2 JANUARY 1841, Page 22


Wan-orrice, Dec. 29.-13th Regt. Light Drags.—Capt. C. E. Doherty. from the 14th Light Drags. to be Capt. vice Weston, who exchanges. 14th Light Drags—Capt. G.

Weston. from the 13th Light Drags, to be Capt. vice C. E. Doherty, who exchanges. 15th Light Drags.—Assist.-Surg. E. Mockler, from the 79th Root, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Reade, who exchanges. tat Grenadier Rest. Foot Guards—Capt. H. Fitz-Roy to

be Capt. and Lieut•Col. by purchase, vice Loftus, who retires; Lieut. Hon. H. H. M.

Percy to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Fits-Roy; 1. R. Visct. Hinton to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Percy. 9th Regt. Foot—Ensign A. Layard to be

Lieat. by purchase, vice Bmwurigg, promoted to the 2d West India Rent. 16th Foot

—Lieut. W. Ashmore to be Capt. without purchase. vice Colley, deceased; Ensign W. S. Carter to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Jones, deceased ; Ensign T. Garrett to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Ashmore; Qnartermaster-Sergt. W. Sample to be Ensign,

without purchase, vice Carter; H. A. Macdonold. Gent, to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Garratt. 21st Foot—Lieut. W. J. King to be Capt. without purchase, vice Nicols. deceased; Second Lieut. J. P. Stuart to be First Lieut. vice King; Gent.

Cadet A. Bolton, from the Royal Mill. Col, to be Second Lieut, without purchase, vice Stuart. 22d Foot—Assist:Sorg. J. Anderson, from the 79th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. 26th Foot—Majnr A. S. H. Mountain to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Brevet Col. Oglauder, deceased ; Brevet Major W. Johustoue to be Major, vice Mountain: Lieut. T. Ffreuch to be Capt. vice Johustone ; Ensign H. B. Phipps to be Lieut. vice Ffrench; Ensign A. F. Wallace to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Phipps, whose promo- tion, by purchase, lias been cancelled; Troop Sergi. Major C. Duperier. from the 4th Light Drags. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Wallace. 35th Foot—Thomas Harries Wilson. Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Trafford, who retires. 44th Foot—Ensign G. H. Skiptou to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Jenkins. dec.; Ensign mid Adj. R. Kipling to have the rank of Lieut.; W. Swayne, Gent, to be En-

sign, without purchase, vice Skiptou. 47th Foot—R. W. Lowry, Gent. tube Ensign, by purchase, vice Coffiu, whose appointment has been cancelled. 53d Foot—E. S. Docker, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Hardin, promoted iu the 98th Foot. 601h Foot

—Second Lieut. and Adjt. T. Mitchell to have the rank of First Lieut. ; Gent. Cadet

G. Clapcott, from the Royal !Ail. Coll, to be Second Lieut. without purchase, vice Brown, promoted in the 68th Foot. 61st Foot—Ensign T. N. Dalton to be Lieut.

without purchase, vice Feuwick, dec. ; Ensign A. Forbes, from the 68th Foot, to be

Ensign, vice Dalton. 62d Foot—Ensign J. Dane to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Fulton, dec. ' • Ensign R. Gubbins to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Elkington, dec.

66th Foot—A. Forbes. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Hammond, appointed to the Rifle Brigade; Gent. Cadet F. W. Newdigate. from the Royal Mil. Coll, to he Ensign, without purchase, vice Forbes, appointed to the 61st Foot. 79th Fuot—assist.- Sorg. H. C. Reads, from the 15th Light Drags. to be Assist. .Sorg. vice Mockler, who exchanges; H. B. Oakes, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Andelson, appointed to the 224 Foot. 88th Foot—Second Lieut. E. J. V. Brown, from the 60th Font, to be Lieut.

without purchase, vice Mackie, promoted. 96th Foot—A.sist.•Surg. G. Stewart, from the Staff, to be Assist.•Surg. 98th Foot—Assist..Surg. H. Bardin, from the 5.3d Foot. lobe Slug. vice T. Bourchier, who retires on half-pay.

Rifle Brigade—Second Lieut. G. B. Dawson to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Fergusson, who retires ; Ensign H. M. Hammond, from the 66th Foot, to be Second. Lieut, by purchase. vice Dawson. 24 West India Regt.—Capt. J. Allen to be Maim. by purchase, vice Anderson, who retires; Lieut. S. 13rownrigg. from the 9th Foot. lobe Capt. by purchase, vice Cubbe, promoted; Lieut. A. Carden, from the list Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Allen.

Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies—Ensign and Adjt. W. Jenkins to have the rank of L:ent.

Unattached—Major P. Macra,ug,all, from the 48th Foot, to be Lieut. 'Col. without purchase; Lieut. W. H. Goode, from the 10th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase. Hospital Staff—J. C. Dempster, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice G. Stewart. appointed to the 96th Foot.

Memorandum—The Christian names of Ensign Alms, of the 224 Foot, are Thomas Frederick Hill.

Erratum in the Gazette of the 15th instant-351h Foot—For Sergt.-Major George " Gore " to be Quartermaster, vice Cannon, who retires upon half-pay, read Sergt.- Major George •• Cole" to be Quartermaster, &c.

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Jan. 1.—Corps of Royal Engineers—Gent. Cadet D. Galton to be Second Lieut., vice D'Alton, dec. ; Gent. Cadet H. W. Barlow to be Second Lieut vice Freeling, promoted ; Gent. Cadet H. Y. D. Scott to be Second Lieut.. vice Ord, promoted; Gent. Cadet G. D. Butchael to be -Second Lieut.. vice L; Mesurier, promoted; Gent. Cadet G. Ross to be Second Lieut. , vice Tylee, promoted; Gent. Cadet W. H. Inglis to be Second Lieut., vice Moody. promoted; Gout. Cadet J. R. Mann lobe Second Lieut., vice Simmons, promoted. Royal Regt. of Artillery -Gent. Cadet J. Gibbon to be Second Lieut., vice Thomas, promoted; Gent. *Cadet J. R. Andersonto be Second Lieut.. vice Graydou,e promoted; Gent. Cadet P. F O. Scott to be Second Lieut., vice Oldfield, promoted ; Gent. Cadet S. MD, Calder to be Second Lieut., vice Christie, promoted ; Gent. Cadet W. I'. Pollock to be Second Lieut., vice Dennis, promoted; Gent. Cadet 0.- Nevill toe be Second Lieut., vice Pack, promoted.