2 JANUARY 1909, Page 2

4 p4

• S





ABaUL.IIAMID, the Deposition of ... 689 Adviser, the Permanent, to the Nation... 412

Affections, the Lesser 770 Afforestation, State ... 117

Africa, South, the Constitution Of 4E69.764

Agriculture Below Ground ,.. • 175 America and the Command of the Sea • 8 American President, the New ... 410 — Tariff, the." 982 Anglo-RumianConvention, the, and Persia 922 Animals in the Nursery ... 532 — Do they Ronson P .. 888 Antiseptic of the Press, the 451 Apes, lutelligent415 Armaments, Limitation of, Mr. Carnegie anti 883 Art, Works of, the Export of _ ... 885 "Ashes, Splendid in" _ 966 Asia, Central, the Secrets of ... ... 413 Asquith Mr., at the Free•Trade Meeting at — — Religious Disabilities 805 Queen's ... 411 — and the Budget _ 846

— — his Speech to the Duma Members„. 1018

Austria-Hungary and Servia 30445 — — the Political Balance-Sheet of ... 403 Austria's Compensation to Turkey .., 80 Azeff, the Career of, as a Police.Spy ... 120-212

BARIES at the "Zoo” .. 73 Bacteriology of theSoil ... 175 Baghdad Railway, the, and the 8pectator 880 Bastiat's Exposition of Free-Trade ... 847

Bible, tho, as a Book.. 449 Birds' Songs, the Setting Down of ... ....1022 Birrell, Mr., his Irish Policy 430

— and Sir Horace Plunkett 524

Bishops, the Need for a Statement by the ... 963 Bismarck, How Ile Used the Press 489 Budget, Mr. Lloyd George's First ... 689 — Land Taxation in the 960 — the, and the Country _ .„ ... 1016 Bulgarian Indemnity, the ... 210 Billow, Prince, his Position 119 — his Speech, June 16th 991 Burns, Mr., on the Defensive 368 By-elections, the, and their Lesson ... 385

CABINET Etiquette 054

Calvin 607 173 411 371 851 883 414 567 983 125 528 9118 3:35 7 402 925 298 46 Candour of the Now Testament, the Capital, the Exportation of ... Came d'Ache Caravanning„, . Carnegie, Mr., and Limitation of Armaments ” Cattishuess "... „ ' , „, Cecil, Lord Hugh, his Plea for Toleration ... -- au Ideal Member for Oxford .., Censure, the Vote of... Change for the Worse, a „, Chanohard, Id,, the Funeral of, in Paris _ Children in Latin Poetry , , „, Chinese Empress•Dovvager, the Late Chord of the River, the Christ and Ceremonial Christianity, Profossorktoldwin Smith on Church the, and Social Reform .„ „ Churchill, Mr. (his Speech at Birmingham on • January 13th) ... • , 80 Command of the Sea, America and the„. so; Communion, Nonconformists and the ... 808-964 — and Confirmation.. ... „. .„ sal /— the Need for a Statement by the Bishops ... 965 Compulsory Military Training _ „, „, 468 Constitution, the South African 210 Country, the, and the Budget 1093 Courtney, Lord, and the Sanctity of Treaties 1.70 Credit, Wily Not a Vote of P 415 Crete and the Young Turks 815 Cromer, Lord, at Leeds ... 118 Crossness ,„ 4,30 Croydon Election, the, and After ... 827

DARWIN Commemoration, the — ... 1021 Davidson, Mr. John, Mr. William

Watson on the Fate of ... 692 Defence, National, Lord Milner and 600 Destruction, the Economics of _ „, m83 Discontents, Thoughts on the Present... ... 485 Disestablishment, Welsh „, m 653 Divorce Court, Publicity in the ... 253 Domestic Science . • „, „, ,,„,

Drees, the Delight of. ,„ „„

Dullness and Monotony ... . 122 Duma Members, Mr. Asquith's Speech to the 1018 'UARTHQITAKE • . 4-9-83 „114 Earthquake Fund (the Mansion House and the House of Commons) ... 42 Einpress-Doivager of China, the Late 7 End, the, and the Means ... 920

Esher, Lord, on the Territorial Army„ ... 41

Essex Estuary, February on an „. , 336

Etiquette, Cabinet„, ,„ 6,, European Situation, the _ „, ,„ 4.87

Expenditure, Public and Private... „, 768 Exportation of Capital, the ... 411 Export of Works of Art, the ... 885 MUIR Wages and Sweated Work ... 0 X' Fair Wages and Free-Trade 416 Fallacies of Land Valuation, the— 923 February on an Essex Estuary ... ... 330

Feeding of School.Children, Canon Barnett on 8

Field Music ... Finance, Socialist ... — Bill, the Firelight .„ Fires, Heath

Fool, the Scriptural

Fool's Paradise, a Naval ... Football, Professionalism iu France, the Outlook in — Labour and' Violence in Free-Trade in Railways — — the Grammar of French Tariff, the, and Retaliation — Postal Strike, the.. 811 43 ••• 884 10 771 _ 869 • 444 ... 295 .. 1018 566 .. 847 . 211 447-705

GAMBLINO, Newspaper Garden Scents, Julio......... Gardening in a Catalogue — ... ... Germany, tho Alleged Hemming in of ...

— the King and Queen's Visit to ... — the Naval Pettey of — ... ... — Russia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina German Imperial Taxation Proposals Glastonbury ... — ... ...

God, a Knight-Errant of .. ... Government, the, and the Lords- - Stroke. tho... ... .. — Grammar of Free-Trade, the ... ...

fizeon,'J. H. ... ... ... ... V.

• . ,

li E tatOrPyi,r1 Lessons of ,.... ...

Homeliness , . .. ... ... ...

Hoino-Rule and Tariff Reform .., • 0 •

Hope of the World, the ... ... ...

Homo, a, and Three Ponies ... ...

— Show, Jumping . at the ... ... ...

House-Pride ... .. „, _ ...

Humanitarianism and Sea Power ••• Hypocrisy, the Difficulties of TLL, the Art of Being 174 1. Increment, Unearned Fel Independent Labour Party, the Schism in the 004 Indian Mohammedans, the, and LordMorloy's Reforms „, ... 168 — Councils Bill, the_ .., 931 — Army, the ..„.. .., 602 Inebriates, the Treatment of ... .., 84 Influence 769 Inriry, the Nature of the, We Desire into the vy Insurance Against Unemployment ... 172-806 International Relations, the New Fact in 52/ Ireland, the State of... 209 Irish Land Bill, the (A Change for the Worse) 528

JERUS, the Reservations of 733 Joan of Arc Juntping at the Horse Show ... .„ 927

June Garden Scents ... 908

KING'S Speech, the ... 288 Kitchener, Lord, and the Indian Army 602 Knight-Errant of God, a ... ... 930 Knights-Errant, Our Modern LABOUR and Violence In France 1018

Land-Taxers, the Conference of „, 252 Land Values, the Taxation of 487-729 — Valuation, the Fallacies of ... ... 923 — Taxation in the Budget... 900 Latin Poetry, Children in ... S:15 Laws of Nature, the, and the Providence of God 9 Lemons of History, the ... 82 "Liberty Not to Fight for One's Country,” the 209 Life, a New-Way of ..„.• „, 564 Lilies, in the Time of .., .„ 570 Lincoln, Abraham 254 Loudon, the Charm of .., 214 Lopukhin, M. (Russian Police Mystery) 212 Lords, the, and the Government .. „„ 328

"MAN is his own Star,” a ... .. 057 Mansion House Earthquake Fund, the, and the House of Commons 42

Manufacture of Paupers, the ... 1019 Manure, a Now, for the Laud ... 487 March, the North Wind in ... 452 Marriage No Disability ... 448 Means, the End and the „, 920 Meeting Again_ 997 Member, an Ideal, for Oxford .., 063 Meredith, George 809 Messina, the Earthquake at. .. 4 Military Training, Compulsory 208-409-504-000.

024120 Milner, Lord, and National Defence ... 600 Minimum Wage, a. 601 Mistral, M. Froddrici_ „. 886 Monotony and Dullness ... ... 122 Morley, Lord, his Reforms, and the Indian Mohammedans .., „, 168 Musk', Field ATATIONAL Defence, Lord Milner and ... .1_11 National Service League's Manifesto ... Navy Estimates, the — the Nature of tho Inquiry We Desire into the Naval Fool's Paradise, a Policy,Vote of Censure on the Government's — Crisis : Thoughts on the Present Die. 488 ▪ 367 903 123 40 244 248.484 521 961 .„ 1020 ... 328 807 ... 847 771 82 213 249 508 47, 027 810 844 531 811 690 208 364 486 414 525 Near East, the War Cloud in the ...

Negro, the American Newspaper Gambling Now Testament, the Candour of the ... Nonconformists and the Communion ... North Wind in March, the -Nursery, Animals in the

OLD.AGE Pensions in Practice and the

Oxford, an Ideal Member for 963

PAGEANTS of the Middle Ages, the 887

Patio, the Charm of 569 Parliament, the Opening of, and the King's peee Parliaments and Parties .. 1018 Paupers, the Manufacture of ... ... 1019 Permanent Adviser to the Nation, the... 412 Persia and the Anglo-Russian Convention ... 922 Playgrounds, Village ... 256 Plunkett, Sir Horace, and Mr. Birrell ... 924 Poo, Edgar Allan ••• 122

Ponies, Three. and a Horse ... ••• 47 Poor Law Commission the :

'The Majority Report' 289 The Minority Report .•• 290 Poor Law Report, the—" Seems So" 694 Portraits, Fancy ... 334 Post Office Strike, the French ... 447-765 Pragmatism and Religion Preparation for War ...

Press Conference, the Imperial... — — the, and Lord Rose yery 920 — the Antiseptic of the 4.51 — How Bismarck Used the ... 4S9 Prime Minister, the, his Speech at Sheffield on the Budget ... ••• ••• Provencal Strain, the ••• Providence of God, the, and the Laws of Nature Public and Private Expenditure ... 768 Publicity in the Divorce Court ... 253 Punch, the Spirit of (Panel:. Exhibition, 1909) 44

QUEEN VICTORIA as Permanent Adviser to the Nation ... 412 Reggio, the Earthquake at...•••


Religious Diaabilitios, Mr. Asquith and Reservations of Jesus, the... ."

Retaliation, the French Tariff and ... Right to Work Bill, the ...

River, the Chord of the Road, a Book of the —a New Way with the ... Roman Catholic Disabilities Removal Bill Roosevelt, Mr., and Secret Service Romberg, Lord, and the Press Conference Royal Visit to Germany. the ...

