2 FEBRUARY 1962, Page 13


SIR,—When we read Monica Furlong's letter last week we, too, were fascinated. We searched our minds and our records to discover why we were sending material to someone who so clearly did not want to receive it. Our records did not help, since they showed clearly that we do not address anything to Miss Furlong. However, we have been sending in- formation for some three years to Monica Knights, at the same Ruislip address. A member of our staff, before she joined us, had been specifically asked for news about a food commodity by Monica Knights and, as she had shown an interest in one food com- modity, her name was put into our lists to receive material about others.

Miss Furlong is also Mrs. Knights—the one who had asked for material, She admitted to us that she had requested it, and admitted, too, that she had used it—for her own cookery if not for her profession of journalism. She appeared to have found it interesting enough not to have telephoned or written to us once in three years to ask us to end the supply (bombard- ment?).

Since we arc always glad to know that our pub- licity releases are practical and that people really can cook with the recipes we issue, we are keeping Mrs. Knights on our lists—though we shall see that she is not offered coloured photographs or other things she cannot really use. There remains one mystery. Mrs. Knights main- tains that she received one registered package from us, although we cannot find any trace of this and although we have never sent any publicity matter in this way. We can only assume that at least one other company is also sending material to her.


Public Relations Director Erwin Wasey, Ruthrauff & Ryan, Ltd., Williams House, Eastbourne Terrace, W2