainly to more favourable advices from America and higher prices from the Paris Bourse, together with the absence of any particular adverse news from the Continent. Tenders for the New 3,000,0001. Indian Loan are to be sent in not later than Friday the 8th of February. The Five per Cent India Stock has been negotiated today at 991, 99, and 99} ; the Debentures (1858)

at 951 and Ditto (1859) at 951. Bank Stock leaves off 232 234; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 91/ 92. Money on Government Securities has been about 55 per cent all the week.

A large amount of business has been transacted in Foreign securities, and prices rule at higher figures in nearly all cases. The chief dealings have taken place in Mexican, in which Stock an advance of 2 per cent has been established, leaving off this afternoon, 23/ 24; Peruvian Stocks have like- wise risen, and are quoted for the Four-and-a-half per Cent, 96 97 ; the Three per Cent, 735 745 ; the 1Jribarren, 80 82 ; and the Dollar Bonds, 78 80; Buenos Ayres, 93 95; Ditto Three per Cent, 29 30; Venezuela, 21 22; Ditto One-and-a-half per Cent, 11 12; Grenada Active, 15 16; Ditto Deferred, 55 6; Chilian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 83 84; Ditto Six per Cent, 101 103; Turkish Six per Cent have advanced to 71 711; and the New Ditto to 56} 575, with a good market ; Brazilian, 85 86; Russian Five per Cent, 1035 1041; Ditto Three per Cent, 60 61 ; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93; Sardinian, 82 83; Spanish, 471 48 ; Ditto Deferred, 405 401; Ditto Certificates, 51 5/.

Foreign Railway Shares have been rather more active, and an improving tendency is apparent all round. Northern of France, 371 381; Midi, 20 21; Lombardo-Venetian, 11 die. ; Paris and Lyons, 36 361; Paris and Strasbourg, 23 24 ; Luxembourg, 61 61; Sambre and Meuse, 55 51; East Indian, 97 98; Great Indian Peninsula, 94 95; Madras, 911 921; Bombay and Baroda, 911 925.

In English Railways, a brisk business has been passing, and quotations generally exhibit considerably higher figures. Caledonian Stock is finally 98 981; London and Brighton, ex div., 1131 1141; London and South- Western, 94 941; London and North-Western, 1001 1001; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1151 1161; and Great Western firm at 73 735. The fortnightly settlement took place yesterday, and passed over without difficulty. South- Eastern and Dover, 861 and 861; Great Northern, 112 114; Ditto A stock, 107 108; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 535 541 ; Berwick, 10411051; North British, 655 66. The markets are quiet at the close this afternoon. It appears, from a report of the Red Sea Telegraph Company, that Govern- ment do not feel bound to pay the interest due until the undertaking is in real working order. The shares declined 21 per share today, but afterwards recovered 1/. and close 155 165. Ocean Marine Shares have bean pressed for sale, and leave off 3131; Universal, 15 11; Thames and Mersey, 1111.

Notes issued

626,317,660 Government Debt 211,016,100

Other Securities 3.459,900

Gold Coin and Bullion


Silver Bullion





Proprietors 'Capital 214,653,000 Government Securities (litchi-

Rest 3,370,828 ding Dead WeightAnnuity). A/1,467,43P

Public Dep.:mite 3,581,447 Other Securities


Other Deposits 12,587,039

Notes 5,332,200

Seven D aaaaa d other Bills

633,428 Gold and Silver Coin 774,966



• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, and Div. Acct.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th sad 9th Victoria, cap. 31, for the week ending

on Wednesday the 30th day of Jan. 1861. Isso• DEPARTMENT.