Russia, Germany, and the Annexation Bosnia and Herzegovina — the Alleged Wealcuess of Russian Pollee Mystery, the

SCENERY of the Train, the ... 093

Scents, June Garden 968 School-Children, Canon Barnett on Feeding of 8 Science, Domestic 731 Scottish By elections, the, and their Lesson 305 Scriptural Fool, the ... 369 Sea Power, Humanitarianism and _ 814 Secret Service. .. 86 Secrets of Central Asia, the ... 413 "Seems So "—the Suffragettes — — the Poor Law Report ... •., 094 Sermons Ancient and Modern ... 818 Servia and Austria-liuugary 860.445 — the Crown Prince of, Isis Renunciation _ 529 Shackleton, Lieutenant 488 Sinking Fund, the — 292-731 Smith, Professor Goldvtin, on Christianity 293 Snow at the " Zoo " .., 970 Socialist Finance Socrates and the Revelation of God ...

Solano Target, the, and Target-Shooting ... 215 Songs of Birds, the Setting Down of ... 1022 South Polo, the Conquest of the... ... Spectator, the, and the Baghdad Railway Speculation and Prices „.. Splendid in Ashes '900 Spy, the Career of a Police 120-212 "Star, a Mau is his own" _ 057 Strike, the French Postal 447-765 Stroke, the Government b07 Stupidity „, Suffragettes, the—" Seenis So" ... Sweated Work and Fair Wages Swinburne, Mr., as a Master of Metre ... 005

TAFT, 410 Target.Shooting and the Bolan° Target 215

Tariff Reform and Home-Rule ... ... 249 Taxation, Principles of „. 728 Territorial Army, Lord Esher on the 41 Thames Backwater, a 87 Toleration, Lord Hugh Cecil's Plea for 567 Trade Boards Bill, the 691 Train, the Scenery of the ..• 093 Treaties, the Sanctity of, Lord Courtney and 170 Turkey, time Situation in .. 291 — the Second Revolution in 601 .. 171 .. 367 .. 173 808-964 -. 452 .. 532 ... 000 652 846 886 9

RAILWAYS, Free-Trade in Reasoning-Power in Animals _ Reform from Within..

566 ... 888 48

2780133451 :11 98118 0719 48 of 10522174

120-212 .. 48 as Turkish Parliament, the Opening of the ... 11

— Problems .., 707

Turks, the Young, and Crete

TTNEARNED Inurement ... _ 766

Li Unemployment, Insurance against 172.806 Unieniet Party, the New Split in the 116 Unreal Military Training 208-409.161-6004352-920

VICTORIA, Queen, as Permanent Adviser

to the Nation 412 Village Playgrounds _ 256 ca Violence, Labour and, in France_ ... 1018 Vote of Credit, Why Not a 7 ... ... 445 • — of Censure, the, on the Government's Naval 525 691 .. 446 929 600-652 .. 692 ., 658 .. 053 452 568 870 734 POETRY.

Ad Matrem Dolorcasam (Henry Newbolt) ... 1030 Admiral Blake (D. K. Broster) 576 Ballade of Eighteenth.CenturS Ladies (Ethel 420 Beethoven Night, a (L. Huxley) ... ... 130 Blake's Spectacles (Arundel' Esdaile) 302 Country Child, the (Katharine Tynan)... ... 739 Dead Language, a P (J. G. Hollway) 970 Dead-Maid's-Land (May Byron) ... ... 700 Earth-Spirit, the (IL Paul Natunan) 17 " Ex Parte " Portraits—I. Mr. Lloyd George 94 Farmer in Search of a Wife, a (H. M. 817 Final Mystery at Eleusis, the (II. Newbolt) ... 459 George Meredith 858 Gilly (C. Fox Smith)... 377 Hooter, the (IL S. Tylee) 261 Hulk in the Estuary, the (W. G. Hole)... _ 986 In Memoriam G.O. (A. C. Steele) ... 941 Lines on a Bullfinch, Freed (Pamela Tennant) 498 New Hearts for the Old Way (Archibald Fox) 664 Renewal (Wilfrid C. Thorley) 538 Roads from Town (Furnley Maurice) ... 618 Thanksgiving ..„.. 896 To a Girl (Newman Howard) 182 To My Violin (Marna Pease) ... 222 Transformation (Claud Field) ... 779 Women Known to Fame, the (E. L. Somervell) 56 ART.

Academy, the _ _ 56.700-739 Buser, M. Simon, his Pastels at the Goupil Gaery International Society at the New Gallery ... 94 New English Art Club, the, at Suffolk Street 976 New Gallery, the ... 665 Steer, Mr. Wilson, his Pictures at the Goupil Gallery ... 770 Vlotoria and Albert Museum, the New... ... 1030 ... 665 ... 18 .., 502 ... 926 ... 4.59 THE THEATRE. Englishman's Home, an Follies, the Galeworthy, Mr., his Plays BOOKS—Authors.

A DAMSON, B.—The Development of Greek

..CI- Philosophy •.. 97

Aileron, A. IL—Earthwork of England .. 463 Andrisey, Count J.—Hungarian Constitutional Arnaud, R.—Loule.Philippe and his Sister ... 637 Ashdowu, C. H.—British and Foreign Arms and Armour ... 615 A atter, P., and I. Cuminal—L'Enseignoment

Technique 1001 Atkinson, R. H. M. 13., collected, to., by—

Brougham and his Early Friends ... 462

-DAGOT, J., ed. by—George Canning and his

II Friends 499 Bagwell, R.—Ireland under the Stuarts and during the Interregnum... ... 938 x,3 acques—Sillsouettes d'Ontre Manche 1032 Baring, Maurice—Russian Essays and Stories 133 Barnes, A. S.—The Man of the Mask 151 Benson, Margaret—The Venture of Rational Faith Btnyon, Laurence—Painting in the Far East— 541 Bode, Wilhelm—Florentine Sculptors of the

Renaissance 667 Bond. P.—Screens and Galleries in English

Churches ... ••• ... 667 Bosanquet, Helen—The Poor Law Report, 1909 422 130x, G. H , trans., dre., by—The Book of Isaiah 19 Bradley, A. C.—Oxford Lectures on Poetry ... 978

""' -6e G.—The Making of Canada 307 WAGE, a Minimum ... Wages, Fair, niut Free-Trade -S.: War Cloud, the, in the Near East — Why Should the Nations Wage 7 ...

Watson Mr. William, his Indictment Weasel Hunt, a Welsh DieestablishMent Wheat Corner : Speculation and Prices Wind, the North, in March Women's Enfranchisement Bill Works of Art, the Export of ... World, the Hope of the ...


kik) Snow at the

"Zoo," Babies at the . MUSIC.

Beethoven's Letters ••• Eiger, Sir Edward, his Symphony ••• Xendelssolin 444 ?elides et Melisautle •• Prize Opens, a... ... 400 Veterans of the Orchestra ... •114

Berate% Sara, A.—Impressions of American Education in 1908 ... 379 Butler, N. IL—The American as He Is 183 Buxton, C. R.—Turkey in Revolution ,.. 500 Chapman, Abel—On

OARLYLE, A., ed. by—The Love Letters of Cecil, Algernon—Six Oxford Thinkers

Thomas Carlyle and Jane Welsh .., 315 577 940 Collier, Priee—England and the English from an American Point of View ... 810 Collins, 31.18. W.—Leaves from an old Country Cricketer's Diary 880 Curzon, Lord—Principles and Methods of University Reform— 701 Oust, Mrs. Henry—Gentlemen Errant... ... 589 578

DEANS, R. 9.—The Trials of Five Queens.. Denison. Col. G. T.—The Struggle for 702 Imperial Unity

Dewitt, D. IL—The Assassination of Abraham 580 Lincoln ...

Dicey, A. V.—Letters to a Friend on Votes 979 Dickinson, G. Lowes—Justice and Liberty ... 783 Frank—The Right Hon. H. H.

JLU Asquith, M.P. ... ... 740 Farmer, John S., ed. by—The Tudor Facsimile JJ the Gospels 579 Texts 420 AIRWEATHEB, W.—The Background of Ferrero, G.—The Greatness and Decline of Rome 20 Ffoulkes, Constance J.—Vinoenzio Forma, ... 607 Firth, J. B.—The Minstrelsy of Isis 461 Fltzmaurica.Kolly, J.—Chapters on Spanish 680 Forrest, G. W.—Field-Marshal Sir Neville Chamberlain..„.. .„ 977 Fortescue, Hon. T.—The County Lientouanciee and the Army 742 Foga/civics, A. C.—A Complete Guide to 615 Heraldry Fraser, David—The Short Cut to India 423 Frye, Major W. E,—After Waterloo 118

GARDINER, A. G.—Prophets, Priests, and Jclnei 58 Gausses', Alice C. C.—Percy Prolate and Poet 999

Gibbs, Philip—King's Favourite ... ... 859 Godsal, Major P. T.—The Storming of London and the Thames Valley Campaign .„ 842 Grog, W. W., ed. by—Etenalowe's Diary ,.. 420

HANSCOM, Elizabeth D.—The Friendly

Craft 464 Hardie, 3, Keir—India ... 997 Harrison, A. 11.—In Search of a Polar 502 Henderson, P. E.—A British Officer in the Balkans .„ ... 500 Holuaes, Thomas—Known to the Police _ 1002 —T, Rice—Cnisar's Commentaries on the Gallic War ... 681 Howells, W. D.—Roman Holidays and Others 703

Hefei, Baron F. von—The Mystical Element ReligIon 820 TA.CKSON, G. A., collected by—Brougham

Uand his Early Friends ... ... 462 James, Lionel—Side-Tracks and 13ridle•Paths... 78 l — Pluralistic Universe ... 893

Johnson, Walter—Folk-Memory., 226 KEMPSON, F. C.—The 'Green Finch' 8119 Kitts, E. 3.—In the Days of the Councils ... 635 Kuatelibull-Hugessen, C. M.—The Political

Evolution of the Hungarian Nation ... 96

Knight B.. F.—The Awakening of Turkey .., 858

— Professor—Things New and Old 911 Knox, E. M.—The Acts of the Apostles 132 Kuropatkin, General—The Russian Army and the Japanese War ... 782

T ANG, Andrew—Sir George Mackenzie ... 877 Lang, Andrew—The Maid of France ... 130 Lenthee, S., ed. by—The Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XI................. Leonard, W. E., trans., dm. by—The Fragments of Empedocles

