2 FEBRUARY 1940, Page 14

It is essential that joint measures should be concerted to

counter these insidious attempts to separate the two peoples. We must be prepared to face the possibility that Herr Hitler may decide to prolong throughout 1940 the war of appease- ment which is costing us f6,00o,000 a day. Should such a postponement of attack really commend itself to the Fiihrer, then the home fronts will have to bear the full strain of this broadened strategy. The war will become a war of psycho- logy as much as a war of nerves. I should like to feel that Sir John Reith (who is a really hopeless psychologist although a fine administrator) were in more constant and intimate touch with M. Jean Giraudoux, the French Com- missar of Propaganda. Each could supply something that the other lacks. Such liaison as exists between the two Ministries of Information is not sufficiently close or constant. It should be improved.

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