2 FEBRUARY 1918, Page 14

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Perhaps the enclosed

cutting from Monday's Morning Post, particularly the report of Dr. Fogarty, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Killaloe's letter to the Clare County Council, may prove of some assistance in answering the query propounded by your correspondent " E. M." in his letter, " The Vatican and the War," published in your issue of January 26th.—I am, Sir, &c., A READER.

[The cutting from the Morning Post is a report of a speech by Mr. John Dillon. In the course of his speech Mr. Dillon said :— "The effect of the teaching of the Sinn Fein leaders was to be found in the raids at night against farmers' houses in Galway and Clare in search of arms, and the killing of an old man at Nenagh. It was a cruel and shameless thing for the Sinn Feinere to tell the people that they could follow their counsels—and even the priests from the altars had said so—whereas in reality they were heading straight for another rebellion."

—ED. Spectator.]