Lindsay, Capt. A. B., trans. by—The Russian Army and the Japanese War 782 Lindsey, C.—William Lyon Mackenzie... ... 160 Loane, Miso M.—Au Englishman's Castle ... 422 Low, W. IL—A Chronicle of Friendship ... 007 Lowell, Percival—Mars as the Abode of Life... 303 ArACDONALD, .7. H. A.—Fifty Years of It 981 ..1VIL Macke% J. W.—The Springs of Helicon 818 Mahan, A. T.—Naval Administration and War- Maiocchi, IL—Vineouzio Foppa Mnlmesbury, Countess of—Major-General Sir John Ardregli Marklian(, Sir C. R.—The Story of Majorca and Masterman, C. F. G.—The Condition of England 8D6 bieier.Graefe, J.—Modern Art e67 Moynell, Everattl—Corot 667 Mikkelsen, Ejuar—Conquering the Arctic) Ice 502 Miller, William—The Latius in the Levant ... 345 NOYES, Alfred—William Morris ... 265

ORPEN, J. 31,—Reminiscence, of Life in South Africa ... .. 266 pARKER, Erie—Highways and Byways in

Prather°, G. W., ed. by—The Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XL ... d14 TiVADISAY, Sir W.—Essays Biographical and IV Chemical 640 Ramsay, W. M.—Luke the Physician ... 132 Rand, 11.—Modern Claesical Philosophers ... 97 .tkiemusson, Knud—The People of the Polar 614 939 60 667 863 617 134 Heinrich, S., ed., dite., by—After Waterloo Risk, It. K.—America at College... ... — 379 98 Robinson, C. N.—The British Tar in Fact and 538 Fiction — Rose, J. Holland—Dumouriaz and the Defence 5/ of England against Napoleon ... 667 Ross, R.—Aubrey Beardsley Selludedel, P. W.—The Johrinnine Writings__ 261 QANDYS, J. E.—A History of Classical 1.) Scholarship 184 Scott, Teniplo, ed. by—The Prose Works of 341 Jonathan Swift, Seccombe, T., Intro, by—Letters of James 669 Boswell to the Rev. W. J. Temple ' Semenoff,Wladi mir—Rasp labs (The Reckoning) 1031 Baton-Watson, R. W.—Racial Problems in 9( Slate, D. A., trans. 1.;y—The Silva) of 1:Rath's 540 Smith, A. D. IL—Fighting the Turk in the Balkans 500 South, E. W,—St. Lae 132 Sparrow, W. Shaw—The English House _ 010 Stead, W. T.—The M.P. for Bustin ... 460

Steuart, A. F., ed. by—The Douglas Case „, 578

rpALTiom, E. S.—The Fulness of Christ ... 741 _IL Tardiest, Andre—France and the Alliances 223 Tilley, A.—From Montaigne. to Moli5re... ... 182 Toynime, Paget—Dante in English Literature 1034 — W.—Glimpses of the Twenties 1004

Tucker, A. B.—Eighteen Years in Uganda 1000

"(TAY DE VAYA AND LUSKOD, Count- !' The Liner Life of the United States ... 183

WALLER, A. R., ed. by—Samuel Butler... 224 Ward, A. W., ed. by—The Cambridge

Modern History, Vol. XI. 614 Warren, T. EL—Essays of Poets and Poetry ... 779 Watson, C. W.—The Acts of the Apostles ... 132 3.—The Philosophy of Kant Explained .., 97 Wells, Charles—Joseph and his Brethren 420

— H. G.—First and Last Things... — 59 Westoott, B. F.—The Gospel According to St. John Wilberforce, E., trans. by—Dante'm blvine

Comedy 1034 Wiubolt, S. E„ arranged by—The Horace Pocket-Book... ... 502

Withers, H.—The Meaning of Money .'. 821. WVI.Y. Col. H. C.—Lieut.-General Sir Joseph ITEXT.EY, Lionel—The Inner Life of the


ACTS of the Apostles, the—C. W. Watson.. 132 Acts of the Apostle's, the—E. M. Knox... 132 Admirals, Two—Admiral John Moresby .., 822 Afghanistan, Around—Major de Bouillume do Lacoste

Africa, South, Reminiscences of Life in, from 1846 to the Present Day—J. M. Orpen 206 — the Government of—Cape Town Central News Agency (pub.) 266 African Natives, the South—J. Murray (pub.)... 206 Agricultural Labourer, English, a History of the—Dr. W. litisbach 465 America at College—R. K. Risk ... ... 979 — the Prominent Families of—A. M. Burke ... 1003

American Charities—A. 0. Warner ... 038 — Education in 1908, Impressions of—Sara A.

Burstall 379 — the, as He Is—N. M. Butler 183

— View of England, an—Price Collier... 819 Animals, the Place of, in Human Thought—

Countess Martinengo Cesareseo 770 Arctic Ice, Conquering the—Ejnar Mikkelson— 502 Ardugh, Major-General Sir John—Countess

of ffralmesbury 863 Armour and Arms, British and Foreign—

C. H. Ashdown .„ ..„.. 615 Art, Modern—S. Meier Grade 667 — the Mistrese—R. 61 Asquith, lit. Hon. H. U., M.P.—Frank Elkus.. 740 Atkins, Arthur—A. M. Robertson (pub.) ... 667

BAGHDAD Railway : the Short Cut to India —David Fraser„. 4,23 Balkans, a British Officer in the—P. E.

Henderson 500 — Fighting the Turk iu the—A. D. II. Smith 502 Barnes, William, Select Poems of—Chosen, de., by Thomas Hardy 95 Beardsley, Aubrey—R. nose 6437 Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher, the

Works of—G. Bell (pub.) ... 49D Beauty, the Origin of the Sense of—Felix Clay 135 Beethoven's Lottors—Dr. A. C. Knlischer ... 635 Bible Doctrine of the Sacraments, the—H. C.

Beaching 926 — the, as a Book—G. Harwood 449 Biology, Ethics, and Art, n Study in—T. W.

Rolleston ... 99 Birds, Wild, in Spain, My Life among the—

Col. W. Verner .., 704 Boswell, James, Letters of, to the Inv. W. J. Temple—Intro, by T. Secoombe 669 Brougham and his Early Friends—Collected, 4..*c., by R. H. M. B. Atkinson & G. A. Jackson 462 Brown, William Haig-, of Charterhouse—Ed. by H. E. Haig Brown .„ 244 Butler, Samuel—Ed. by A. R. Waller 224 CIILESAR'S Commentaries on the Gallie War

‘..) —Trans. by .2. R. Holmes ... 581 Cambridge Modern History, the, Vol. XI.—

Planned by the late Lord .Acton ... 614 21 Canada, the Making of — A. G. Bradley... 307

Canning, George, Rud his Frieuds—Ed. by

Carlyle, the Making of—R. S. Craig 1499 J. Begot 35 — Thomas, and Jane Welsh, the Love-Lettere

of—Ed, by A. Carlyle 577

Carnegie Foundation, Report of the ... 465 Carr, Robert, and Lady Essex—Philip Gibbs .. 889 Catholic Encyclopedia, the—Ed, by C. G. Ilarbermann, de. 1005 Chamberlain, Fiold-Marshal Sir Neville, G.C.B. -G. W. Forrest ... ... 977 Charity, Ideals of-Mrs. V. M. Crawford 038 Chateau and Country Life in Franco-M. X Waddington . 542

Chinese Porcelain-Trans. by S. W. Bushell 881.

Christ, the Fulness of-E. S. Talbot 741 Churches, English, Screens and Gallorios in-. F. Bond ... 667 Classical Scholarship, a History of-J. E.

Sandys Collectivism-P. Leroy-Bosailion..„.. 267 Colonial System, British, the Origin of the- Gt. L. Beer ... 940 Concrete : its 'Uses in .Building-T. Paler .,. 154

Corot-Evorard Meynell ... 667 Coosa, Baldassaro-E. J. Kitts ... 635 Cottages and Farmhouses, Ohl, in Surrey- Intro. by W. C. Green 185 Councils, in the Days of the-E. J. Kitts ... 035 County Lieutenaucries, the, and the Army-J.

Forteseue ..„.. ... 742 Cricketer, Old Country Loaves from the Diary of an-M.B. W. Collins ... 380

Criminal Types in Shakeepo ire-A. doll ... 980 Customs, the King's-H. Atton & H. Holland 155

J)ANER, Anne Seymour-Percy Noble ... 640 Dante in English Literature from Chaucer to Cary-Paget Toyubee ... 1034 Dante's Divine Comedy-Trans. by E. Wilber-

Dauphin, tho attle-batherine Welch... „. 134 Douglas Case, tho-Ed. by A. F. Steuart ... 578

Dumouriez and the Defenco of England against Napoleon-J. Holland Rose & A. M. Btoadiey 57

- EARTHWORK of England-A. H. Alloroft 463 _El Education, Technical-P. Astior and I.

Cuminal 1001 Egypt, Ancient, New Light on-G. Kasper° ... 208 Elizabeth do France, Madame-lion. Mrs.

Maxwell-Scott ..„_ ... 040 Empedoeles, tho Fragments of-Trans, &c., by W. la Leonard 939

Engineer, the Young-Hammond Hall... ... 845 England and the English from an American Point of View-Price Collier 819 - Outlines of the Economic History of- IL 0. Meredith _ 638 • the Condition of -C. F. G. Westerman 896 - the Polltioni History of-I. S. Leedom .., 1030 English, Stories of the, Told to a Child- Blackwood (pub.) 822 Englishman's Castle, an-Miss M. Loano _ 422 Englishwoman In India, the-Maud Diver 705 Essays Biographical and Chemical-Sir W. Ramsay 610 - Historical and Political-W. E. H. 1.ocky ... 705 - of Poets and Poetry-U. H. Warreu... ... 779 Everyman's Library-Ed. by E. Mips _ 405 1121AERIE Queen, tho-Edmund Spenser ... 1030 .12 Faith, Rational, the Venture of-Margaret Benson 741 Fifty Years of It: Volunteoring-J. A. Macdonald ' 981 First and Last Things-H. G. Wei%50 Fleming, Canon, Life of-A. X M. loinlayson- 705 Florentine Sculptors of the Renaissance- Wilhelm Bode ... 607

Folk-Memory-Walter Johnson 226 Foppa, Vincenzio-Constance J. Ffoulkes and

R. 1:fah:nicht' ... 007 France and theAlliances-Andr6 Tardiou 228 'retch, Works in:-

- Aloyso Valbrien -Edouard Rod 305

- Au Ccour de la Vie-Pierre do Coulevain 305 - Cloches, les-L. Brothous-Lafargue 305 - Cyrtino - Ossit 305 - Ddcouvorte des Granules Sources du Centre de l'Afrique, la-Commandant Lonfaut ... 305 - Ddtours du Ccour, les-Paul Bourget ... 305 - Dopleix-E. Gudnin „, ' 305 - Francais° an Maroc, une-Mathilde Boys ... 805 Frero d'Emporour-Freddrie Lobe° 802 - Haute, lee, at Ion Bas-C, Photiades... ... 805 - Jean des Brummi-Charlos Foley ... 305 - L'Enfant aux Fourrnree-Adrien Remade- 305 - L'Enseignemout Technique, Industrie! et Commercial, on France et A l'Etranger- P. Astier and I. Cuminal ... 1001.

