2 JANUARY 1847, Page 13

It is understood that the Mutine brig has been - detained at

Spitbead to take out Mr. Mandeville, who is to be charged by Government to proceed to the River Plate to endeavour to settle affairs in that part of the world. -Morning Chronicle. The Gazette of last night announces the appointment of Mr. George Ed- ward Anson as Keeper of her Majesty's Privy Purse, and of the Hon- ourable Charles Beaumont Phipps as Private Secretary to Prince Albert.

It also notifies the promotion of Sir Edward Cust to be Master of the Ceremonies, and of Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Cornwall to be Assistant Master of the Ceremonies; the Honourable Spencer Lyttelton succeeding Colonel Cornwall as Marshal of the Ceremonies. The venerable Member for Middlesex has addressed a letter to his con- stituents stating his intention to retire from the representation of the county, by reason of his advanced age. Mr. Byng has sat in Parliament for Middlesex fifty-six years.