2 FEBRUARY 1929, Page 31

DON CARELESS. By Rex Beach. (Hutchinson. 7s. (#d.) —There are

two separate adventures in this volume, deftly and fluently expressed by a popular teller of tales. The first, " Don Careless," proves to be a variation on the familiar theme of the repentant prodigal, here picturesquely dashing. through the highly coloured- scenes of life in a city of Bolivia. in a wine-flown mood he has wagered he can win the Bright Pearl, the inaccessible Montes heiress ; and, when he finds himself successful is stricken with shame. -There are sharks, assassins, and abductors in the crowded days that follow; but he regains his lady most sensationally amidst a cheering city. The recital goes with a swing. "'Birds of Prey" is-a vivacious account of a dramatic murder. Stuyvesant Ballard is a mixed and rather original kind of sinner : his houseful-of odd guests is cleverly managed Mr. Rex Beach is a skilful purveyor of excitement.