- L'Espoir-doorges Lecomto ... 305 10moiree dune Vfoillo Fil le-Rend Bazin- 805 - 11.5inoiren sur la Cour do Louis XIV.- Prind Visconti ... 905 - Mimes at Ballets drecs-C. Chorale ... 305 - Mort do Philos, la-Pierre Loti 305

- Preludo Piterique-Fornand Gregh 305 - Recite dos Temps Revolutionuaires-E.

Daudet .., ... 305 - Roo Saint-Honorit, Henard „. 305 Saint-Domlugue-Pierro do Vaiselkio 805 - Silhouettes d'Ontre Manolle -Jacques Bar- - Torres de Soleil et de Sommell-E. Psichari 305 - Trois Anneos do Chasse on Mozambique- G. Vanso ... 305

- Via Seereto, la-Edouard Estauni6 305

Fraser, Simon-W, C. Mackenzie 425

Fri:tab', Baron do, Recollectioue of the-A. Chuquet070 Friendly craft, the-Elizabeth B. Hanscom .., 464

Friendship, a Chronicle of-W. IL Low ... 067 Frontiersman's Pocket-Book, the-Ed., 803., by R. Pocock ... 981

QENERATION, Vanished, Memoirs of a-

Ed. by Mrs. W. Blake „.. 818 Gentlemen Errant-Mrs. Henry Cost 539 Georgian Pageant, a-P. F. Moore ... 309 Germany, a History of-C. T. Atkinson .., 704 Glastonbury Abbey-W. 11. P. Ureswell .„ 1021 Gold of the World-L. de Launay 038 Gospels, Background of the-W. Fairweather 579 ' Green Finch Cruiso, the-F. C. Kempson 899 Grenfell, George, the Life of-G, Hawker 803

HAILEYBITRY Collego-L. S. Milford 981

Haliburton, Lord-J. B, Atlay 670 Helicon, the Springs of-J. W. Maclean „. 818 Henslowe's Diary-Ed. by W. W. Grog ... 420 Heraldry, a Complete Guide to-A.. C. Fox.

Horace Pocket-Book, the-Arranged by S. E. 502 House, the English-W. Shaw Sparrow 616 Humanism, Studios in-F. C. S. Schiller 45 Hungary, Racial Problems in-R. W. Solon.

Watson 96 Hungarian Constitutional Liberty, the De-

velopment of-Count J. Anclrassy _ 96

- Nation. tho Political Evolution of the- ft, Sr. Knatohbull-Hugesson... ..„.. 96

INDIA.: Impressions and Suggestions-J.

Heir Hardie .., 937 India, the Political Future of-H. P. Mody 425 - the Short Cut to-David Fraser ... 423 Indian Sculpture and Painting-E. B. Haven 641 Indian, dio Englitonder in-Count Kanigs- Industrial Revolution, Lectures on the, Ato.-

A. Toymibee 638 Inns of Court-Described by C. Headlani ... 900

Ireland under the Stuarts-R, Bagwell... .., 938 Irish Property, tho Story of an-R. S. Bait ... 227 Isaiah, the Book of-Trans., &c., by G. H. Box 19 382 TAPAN, Everyday-A. Lloyd ... effi Jerusalem, the City of-Col. 0. R. Condor Jesus and tho Gospel-James Denney - Seven Questions-J. Warschauer Joan of Are-Andrew Lang ... Johannine Writings, the-P, W. Schiniodol Joseph and his Brod iren-Charlee Wells ... Justice and Liberty-d. Lowos Dickinson ... 501 741 743 900 130 261 420 783 KEW Royal Botanic Gardens, the-W. J.

Bean King's Favourite-Philip Gibbs 859

King who Nover Reigned, the (Louis XVII.)- Preface by Jules Lemattre .., 134 Knox, Admiral-Ed. by Mrs. W. Blake 618 T ACE, Old-111, Jourdain 228 La Fayette, Mario Madeleine, Countess

at-b. Run Lafayette, the Wife of-M. M. Crawford 381

Las Cases, Bartholomew de-F. A. Maenntt... 503 La Touche, Mrs. (The Letters of a Noble Woman)-Ed. by Margaret F. Voting .., 503 Lamm, Courtier awl Adventurer-Mary F.

Levant, the Latins in the-William Miller ... 343 Life, Long, the Philosophy of -Trans. by X

Roberts - the Greatest-Gorald Leighton ... 582

Lifetime, the Story of a-Lady Priootloy 100 Lincoln, Abralmin, the Assassination of-D.

Miller Dewitt ... ... 580 Logic, the Problem of-W, K, Dopy Gibson... 1005 London, tho Storming of, awl the Thames Valley Campaign-Major P. 'I'. Gotland ... 312 Lords, House of, tho Reform of the -W. S.

MoKechnie ,.. 743 Louis-Philippe and his Sister-B. Amend .., 637 Louis XVIL ; or, The Arab Jew -Mrs. Weldon 134 - - Preface by Jules Lemaitro... 134 Lovat, Lord-W. C. Mackenzio _ 425

MLuke the Physiolan-W. Sr. Ramsay .„ 132 ACKENZIE, Sir George-Andrew Lang... 377 Mackenzie, William Lyon-C. Lindsay_ 00

MAGAZINES, the 61-223-382-583-741-901 Maid of France, the-Andrew Lang ,.. 130 Majorca and Minorca, the Story of-Sir C. R. Markham ... 017 Mansfield Collogo Essays-Hodder (pub.) 1035 Mars as the Abode of Life-P. Lowell ... 90.3 Mary Queen of Soots, tho Girlhood of-Jane Stoddart. 821 Mask, the Man of the-A. S. Barnes ... 151 M.P. for Russia, the-Ed. by W. T. Stead 4130

Memories of Half-a-Century-Ed., dm, by

R. C. Lehmann 186 Military Training, Elomontary-Liout.-CoL A. W. A. Pollock- .. . 784 Minstrelsy of Isis, the-Selected by S. Firth 461 Mistress Art, the-R. Blomfleld 61 Money and Profit-Sharing-J. C. Smith ... 638 - the Meaning of-H. Withers ,., 221 Montaigne, from, to Molibre-A. Tilley 182 Morny, Auguste de-Freddrie Lollee „. _ 862 Morris, William-Alfred, Noyes ... 265 Motherhood, the Endowment of-Sr. D. Eder 638

NMountaineering, British-C, E. Benson... ... 639 ATIONALITIES, the Growth of -Planned by the late Lord Acton _ 614 Nature/ History and Mortice/tura Books m- - Animals at Home-W. P. Westeli' 860 - Birdlawl, Behind the Veil in-0. G. Pike... 860 - Birds, British, and. their Eggs-J. Sr.

Boraston „ . - Butterflies, iritish, and other Insects-Ed.

by E. Thomas _ 800 - Children and Gardens-Gertrude Jekyll 860 - Dwellers in the Woods-Rev. T. Wood 860

- Insect Stories-V. L. Kellogg- „, 860 - Nature Study-S. R. Ainsworth Davis ... 860 - Nature Study Book, the Young People's- B. Sedgwiok

- Plants, Familiar, Life Eistories oi-J. J. Ward - Spain, Wild Birds in-Col. W. Vernor - Stalks Abroad-II. P. Wallace - Wild, the Heart of the-S. L. Bonsusan - Zoo, tho Wonders of the-Lilian Gunk Navy, the Inner Life of the-L. Yexley

Naval Administration and. Warfare-A. T. Nietzsche, Friedrich-M. Mug-go..„ - - the Philosophy of-IL L. Monekou

Novels, Stories, Tales, &o. :-

- Anne of Green Gables-L. Sr. Montgomery 426 - Aramiuta-J. O. Snalth.„ 504

- As It Happened-Ashton Hillier' 804 - Ballygullion-Lynn Doyle „. 671 860 860 880 701 860 860 860 263 60 424 424

Novels, Stories, Tales, do. (continued) b■

- 1111U1, the-Marguerite Curtis 1116 615 - Brothers All-Mnartan Maartens 208 - Cage, the-Harold Bogbie ... 1037 - Castle of Dreams, a-Nettn. Syrott - Cecilia Kirkliam's Son-Mrs. K. Combo .., 785 - Change in tho Cabinet, a-H. I3elloo ... 1036 - Children of the Gutter, the-Arthur Applin 231 - Christopher Hibbault, Roadmaker-M.

Bryant - Compact, the-R. Cullum ... ... 620 - Constance lioth-atOnco-Alan McDougall 231

- Ciirsod Luck-Sir J. George Scott ... 310 - Daphne in Fitzroy Street-E. Nesbit 466

- Daphno ; or, "Marriage la la Mode "-Mrs.

