2 JANUARY 1841, Page 7


The Dublin Evening Mail says that Mr. O'Connell is now endeavour- ing to oust Mr. Hutton at the next election for Dublin, in order to put in his son John, now Member for Athlone.

We are informed on good authority, that the Tories of Louth intend at the next election to put forth all their strength and return two Tories for the county : in fact, taeir candidates are already named, and some of them are confident of success.—Drogheda Argue.

It is reported that Lord Oxmantown is to be brought forward as a candidate for the representation of Dublin University on the first occa- sion of a vacancy.—Standard.

An aggregate meeting is to be held in Dublin on the 15th January, for the purpose of asserting the right of Ireland to equal franchises and institutions with England and Scotland. The Dublin Post says, that all sections of Reformers, however differing upon abstract points, are thoroughly united in this movement, which is principally directed against Lord Stanley's Registration Bill. Among the names attached to the requisition calling the meeting, are those of Lords Charleinont, Gosford, Listowel, Hawardeu, and Fingal!, and Mr. Sharman Crawford, Mr. Daniel O'Connell, O'Connor Don, and a host of others.

At the meeting of the Repeal Association in Dub".n, on Monday, Mr. O'Connell was again himself on the subject of Lepeal. He pro- mised, that so long as he lived and his influence remained unbroken, not even the paltry insults the people of Ireland received at the hands of the Whigs should induce them to commit a breach of the peace. But, said he, "it depend on a single life ; and when I rest in the tomb, that course of conduct may not be pursued." The young men of Ireland, who had served their apprenticeship in freedom, when they grew into manhood would not submit to such insults as their fathers had endured. Alluding to the conduct of the Whigs, and their demon- strations against Repeal, he said-

" I shall, for my part, vote for the Whigs on all party questions, in order to keep them in : but I tell them honestly and openly, that they have lost alto- gether the hearts of the Irish people, and nothing but the loud cry for Reral shall henceforth be heard amongst us. * * • I did not resume the Repeal agitation until I saw how utterly unable the Whigs were to effect any thing. Thus it was that the Whigs lost Carlow ; and if it were not for the Repealer; Mayo would hare been lost also."

The carpenters of Dublin had a Repeal meeting on Saturday, in the Corn Exchange. Mr. Dillon Brown boasted that there were four hun- dred thousand Repeaters in 'he county of Mayo, which he represented. At this announcement Mr. O'Connell expressed great pleasure, and hailed the representative of so strong a body. Mr. O'Connell said, he and the Carpenters had had a slight misunderstanding; but all was now settled, and they would be good friends for the future. They had now begun to agitate for Repeal in earnest, and would never cease till they had gained their end.

A Ribbon Lodge has been discovered in the Gaol of Carrick-on-Suir, ripe for operation, amongst the fourteen prisoners at present in that gaol for the same crime. Two of the number were sentenced to two years' imprisonment and hard labour, the remaining twelve to eighteen months' imprisonment. Their papers and documents were all seized, and have been laid before the Government.

The Mayo Mercury mentions, as a story it is unwilling to believe, that Mr. William Murphy, of Dublin, a gentleman who has taken a leading part in Roman Catholic politics for a great number of years, has turned out twenty-six families from their holdings on his property in Mayo, though they owed him neither rent nor arrears. It is also stated that he has removed twenty-four other families, and located them on an unreclaimed bog.

The Commissioners appointed by the Archbishop of Dublin to try the merits of the late election of the Dean of St. Patrick's, sat on Wed- nesday, at the Chapterhouse. The procurators appointed by the Chapter for the confirmation of the election were heard ; after which, the Court adjourned to Saturday (this day) to hear the case of the opposer.

A fearful loss of life occurred at a Roman Catholic chapel in Dublin on Christmas-day, owing to a false alarm that the chapel was falling. The people rushed to the door, and some of those who first got out fell down the steps at the entrance. The outpouring crowd in their fright fell upon them, and numbers were suffocated, or severely hurt by the crush of those above them. Three persons are known to have died, and several others remain at the hospital seriously hurt and not ex- pected to recover. Some of the congregation in the galleries jumped into the aisles. A Protestant named Delany was taken into custody on suspicion of having originated the alarm ; but he was afterwards liberated. At the inquest held on the body of one of the sufferers, the Jury came to the following verdict—" That the deceased was killed at Francis Street Chapel, on Christmas-day, by a violent crushing of per- sons rushing out of the said chapel; and that the rushing and forcible crushing which produced her death was caused by a man unknown ; but whether he created excitement from a serious apprehension of danger, or from a felonious intention, we are not able to say."

A woman who was convicted on Saturday, at Dublin Sessions Court, of stealing a purse, earnestly begged the Recorder to sentence her to be transported. She said she had only returned from Sydney ten days; and if she were not returned there for that offence, she would soon do something to cause him to transport her. The Recorder complied, and Sentenced her to seven years' transportation. The prisoner thanked the Court, with tears in her eyes, for the favour ; and turning from the bar, leaped into the dock, saying in a loud voice, " Hurra for old Sydney, and the sky over it I"