2 JANUARY 1841, Page 12



On the 29th Dee., at Waldershare, the Countess of Guttman. of a son.

On the 26th Dec., at Milton, FRANCES Viscountess Mtr.vort, of a sou. Ou the 18th Dec.. at Loggers Cottage, Ness Castle. Inverness, the Lady of Lite Hon_ WILLIAM FRASER, Of SHROUD, of a daughter. On the 21st Dec., at mice Hall, Cheshire. the Lady of the Rev-. W. WALDEGRAYR PARE. of a daughter. On the 25th Dec., in Eaton Square, the Lady of 1.ieut.-Col.M'Atterm. of a daughter. On the 24th Dec., at Pitfour Castle, the Lady of Sir JOHN S. Iticuartosor. Bart., of a sou and heir.

On the 25th Dec., the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES LACEY, of a daughter. On tile 234 Dec., the Lady of CHARLES B. BUCHANAN, Esq., of Toxteth Park, Liver- pool, of a sun, still-born.


On the 29th Dec., at Milibrook Church. CHARLES ANTHONY %mutt, Esq., of the- Royal Artillery, son of the late Colonel Balfour, to Ceaararrre, only daughter of J. Ofiley Crewe Read, Esq., of Pen-y-bryn. Montgomeryshire. and Laverton House, • Haute. On the 8th of April last, at Honolulu. THOMAS A. H. Dresser, Esq.. second son of George Frederick Dickson, Esq., of Hanover Terrace. Regent's Park. to ELISABETH, only child of Richard Charlton, Esq., her Majesty's Consul at the Sandwich Islands. On the 30th Dec., at All Souls' Church, MRIyleb011e. HENRY JAMES BAILLTE, Esq. M.P. for Inverness-shire, eldest sou of Col. Hugh Baillie, of Redcastle. kosshire. for Hendee, to the Hun. PHILIPPA SYDNEY SMYTHE, eldest daughter of Viscount Straugford, G C.B. On the 28th Dec.. at St. George's, Hanover Square, GEORGE FREOERICX, youngest son of Thomas Furnivall, Esq.. of Finchers, Little Misseuden, Bucks, to Aram, eldest daughter of John W. Parker, of West Strand and Citrates Street. On the 31st Dec., at Maryleboue Church. BENJAMIN Watencors. Esq.. eldest surviv- ing son of the late Sir Thomas Whicheote, Bart.. of Aswarby Hall. Lincolushire, to Hamar, relict of the late William Villiers Suttees, Esq.. of nether House. Sussex, arid Desensitise Place.

Ou the 31st Dee.. at Hollingboume. Kent, EDMUND BARREL FAIINCE, Esq., of Sharsted. to MARY Downie, eldest daughter of Baldwin Duppa Duppa, Esq., of Hullingbourne House.


On the 20th Dec.. at Gonville College, Cambridge, in her 76th year, Hrs. SMELLS Mortises. Widow of the late William Maxwell Morison, Esq.. of Edinburgh. Advocate. On the 20th Dee., at her residence, Alfred Street, Bedford Square. Lady DILLON. Wife of the Chevalier Dillon, late French Consul for the Islands in the Pacific, in her 42d year. On the 30 Dec., at Clarendon Park, Lady HERVEY Barnmerr, Wife of Sir Frederick Hersey Bathurst, Bart., daughter and co-heiress of the late Walter Smythe, Esq., of Brambridge House. Hampshire. On the 21st Dec., suddenly, at his residence. Rue d'Agusseau, Paris, in his 74th year, JOHN LOWNDES. Esq., formerly of Arthurlie, in the county of Renfrew. On the 21st Dec., at Cadiz, FRANK HALL Sr/a:mu, Esq.. uf Duxbury Hall, in the county of Lancaster. On the 26th Dec.. at Great Buckland, Maidstone, the Rev. ROBERT FOPE, in his 6311 year. On the 24th Dec.. at the residence of his Bitter, Mrs. Laney. Kentiworth, the Rev. HENRY ALLEN, M.A.. in his 30th year. eldest sun of the late Richard Allen. Esq., of Dalby Terrace, Islington, whom he survived but one day. On the 25th Dec., MARY, Wife of Charles B. Buchanan, Esq., Toxteth Park. Liverpool. On the 28th Dec., at his residence in the Upper Foundation, Windsor, Captain HOLMES, in his 71st year. On the 27th Dec., after a short illness, at his residenee iu the Adelphi, in his 80th sear. THOMAS HILL, Esq.. an iudivintual more intimately known in the literary circles of Londou than any other person, perhaps. that ever existent. On the 29th Dee., in Prince's Court, Westminster, Mrs. ELIZABETH NEWCOMBE, Sister of the late William Newcombe, Esq., of Trevithick, Cornwall, in her 87th year. On the 21st Dec., Mrs. ALICE BARNARD, of Sudbury. Suffolk, relict of the late Jobe Barnard, Esq., in her 90t1r year.