Ilumphry Ward 833 - Dromina-John Ayscongli 586 - Elisabeth Davonay -Claire do Pratz 901 - Faith of His Fathers, the-A. E. Jacomb... 269 - Frank Burnet-Dorothy V. H. Smith ...941 - Geoffrey Chorlton-John Barnott 406 - Gervaso-Mabel Deemer 785 - Gifted Family, the-Barry Pain ... 385 - Golden Key, the -Dosmond Coke ... 186 - Greater Love, the-Anna Sr. Sholl ... 386 - Green Curve, the-Blackwood (pub.) .., 71.0 - Green Ginger-Arthur Morrison ... 809 - `Half Moon,' the-Ford. Madox Hueffer .., 864 - Heartbreak Hill-H. K. Viol.) .., 903 - House Called Hurrish, the -" Rita" 316 - Idolatry-Alico Perrin ... ... 501 - Immortal Soul, an-W. H. Matlock.- .„ 100 - Incornpleat Etonian, an-Frank Danby .., 071 - Infamous John Friend, the -Mrs. 13 13. Garnett 982 - Iron Game, the-Frances Marsh 823 - Jimbo : a Fautrisy-A.Igernon Blackwood ... 619 - Joan of Garioch-Albert Kinross _ 24 - John Broomo's Wife-E. B. Moffat 847 - Johnny Gibb of Gushetnenk in the Parish of Pykotillim-W. Alexander .. 80$ - Judgment of Illingborough, the-.:13. E. Vernode 64 - Key of Life, the-A. A..Methlep „. 747 - Lady Nogga Intervenes-E. Jepeon... 05

- Lass and. tad—Lady C. Milnes-Gaiikell 186

- Little Green World, a-J. E. Buckrose ... 942 - Lost Cabin Mine, tho-F. Riven 130

- Maya-P. Laurence Oliphant. .., 101 - Mr. Bake of the Blacks-J. Aysomiiii .- 64. - Mystery of Frances Farrington-lillizaboth

Banks - 747 - New June, the-RemiNewholt 580 - Noblesse Fronde 427 - Olive in Italy-Moray Dalton... ... 904 - One Immortality-If. Fielding Hall ... 280 - Our Adversary-M. E. Braddon ... 586 - Peter-F. Hopkinson Smith . 386 - Priests of Progress-G. Colmoro - 24 - Question of Moans, a-Margaret 13. Cross... 209 - Rachel Lorian-Mrs. 11. Dudoney ... 310 - Road of No Return, the-A. C. Lull:hold. 706' - Room with rt View, e.-E. Sr. Forster 23 - Royal Bluejacket, a-F. T. Jane 310 - Royal End, the-Henry Harland ... 672 - Samson Unshorn-Begin:11d Turner.- 1037

- Sarah Tuldon's Lovers-One Agana ... 543 - Soptimus-W, J. Locko... las

- Square Mile, the-H. W. C. Nowto 101 - Story of Hauksgarth Farm-Emma Brooke 982 - Story of Thyrza, the-Alice Brown .„ 785 - Teresa-Edith A. Zangwill 620 - This-My Son-Reno Bazin 400 - Tonoatungay-11. G. Wells .., 346 - Trail of the Lonesome Pine, the-John Fox 187 - Transplanted Daughters-Mrs. Burton Harrison 504 - Veil, the-E. S. Stevens ... 981 - When a WOMMI Woos-ClIhr109 Marriott,- 823 - White Sister, the-F. Marion Crawford ... 705

(See also under the heading of READABLE NOVELS, pp. 21-65-101-186-187.231-209.310-347. 380-427-466-505-513-586-620-672.706-747.785-823-861, 904-942.982.1037.)

Novikoff, Madame : the M.P. for Russia-Ed. by W. T. Stead

OPINIONS on Men, Women, and Things- k../ H. Quitter „,543

Oxford Lectures on Poetry-A. C. Bradley 978 - the Poetry of-Selected by J. B. Firth ... 401 - Thinkers, Six-Algernon Ceoil .,. 943 - Year, Their-Oona H. Ball ... 781

PAINTING in the Far East -Lauronce Panama Canal, the, and it,, Makers-V. Cornish 618

Parallel Paths-T. NV'. Rolleston 90 Pastor Ovium-J. H. Shrine 618 Peace and Happiuess-Rt. Hon. Lord Avohury 426 Pearl, the Book of the-G. F. Kunz and C. II.

Stevenson ,., 22 Peutateuch, the Humanity, Benevolence, and Charity Legislation of the-M. Fluogel ... 781 Percy: Prelate and Poot-Illoo C. C. Gausseu 999

Personal Studies, Ten-Wilfrid Ward ... 542 Philip, Two English Queens aud-Martiu flume Philosophers, Modern Classical-B. Rand ... 97 Philosophy, Greek, the Development of-R. - the, of Friedrich Nietzsche-II. L. Menoken 424

of Kant, the, Explainod-J. Watson ... 97

Playgrounds, Sunset-F, G. Ahab 542 Plays : The Silver Box, Joy, Strifo-J. Gals. Plwuroarltihsy Unit.

tio Universe, a-William James ... 893 Poetry, Books of - Autumn Garden, the -E lmund (base ... 152 - Barnes, William, Select l'OC1/13 Of-Oh08011, &o., by Thomas Hardy ... - Benson, Arthur Christopher, the Poems of - J. Lane (pub.) ... .., 152 - Bridge Builders, the-II. Johnson ... 152

- BurciewBoutrer, the-F. 11. Williams 152

- Collooted Poems-Horace Smith .., .., 152 - Davidson, John, the Testament of-Grant Richards (pub.)... ... - Drake-Alfred Noyos

- Experiences-Katharine Tynan

152 152 152 95

152 152 304 152 152 152 152 152

- Nature Poems and Others-W. H. Danes- 112 - Oxford Magasine, Echoes from the-IL

Frowdo (pub.) ... 304 - Pilgrim's Calendar, a-A. M. Newton ... 152 - Poems-Miriam Smith 152

- Punch, Poems from, 1841-1884-Intro. by

Sir P. Burnand .., 304 - Salvage-Owen Seaman- 304 - Songs from the Garden of Kama-L. Hope 152 - Vagrant Songs-L Nicholson... 152 - Whisper 1-Frances Wynne 152 Poetry, Oxford Lectures on-A. C. Bradley ... 978

Poets and Poetry, Essays of-T. IL Warren 779 Polar Continent, in Search of a-A. H.

Harrison ... 502 - North, People of the-Rend Rasmussen ... 134 Police, Known to the-Thomas Holmes 1002 Political History of England-I. S. Leadam... 1030 Politics, Human Nature in-Graham Wallas.- 345 Poor Law Report of 1909-Helen Bosttnquet 422 Porcelain, Chinese-Trans. by S. W, Bushell-, 381 Prophets, Priests, and Kings-A. G. Gardiner 58 Purbeck, Lady, the Curious Cute of-Long

- QIIRENB, Five, the Trials of-R. S. Deans 578 Queens, Two English, and Philip-Martin Hume .., 630 RAILWAYS and Nationalisation-E. A.

Rasplata (The Iteekoning)-Wlad I m ir Somonoff 1001 Realities and Ideals-Froderie Harrison 01 Recruiting during the Great War-S.Fortescue 742 Religion, the Mystical Element of-Baron F.

Rome, Greatness and Decline of-G. Ferrero... 20 Roman Holidays and Others-W. D. Ilo wells.- 703 Russian Army, the, and the Japaneme War- General Kuropatkm ... 782 - Emus and Stories-Maurice Baring ,.. 183

SAFAR!, On-Abel Chapman 345 Sailing, Single-Handed-F. C. Kompson 899 St,. Catherine of Genor.--Baron F. von Hegel... 820 St. John, the Gospel According to-Intro., &c.,

by B. F. Westeott 264 St. Luke-E. W. South ... 132

(St.) Luke the Physician-W. M. Ramsay 132

Screens and Galleries in Euglish Churches- F. Bond Criminal Types in-A, Goll 980 - William, Player, Playmaker, and Poet- IL C. Boer:thing ... 185 Side-Tracks and Bridle-Paths-L. James _ 781 Socialism and its Perils-Sir W. E. Cooper ... 638 - and Society-J. Ramsay Macdonald 633 - Present-Day-G. E. Rome 638 - Studies in-J. Jaures 638 - the Scientific Basis of-11. M. Bernard ... 638 Social Serviee-Eti. by Rev. G. M. Bell ... 638 Spain, My Life among the Wild Birds in- Col. W. Verner 704 - Southern-A. F. Calvert ... 268 Spanish Literature, Chapters on-S. Fitz- moririee-Kelly _ 630 Spectaeles,Through French-Jacques Bardoux 1032 State, the Service of the-S. Murray (pub.) .., 17 Statius, the Silves of-Trans. by D. A. Slater-. 540 Story,Roberb II., 'Memoir of -MaeLehose(pub.) 901 Stuart, Henry, Cardinal of York-A, Shield 308 Surrey, Highways and Byways in-Erie Parker 21 Swift, Jonathan, D.D., the Prose Works of - Ed. by Temple Scott ... 341 Synagogue, the, and the Church-P. Goodman 1005

MACITIISi the Annals of-G. G. Ramsey 864

Tangye, Sir Richard-S. J. Reid 1004 Tar, the British, in Fact and Fiction-C. N. Robinson Territorial Force, the-Harold Baker Thackwell, Lieut.-General Sir Joseph-Col.

Thames Valley Campaign. the Storming of

London and the-Major P. T. Gollsal 342

Theism, the Problem of -A. C. Pigott 382 Theophranus, Characters of-Prof. Sandys ... 334 Things New and Old-Prof. Knight 041 Trade and Tariffs-T. M. Robertson 638 Truth, No Refuge but in -Goldwiu Smith ... 293 Tuberoulosis,the Prevention of-A, Newellohno 23 Tudor Facsimile Texts-Ed. by T. S. Farmer 420 Turk, Fighting the, in the Balkans-A. D. H.

Turkey in Revolution-C. R. Buxton ... 500 - the Awakening of-E. F. Knight ... 859 Tweed, the Story of the-Sir 11. Maxwell _ 582 Twenties, Glimpses of the-W. Toyabee ... 1004

ITGANDA, Eighteen Years in-Alfred R.

United States, the Inner Life of the-Count

Vay do Vaya „, 183 Unity, Imperial, the Struggle for-Col. G. T.

University Reform, Principles and Methods

of-Lord Curzon „, 701 VENICE : the Decadence-Trans. by IL F. IIrOWIi Virgil-Trans. by J. Jackson ,

„ _ 99 Volunteering, Fifty Years of-J. H. A. Mac- Votes for Women, Letters to a Friend on-

WATERLOO, After-Major W. E. Frye ... 98 Wildernees, Sixty Years IR the-H. W. Lucy ... „, ... 582

Poetry, nooks of (continued) :-

- Friendship-Lflian Street ...

