2 JANUARY 1830, Page 12

"Gossip or THE DAY. — On Christmas-day their Royal Highnesses the Duke

and Duchess of Cumberland attended divine service at the parish-church of Kew, anti received the sacrament at the bands of the Rev. Mr. Delafosse."—Illoruing Journal. [We hope there isitothing hidden under our contemporary's title] IDENTITY.—A sprinkling of muriate of soda has been found to dissolve frozen snow that had resisted the scraper—from being, as the Morning Chronicle says, "identified with the stones themselves."

WuKr is LABOUR ?—The following definition is from a learned corresponden of the Morning Journal. If our readers don't comprehend it at first sight. they may read it over again. "According to nature's productive system, or the system of productiveness according to her laws, labour, and skill, \Olen accompanied with chargeability, or the power to draw front others, are portions, but far from being the whole of wealth ; and they are so to the exact amount of that charge- ability. In our country they may reach from forty to fifty per cent, of price. Thus labour is rendered productive by means of something else. The labouring classes draw their means of wealth, partly from others, through the chargeability of their peculiar articles, or their labour and its products, as these others draw their wealth partly from the labouring classes by means of the chargeability of their peculiar articles."

COCKNEY METEOROLOOY.—The learning and logic of the Herold are to us two never-failing sources of gratification. The French papers have denied tint there

was any hurricane in the Windward Islands on the 26th October. The City cor- respondent, to whose department hurricanes in the West Indies naturally belong, has some doubts how far such a denial is admissible, although the hurricane season ends on the 25th. 'There appears to have been very boisterous weather to the Northward of the Tropics, as the ship Especulador, Captain Carvao, bound to Rio de Janeiro, was totally lost on the 23d of November. at rtladeira, and the Foster, Gay, of Baltimore, perished likewise at the same place, on the 13th of November."—Who can fail to see the sequence here? Twovessels were wrecked at Madeira in the middle of November—how then could there fail to be a hurri- cane within the Tropics on the 26th October?

GENEROSITY OF TUE BRITISH PUBLIC.—It is contrary to the generous feeling of a British public to suffer might to oppress the weaker, or allow the exhaustless resources of the national purse to be brought to bear against the inadequate re-

sources of private property, whenever personal pique, a love of despotism, a wish for universal power, or a detestation of long-recognized principles shall inspire

those having its control with a wish thus to exercise it. Even in the idle assent- blage of a rabble around some juvenile street combat, this feeling is displqed in the encouraging cry of "Go it, little one !"—Jiwning Journal. [The " go it" of the respectable represedtatives of the British public that crowd round a street fight, end for the most part in procuring for the fool that listens to them a sound beating instead of a slight one. The worthy editor is not, however, the first that has mistaken the encouragement of an idle rabble for the voice of the public, and suffered accordingly.] DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND.—The Court Journal lately published a drawing of the Queen of Holland's jewels, in order that, if they happened to be sported in tiny

of the fashionable circles, the wearer might he 11:trided over to Sir Richard Birnie

tout de suite. The Literary Gazette, giving up the jewels for lost, has busied itself in finding others. As our contemporary brings his goods from afar, he has travelled all the way to the Urals groping for diamonds. "It now appears that, among other discoveries, there is a great probability of diamonds being found to a considerable extent 011 the left side el the Ural ; as Count Von Paler, wilo

accompanied the learned baron, obtained seven of these precious stones front the

gold washing by mere children, at a place about two hundred anti fifty wcrsts from Peru. The whole district resemblcs the Brazil mountains, so rich in gold and diamonds ; and machines have been ordered to prosecute this investigation more completely." The order issued to the machines will, we doubt not, lead to happy results. If mere children found seven diamonds, a machine cannot fail of finding seventy and seven at least.

MATERIALS OF MODERN HISTOKY.—There has existed for a long time in this country a party calling themselves Whigs, whose only hold upon public confidence

and good opinion has been their avowed attachment to the liberties of the people,

as opposed to the encroachments oldie Aristocracy and of the Crown. Half the materials of modern history is composed of the pompous never-cmding assevera- tions of this party in favour of the above object, when out of place; and a tole- rable proportion of the other half in proving their dereliction of that principle, when in.—Morning Herald.