2 FEBRUARY 1934, Page 21


interests of efficiency in Local Government, may appeal to your readers to turn out and vote in the County Council elections in March ? I make the appeal, in good time, so that they may first consider some of the vital problems involved. The county, it may be said, is too big for the ordinary elector to envisage as a whole. That may be. But the county is still an important part of our Local Government organization. Is it too. much to ask that the elector spares a thought for it on election day,- and -records his crciss at the polling booth ?

noosing, transport, public health, education—these are some of the problems with which the new County Councils will have to deal. And they must have a mandate from the people, not a mere handful of the people, if they are to. deal with them effectively and conscientiously. The various parties in the electo -I will, shortly be appealing for support on party lines. I appeal on grounds of civic duty.-1