- Great Fight, the-W. H. Druintnoud - Horace, the Odes of -Selected by S. A. Courtauld ••• ••• - Johnson, Lionel, Selections from the Poems of-E. Mathews (pub.) _ - Leaves in the Wind-Elsa Lorraine... ... - London Visions-Lanrenee Binyon - Mockere, the-Jane Barlow - National Songs and Some Ballads-H. Woodcraft, Book of Camping and-H. Kephart 981 Wren, Sir Christopher-Leen Mtiman 22 yON-NAN-Major II. R. Davies 670 CURRENT LITERATURE AND ROOKS OF THE WEEK A CTS of the Apostles the-Adolf Ilarunck 1008

_AD. Adel& its Norman Apostles, H. Draper 644

Admirable Crichton, the-Douglas Criehtota 904 Aerial Warfare-R. P. Hearne ... 270 2Eschylus in English Verse, Part III.-Arthur S. Way African Highways, Some-Caroline 159 Aldrich, Themes Bailey-Ferris Greenslet ... 156 Allotments and Small Holdings, the Law of- W. H. Dennehy America, North, Description of the Natural History of the Coasts of-Nicholas Denys 161 - South, n, Pleasure Pilgrim in-C, Mao- kellar 187 American Literature, an Introduction to- Henry S. Paneonst... ' 269 Anglo-Saxon Church, the, and the Norman Conquest-C. T. Cruttwell ... 1009 A1111Uat Register, the, 1908-Longmatts (pub.) 904 Apollouius of Tyana-F. W. Grover Campbell 102 Archaeology and Anthropology, Annals of, Vol. I., 4-Ed. by J. L. Myres ... 1010 Aristophenes and Aeschylus, Contributions to the Textual Criticism of-R. T. Elliott... 159 - the Acharnians of-Intro. by W. Rennie ... 82/ Army, British, Recollections of a Life in the- General Sir Richard Harrison ... ... 101 Arundell of Wardour, Lord, Some Papers of- Longmans (pub.) .. 1037 As Others See Us—John Graham Brook's ... 612 Assiei. it Little Bummer at-Clement:to North... 63 Athletic Games in the Education of Women- Gertrude Dudley and Frances A. Kellar ... 942 ATLASES ... 621 Auction Bridge-Copt. Browning ... 707 Ayrshire its History and Historic Families- William Robertson ... 158 11D ACTERIA. in Relation to Country Life- .1,10 J. G. Lipman ... 158 Bekaa. the Enslavement and Destruction of the-Foreword by E. D. Morel... 748 Ballantyne Press, the, and its Founders ... 1008 Battle of Land and Son-W. Ashton ... 003 Beaufort, Cardinal-Lewis Bitstock Radford... 643 Benares-C. Phillips Cape 101 Berkshire, Untravelled-L. S. 824 Bible Commentary, the One-Volsme-Ed. by J. 11. Durnmelow ... 187 - Hebrew, Outlines of Introduction to the- Alfred S. (laden ... 587 - Modern Reaearelt as Illustrating the-a It, Driver .., .. 587 - the, and the Church-Sir Robert Anderson 161 Birds, a Book of-W. P. Pyeraft... ,.. 158 - the World's-Frank Finn ... ... 153 Body, the, at Work-Alex. Hill ... 615 Book Prices Current, 1897-1906, Index to-W.

Book; the English Catalogue of, for 1908- S. Low (pub.) ... ... 348 Borneo, Tidong Dialects of-M. W. H. Beech 137 Boy, Your: his Nature and Nurture-George A. Ditokiaeon

Bramwell,William, WAn.drews. 7741

,Brighton-Lewis Melville ... ... 780 British Museum a Guide to the Egyptian

Galleries (Sculpture) 544 Brown, George, Pioneer Missionary and Ex-

plorer -Hodder & Stoughton (pub.) _' 042' Budget, Complete Popular Guido to the, 1909 042 Buller, Sir Iteclvers-Lewis Better .„ 860 310 311 866 157 60 348 347 644 66 - Types of the Old ithrime -C. W. Colby ... 1007 Cantuarensis &bola Resin: History of Canter- bury Sehool-H. E. Woodruff and 11. J. Cape 641 Castlereagh, Viscount-Arthur Hossall ... 157 Cattilli Carmina-Ed. by Charles Stuttaford 232

Chatterten-Alfred de Vigil), ... 270

Citildreu's Charter, the: Explained for Social

Workers-M, Inglis 672 China, the English in-James Bromley Eames 747 Christ's College Magazine, Alilton Tercenten-

ary Number of Churches Ruined and Deserted-Lucy Eliza- beth Beedham . 161 Civic Life, Our-Ed. by W. Beach Thomas ... 468 CLASSICS, SERIES of ... 25-66•232-348468•544. 621-072-943-983 Clubs, English, a List of, 1038-E. C. Austea Leigh 818 Commerson, Philibert, the Life of-Capt. S. Pastlehl Oliver ... 642 Comparative Legislation, Journal of the Society of : April, 1909-J. Murray (pub.) ... 707 Constitutions, Modern-William F. Dodd ... 505 Conversion, the Fact of-George Jackson ... 161 Cookery and Household Recipes, the Dudley Book of -Georgionn, Countess of Dudley ... 1007 Corinthians (1 & 2)-13. C. Carpenter ... ... 407 Cottage Garden, the Book of the-C. Thenger 544 Country Gentlemen's Estate Book, the-Ed. by William Broomhall '905 Cowan, Joseph, Speeches of -Longmans (pub.) 270 Crops and their Cultivation-P. McConnell ... 101 TNEVON its Moorlands, Streams, and

Coasts—LadyRosalind Northeote 645

Dlereus Dictionary, a-Alex. J. Philip... 500

OALAIS under English Rule-G. A. C. Sandman ... Caliphs, Tales of the-Claud Field .„ Cambridge Colleges, the-it. Briruley Johnson Camp Fires on Desert and Lava-W. T. Ilornatimmy

Canada-Ed. by Prof. 'Bennett Munro ,„ - a History of, 1763-1812-Sir C. P. Lucas ... - Political Annals of-A. P. Cockburn ... Canadian Club, Toronto, Prot:medium 1907-8- - Manor, a, and its Seigneurs-George M. 25 Dickensian, the-Ed. by B. W. Matz ... 162 DICTIONARIES, &c. 25-102-161-182 311-469•567- 621.672-748.1038 Dog World. the-Walter Emanuel ... 905 Dogs and their Owners, the Law Affecting- W. M. Freeman _. _ 1010 Dutch Bulbs aud Gordens-Mima Nita% Una Silberrnd, and Sophie Lyall 983 ARTHWORKS, Ancient-J, Charles Wall 645 121 Education, the Journal of ... 67 Election, the Model, of 1908-Proportional Representation Society (pub.)... 427 Embroidery, the New Punta Tagliato, Part L -Louisa A. Tebbe 645 English Child's Crusade, the-John H. Urine 1037 - Church, Foundetions of the-J. H Maude.- 1009 - Constitution, the, 1603•1688-Noralt Powys 348 Enlightened Despot, the Age of the, 1600-1789 -A. H. Johnson ... ... 467 Eton Parish, Old Days of-John Shepherd ... 848 Eucharistic Congress, Nineteenth, Report of the-Sands (pub.}' 621 Europe, Modern, the Remaking of, 1789-1878- J. A. R. Marriott 467 European History, Modern Readings in,Vol. -J. H. Robinson and C. A. Beard ... 1008 Exeter Cathedral, Tales from-Mrs. Frowen MI/Mil its Nature and its Work-Handley _U C. G. Moule 1008 Feeble-Minded, the Problem of the-King & Son (pub.) 824 Fijians, the-Bull Thomson 427 Fonts and Font Covers-Francis Bond... _ 161 Forest Entomology-A. T. Gillauders ... 161 Fox, Silver, the Biography of a-Ernest Thontpsou Soton 824 French Republic, the Third-Frederick Lawton 503

Fruitful Ministry, a-C. J. Hammond ... 05 QARDEN, the, Week by Wook-W. P. Wright ... , 1038 Garrott, Samuel, Life and Personal Reeollee- tions of-J. Nisbet (pub.) _ 641 Genesis, the Teaching Value of the Book of -

A. F. Mitchell ... 347 Geographies, Cambridge County-Ed. by F. IL IL 131utlieuntrd 387 German Colony, in a-B. Pullen-Burry,- 1009 Gilds and Companies of Loudon, 643 Girls, he-George

Urlus, Pwilirofessions for-T. W. Berry ... 270 Gloucester, the Alphabet of-Dorothea M.

Howman and Grace G. Lawson 102 Golf, Modern-P. A. Valle... 786 - the Mystery of -Arnold Hanitain 505 Golfers, Lady, Hints to-Mrs. Gordon Robert- son Philosophy, Early-Alfred W. Beim 160 GUIDE-BOOKS, &a 825-905 0E64038 IIAMPSHIRE-Wilfed Ball and Telford Hellas, Days in-label Moore - 1009 Heraldic Book-Stamps, English-C. Davenport 913 Hibbert Journal, the-Ed. by L. P. Jacks and G. Dawes Hicks ... 137 High Licence-Frederic W. Tompson ... 707 Himalaya, Five Months in Ilte-A. L. Manna- 1000 Historical Documents, English IRMO. a Formula Book of-Ed. by Hubert Hall 645 - Portraits-C. R. L. Fletcher and Emory Walker 467 - Studies, Relating Chiefly to Staffordshire-

.T. L. and Karl Cherry... 66

Hobbes, Thomas-A. E. Taylor ... ... 100 Holy Land, Out of Doors in the-11. Van Dyke 160 ' - Scripture, Expositions of-Alex. Mennen 187 Homes, Modern-T. Raffles Davison ... 933 Hong-koug, Shanghai, aud other Treaty Ports of China, Twentieth-Century Impressions of 270 House Furnishing,Iliuts on-W. Shaw Sparrow 565 How to Out Married-Unwin (pub.)' 544 - - Produce Ideas sad How to Acquire Fluency-Charles Seymour 621 Hungary of To-day-Ed. by Percy Alden 310

TNCAMATION of the Snow, an-F. W. Bain 156 India—Victor Surridge ... 347

India, a History of-E. W. Thompson .„ 159 - Commercial Products of- Sir George Watt 1006 - its Life and Thought-John P. Jones 65 - Some Reminiscences of Throe-Quarters of a Century in-A Mutiny Veteran ... 1009 - the Imperial Gazetteer of-Clarendon Press Indian Life, Glimpses of -Henrietta Streatflold 65 Investment, All About-Henry Lowenfeld 348 - and Finamte, a Plain Guide to-T. E. Young 270 Isaiah xl.-lxvi.-Ed. by 0. C. Whitehouse 342 Island, from, to Empire-John S. C. Bridge 167 Italy, United, Builders of-Rupert S. Holland 310

JTAXESON, Dr.-G. Seymour Fort „. 160 Japan, Flowers and Gardens of-Ella and Florence Da-Cano 386 Japan, the Christian Movement la-Ed. by E.

W. Clement and G. EL Fisher .„ 162 Jerusalem, Aucieut-Solith Merrill _ 1006 - the Patriarchate of-Archileacon Dowliug 643 Jew, the, and Human Sacrifice -Hermann L. ' Jewish Board of Guardians, the, and the Men who Made it-Laurie Magnus 117


1.1A. Itile1 of .Streams and Silt: 157

Kenyou-Slaney, Col. William, 'Memoir of-Ed. by 'W. Duraford... 1007 Key to Lime Mystery, a-W. B. 'Norris 707 King's Hostel, Trinity College, Cambridge-

LAKE Country, Round the-H. D. Rawnsley 982 Lakeland, the Heart of-L. J. Oppou- • hohner - 386 Lamb, Charles and Mary, the Works of-Ed.

by Thomas Hutchinson ... 66 Lancashire, Old, Memorials of-Lieut.-Col. Fishwick and P. H, .., 824 Langdon, Robert, the Life of-Ellen Langdon 231 Language, Introduction to the Natural History of-T. Cr, Tucker

.Lawrene es of the Punjab, the-F. P. Gibbon 137 Lass:rill( , de Tormes, Life of-Trans, by Sia,

Clemente Markham .,. 1007 Lee, Galena Man & Soldier-T. Nelson Page 467 letters from a Working Man-American Mechanic 644 Libraries and Book Celleeting, the Story of- Ernest A. Savage 847 Lincoln Centennial Medal-Putnam 'a (pub.) ... 101 Literary &Biographical Studies-James Baker 65 - By-Paths in Old England-Henry C. Shelley 865 Locke-S. Alexander „. „, 160 London, Old-Walter L. MoNay... 270 - Sidelights-Clarence Rook ... 25 ▪ Private Palaces of-E. Beresford Chancellor 156

London's Lure : an Anthology in Prose and

Verse-Helen and Lewis Melville -, 786 Lone Shieling, the, and other Literary and Historical Sketches-G, Id. Fraser 66 MACAULAY the Essayist-Ed. by F. W.

Mackenzie, William Lyon-Charles Lindsey... 270

Magna Charta-H. J. Glaisher (pub.) .. ... 672 Malaria and Greek History-W. H.13, Jones 1009 Malay Archipelago, Through the-Emily Eichings Metropolitan Police, the-Times Office (pub.) 468 Military Prints, British-Ralph Nevill.„ 748 Milton, a Consideration of Macaulay'e Com- parison oft with Dante-W. J. Courthope 24

▪ as an Historian-C. II. Firth ... _ 24 - Memorial Lectures-Ed. by Percy W. Ames 942 Miniatures. Old, Chats on-J. J. Foster .” 160 Missions, Foreign-Alfred Beer ... ..„.. 672 Mixed Herbs-M. E. S. ... 66 Modernism-Paul Saleatier .„ ,., 645 Money, the Moral Witness of the Chureh on the Investment of-W. Cunningham... 904 Monuments, Natural, the Care of -ILConwentz 386 Morals in Modern Business ... 1006 Mosses and Liverworts-T. IL Ruesell... 160 Mountaineering in the Land of the Midnight Sun-Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond 157 1VANDI, the their Language and Folk-loro

IN -A. C. Hollis „. ... 644

Napoleon's Marshals-R. P. Dunn-Pattison 1006 Nelson's Hardy I his Life, Letters and Friends -A. M. Broadley and R. G. Barlelot.., ... 641 NEW EDITIONS 458.48b-544.0.703.748943.953 New Testament, Greek, a Short Grammar of the-A. T. Robertson. 505 - the Origin of the-William Wrede e24 New Way of Life, a-J. St. Loa Strachey ... 865 New Zealand-Reginald Horsley... „. 347 Nobler Cares-George Hare Leonard .'. 269

Notes by the Way, with Memoirs of Joseph Knight and the Rev. J. W. Ebsworth-J. C.

Francis ... ... 1037 Nottinghamshire, In and About-Robert

Mellors .- ... 646 Notulae Critiaae-Alfr od EdwardThieelton ... 232 Novatian De Trinitate-Ed. by W. Yorke

Fausset 1009

OLD-AGE Pensions and the Poor Law- Sir William Chance _ 65 Old Testament, a Grannnar of the, in Greek, Vol. L-Henry St. John Thackeray 1008

• - Histor&-3. M. Hardwick and H. Costley-

.- - the, in Greek, Vol. Peri.

A. E. Brooke and N. McLean .„ Olympiad, the Fourth, 1908 : Official Report- P. R.'dohn

Origins im.1- Faith-Sir J. Compton-Rickett Othman. Five Mansions of the House of-

Mark Sykes „, Our Dumb Friends` League, the Tenth Annual Report of the "PALESTINE Exploration Fund, Quarterly

X Statement of the : April 707

Paper, the Manufacture of-R. W. Sinthill 644 Paradise Lost, the Characters of-M. A. Woods 644 Paris the Beautiful-Lilian Whiting „, ... 824 Parker, Archbishop-W. M. Konuedy 157 removal, the Eight Honourable Spencer-

Philip Trelierno' „, 231 Perfect Tribute, the-Mary R. S. Andrews ... 557

Porn-Geraldine Guinness .., ”. 66 Petticoat PilBriins on Trek-Mrs. F. Maturin 644 Pisa-Janet 50055 and Belly Erichsen 468 Pitman, Sir Isaac, the Life of-Alfred Baker„. 158 Pittsburgh, a Short History of-S. H. Church 1038 Plato, the Old Royal, in the Tower of London -E. Alfred Jones

Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito-Ed. by

Louis Dyer and Thomas Day Seymour Plotinus on the Beautiful-Stephon MeKenna Poor Law Commission, 1909, Minority Report of the-Ed. by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Webb_ Port Sunlight, Labour and Housing at-W. L. Poultry Farming, Modern, the Possibilities of -3. S. Hicks and W. H. G. Ewart Poyntz, Sydnam, the Relation of, 1624.1636-

ELI. by A. T. S. Goodrick... „, ,„ Proofs Book, in First-G. A. F. M. Chatwin Press Album-Ed. by Thomas Catling „,

Printer's Pie „. Privy Council,Aets of the : Colonial Serios,1613- 1680-Ed. by W. L, Grant and James Munro 232 Protestant, the Faith of a Modern-Wilhelm Boullset - -, 1008 Psalms, Select Readings from the-J. B. Meyer 169 Public Health Agitation, 1833-48, the-13. L, Hutchins- 1007 Punch, Mr„ his Pageant, 1841.1908-Brown Phillip5 (pub.) 269

QA1NT Subjects of the King-John Foster Fraser ”. 1009 QUARTERLIES, the 136.706

467 043 101 785 904 672 137 232 102 161 427 311 544 156 621 672 824 Quarter Sessions-William Bradbrook, 811 Queen Victoria's Journals-Lord Esher ... 1010 ELIGION and the Modern Mind-Intro.

by Donald ... 645 Religion, Sidelights on-J. Brierley. 642

Religions, Third International Congress for the History of, Transactions of the -Clarendon

Press (pub.) - 387 Reunion and Intercommunion - U. Hensley Henson Rhodes of the inighte-Be . Knights-Baron de Belai;re 614 Roads to Riches-Thornton Hall... _ 386 Robertson, James, D.D., the Life of-Charles W. Gordon- . * ... 65 Rock-Garden ofOurs,that-F. Edward Huline 270 Boman Empire, the Client Princes of the- P. C. Sands„ . 310 - History, Studies in : Second Series-E. O.

Hardy _ ..„„ 1008 - Pottery, Catalogue of the, in the British

Museum-H, B. Walters 646

Itomans,and Galatians-11. W. Fulford... ... 467 Royal, Anne, Life & Times of-Sarah H. Porter 620

ST. ALBAN-Claud Field ... ... 587 St. John, Apostle. Evangelist, and Prophet -C. E, Sreott-Monerieff - - 824 St. Nicotine of the Peace Pipe-E. V. Howard 427 St. Paul's School, Calendar of, 1500.1909-H.

Hart (pub.) 188 Saints, British, Lives of the, Vol, IL-S. Baring-Gould and John Fisher... ... 386 SCHOOL-BOOKS ... 887 School World, the, Vol. X.-Macmillan (pub.) 1138 Schools, Preparatory and Secondary, the Law Concerning-A, H. H. Maclean ... ... 707 Seabury, Bishop, Memoir of-W. J. Seabury... 587 Sea-Kings of Britain-G. A. R. Callender 747 Sermon Illustration, the Art of-H. .Toffs ... 587 Shadow World, the-Hamlin Garland,,.., 66 Shakespeare, an Evening with-Chatto Windus (pub.) - .„ 646 - Temple, Pocket Lexicon and Concordance

to the-Marian Edwards ... 904 Short-Story, Writing the-J. Berg Eeenwein... 865 Shrewsbury School Register, 1734-1908-Ed.

by J. E. Auden ... - 506 Siphtah, the Tomb of-G. Maspero, &e. ... 271 Skipsey, Joseph-Rt. Hon. R. Spence Watson 169 Slaves, the Man who Freed the-F. Mundell... 587 Sleeping Sickness : How to Avoid Infection ... 467 Small Holdings in England-Frederic Impey.„ 587 Soil, the-A. D. Hall - „. 158 Songs of England Awaking-Seorge Barlow ... 544 Southwell, Diocese of, Maintenance of the Parochial System in the-P. Lyttelton Gell 427 Spinster Aunt, Recollections of a-Ed. by S. Sophia Bonle .., 643 Sporting Prints, Old-Ralph Nevill ,„ _ 67 Staffordshire Farm, the Story of a-T. Carrington Smith.. .” 811 Steward, Richard, Life of-Nicholas r0000k ... 137 Stewart of Lovedale-James Wells 155

Stoicism-St. George Stock - . 160 Story and. Song, the Royal Treasury, of,

Part VI.-Neleon (pub.) - ... 428 Study, Courses of-John M. Robertson 160 Suffolk, Old, Memorials of-Ed. by Vincent B. Redstone ... - 043 Sussex, Rambles in-F. Cr. Brabant .,. .,. 1005 Sweet o' the Year, the : Thoughts from a Village Garden-Emily Ridgway „. 137 Swinburne : a Lecture-J. W. Mackail... ... 865 Sydenham, Lord-Adam Shortt ... 645

Sylva-John Evelyn, with an Essay by J. Nisbet 645 MALES within Tales: Adapted from the

1 Fables of Pilpal-Sir A. N. Wollaston .., 506 Tariff, tho Passing of the-R. L. Bridgman 786 Tasmania, a Naturalist in-Geoffrey Smith .,. 311 Ten Years After (the Bristol Orphanage)- G. F. Bergin ... .„ 587 282 Teetimoninin Auimae-E. G. (Miler_ 949 etical oris Thomson, James, the Complete Po W

of-Ed, by J. Logie Robertson... 66

Timber-J. R. Battendon 270 Tower of London, the-Charles 0. Harper ... 785 Toynbee, Joseph, F.R.S.-Gertrude Toy oboe.- 588 Trado Secrets, the Book of-J, Haslam ( pub.) 672 Trusts, in the Grip of the-J. C. Haig- ... 865

Truth Cautionary List for 1909 .. . ... 348 Tunis, Kairouari, and Carthage-Graham Potrie 157 TTNDER Potraia, with Some Snunterings- 11J By Author of "In a Tuscan Garden" -. 468 United Kingdom, Government of the : its Colonies & Dependencies-Albert E. Hogan 161 United States and its People, History of the,

VoL V.-E. MoK. Avery 597 - - the, as a World Power-A. C. Coolidge... 357 Universities, English, the Origin and Early Development of the-E. V. Vaughan ... 747 'ITARYING Year, the-G. W. E. Russell 644

Y Vegetable Garden, the-Country Life (pub.) 860 IV-ANDER Years, the-J. H. Yoxall 620 VY Warblers, the British, Part IL-H. Eliot Howard Weights and Measures Ants, the, 1878..1934-

J. D. Fletcher - 188 Wells and Glastonbury-Thomas Scott Holmes 644 Welsh Disestablishment Act the-R.W. Powell and L. Cr. Dibdin ”. - 942 Wild Beasts of the World, Vol. I.-Frank Finn 505 Witches, the Book of-Oliver Madox Hueffer 588 Woman, the Human-Lady Grove .., ... 187 - Status of-A. Beatrice & Mary W. Chapman 672 Women of All Nations, VOL IL-Ed. by Athol Joyce and N. W. Thomas 270 Woodspring Priory, the History of-W. Cr. Willis Watson ..„.. 158 Worcester, England, and Worcester, Mama- ohnsetts 187 Workman's Compensation Act, the-V.

Aronson .., 270

yEAR-BOOKS, dte. 25.102.187-138-270-311.348- .987.457-408.505.585.788.824.942 Yonge, Charlotte Mary : an Appreciation-, Ethel Romanes se. 614


" Akm-' BOUND," 975-1029.

Admiralty, the, 609-607-787.

,,Affections, the Lasser," 868,

Afforestation, 178-256-298.838-375.419.

Agrieralture Below Ground, 219.

Allirs Ms and Entente, 258.

America : and Protection, 257 ; and the Command of the Sea, 856-890-971.

Animals, Do they Reason P 934-975-1021

Arcades Ara° 457.

Armaments, the Limitation of, Mr. Carnegie and, 1023.

Army, the, as a Vocation, 259. Austria-Hungary, the Political Balance.Shoet of,


Avon Gorge, the, and. Leigh Woods, 221; "The. Sublime and Beautiful Carted. Away," 261-339-376.

BACON ; Adam Smith and, 573j J. R. Green and, 1028. Battleships, More : an Analogy from History, 533.

Beckford, William, 56.

Bailee, Mr., and the Spectator, 495.

Bengal : Sedition in, 52; a Reply, 298. Bible, the, or the Church ? 221.

Biblical Study, 739.

Birds : at What Time Do they Get Up P 974, Birdie-Nesting, Boys and, 1028.

Blaokie, Professor John Stuart, 56.

Bloodhounds, Police, 55.

Border Burghs Election, the, 417. Bowles, Mr. Gibson, and the Irish Vote, 420.

"Broken Wind," a Remedy for a, 130.

Budget : Free-Trade and the, 738; the Income- Tax and the, 775; the Land Clauses in the, 1025g the Peers and the, 1026. By-elections, Recent, the Lesson of the, 417.

CAMA% Julius, the Character of, 612-698. Canada and the Navy, 258. Canadian View of Reciprocity & Imperialism, 372.

Capital, the Exportation of, 46e. Carlyle, Thomas, and Jane Welsh, the Love.

Letters of, 663. Carnegie, Mr., and the Limitation of Armaments, 1073.

Cheetham, Archdeacon, and World•Humour, 534.- 376-663.

Children in Latin Poetry, 376-420.

China, the New Era in, 373.

Chough, the Cornish, as Incendiary, 699.

Church Unity, 300-340.

Cider, Itedstreak, 816. Cocoa, Slave-Grown, 14-60-260-416-463-496-530-537- 909, Colonial Training for Ladies, 536.

Colonials and Natives, 899-338.

Connnunion : Refusal of the, on the Ground of Nonconformity, 812; Nonconformists and the, 853-891-900.

Confederates, the : and Public Life, 178; and Mr. Marks, 219, Congo State, Rubber from the, 816. Conscientious Objectors and National Service, 662. Constantinople : the Lynching of a Greek in, pa.%

the Situation at, 371- and. Greek Hopes, 773.

Conetitution, the Breakdown of the, 774.

Contraband of War, 1024.

Convocation and the Ornaments Rubric, 975, Coquelin, 220. Comfit', an Echo of, 129.

Corruption, Prevention of, 129.

Cotton Industry, Mr. Wyndham and the, 338. Coutts, the Late Mr. Thomas, 858. Crosby Hall and Swift's Lodgings, 55. Crow, an Albion, 576. Crusade, a: Wanted for England, 497-575.610-601.


Cuckoo, the Call of the, 935-975-1029.

TIAKINEFPISWORT, Seigneur, who was ha ? 261-310-458 Darwin, the Centenary of, 337,

Dawkins, Sir Clinton, & the Baghdad Railway, 929, Deceased Wife's Sister, 895-993. Denmark, the Defences of, 298. Destruction, the Economics of, 128, Dinnzulu Correction, 420.

Divorce Court, Perjury and Publicity in the, 300. 389-467.

Dockyards, Defence of, 737. Domestic Science, the Teaching of, 664-778.

Douglas Cause, tho-ThurloVs Duel, 613.

Duty, National, 660,

VAIITINUAICE, the, 50-92; Faith and Arithmetic, 92. -L2 Beater Offerings rend Income-Tax, 664,

Education, Experiments iii, 17.

Egg, a Marvellous, 537.

Electoral Reform, Mr. Winston Churchill and, 857. Electra, the Modernity of, 259.

Empire, the Future of the, 814.

England : a Crusade Wanted for, 497-575-616-661- 095.778; and Germany, 535.

English Review, the : a Disclaimer, 537, Entente and Alliances, 268.

ranierreci, Does it Pay ? 900-377.

-12 Farms, Fifty-Acre, the Demand for, 12.

Female Domestio Labour, the Demand for, in South Africa, 418.

Finance Bill, the, 930.

Finance, National, 16.

Force, the Two Kinds of, 660.

Forestry, National, 573. Fox, the Late Arthur Wilson, 180. Froo-Trade: and "Down with the Lords," 15; and the Liberal Party, 457-490; and the Budget, 739.

French Memoir, a, 738.

Friendly Societies and Land-Tar, 739.

AULDITER. the Late Sir William Tennant, 817. \A Gambling, Newspaper, 419.

Germany : the Naval Policy of, 535; and England,

5305 ;oramndanitglianinger07, 5tlie, 880-1026,

German Sehoolboy, the Head-Master of Eton and the, 92-181.

" Gervaso," 817. Gladstone : and Home-Rule, 698-931; the Cen- tenary of, 974. Glass Bottles and Heath Fires, 81.6. Goalie's Conversations, 877.

"Goldrick, Couetahle, the Spectator Fund for, ND 302-341-377-458.

Government, the, and the Lords, 873. Greek, the Lynching of a, in Constantinople, 93. Grimke Sisters, the, 613.

Haow:rue and his Crocodile-Bird, 260401-841. Hero-Worship and Patriotism, 458. History, the Lessons of, 127481.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, the Centenary of, 537. Holy Mountain, the, 935.

Home•Rule : the Conservative Manifesto on, 177; the Over-Representation of, and its Results, 418; Goldwin Smith on Kr. Gladstone and, 098; Glad. stone and, 934.

Hope of the World, the, 811. Humanitarianism and Sea Powor, 890.

Humour and "Ironio," 611.

Hungary, Parliamentary Tolerance in, 374.

IAIDeniAL Administration a Canker in, 13-217; British Officiate and other Residents in the 'Tropics, 53.

Limon:ea : the Tax on Unearned, 738; the Super. Tax on, 736.

Income-Tax : and Easter Offerings, 664 ; Paid by the Agricultural Landlord, 774-923 and the Budget, 775; from Capital, 857. India the Narrow Field of Sedition in, 53; Famine Relief in, 91; Army Administration in, 216; Mr. Sinha and the Census of, 537-574-696.

Indian Mohammedans and Lord Morley's Reforms, 218-418455.

Indian Nation, the, 816.

Inns of Court, the-a Correlation, 935. Inspector-Ridden Nation, an, 376. Insurance, National, & Old•Age Pensions, 776-815. Ireland the State of, 51; Crimeless, 331); Old- Age Pensions in, 815. Irish Land Question, 89-127-180-220-222-259.290-611. Irishman's Home, an, 257. Isaiah, the Poetry of, 55. Ivy, the Planting of, against Trunks of Trees, 301.

JOAN or Anc-a Correction, 699.

Viennese, the Religion of, 17.

-1-1- Kitchen Middens of the Modern Savage, the, 420.

LAND, the Rent of, 1026. Land Values; the Taxation of, 17.220-257-773; Friendly Societies and, 92.706; Conform:Lee on, 739;

and Old-Age Pensions, 776.

Language, a Dead ? 1030.

Leaky, Mr., on Graduated Taxation, 737. Liberal Party, the: amid Socialism, 418; and Free.

'Trade, 457-496.

"Life, a New Way of," 610. Lilies, in the Time of, 664.

Lincoln, Abraham, 299-498. Livings, Poor, Grants to, 419458-498-535-574.

London, Old-a Correction, 341.

Lords: Free-Trade and Down with the, 15; tho Iteport of the, 18.417; the Government and the, 373;

What Will They Do? 856.

Levet, Lord, 458.

" Love Your Enemies," 610.

ATAGriefi in London, 738-778-857-996.

-ALA Mallierbe's Poem on Death, 457, Marriage No Disability, 407.

Men, Good and Groat, 337. Meredith Mr. George, 856-896 ; and National Service, 973.

Metaphor, a Noble, 376. " Milan, the Duahoss of," 931.

Military Training, Universal, Could it be an Open Question P 971. Milton Anecdote, a, 17.55.

Minerals, Ungotten, Taxation of : a Suggestion, 776.

Montagu, Lady M. Wortley, on her own Sex, 537. Moorland Horeemasitership, 51; a Correction, 130.

1■2 ATAL and South African Unity, 53.

National Service: Couscientious Objectors and, 662; Mr. Meredith 1, 973; & the Middle-Aged, 1028. Naval Situation, the, 403.

Navies of the World :-IV. The Japanese Navy, 49-V. The Russian Navy, 88-VI. The Italian Navy, 124-VU. The Austrian Navy, 176.

Navy: Canada and the, 258; National Service and the, 453; Why Not a Vote of Credit for the ? 536.

New Zealand: an Inspector-Ridden Nation, 376; the Parson Bird of, 698; and the Quebec: Battle. ilelde, 074.

" Night-Solemn' " 457.

:4 Nonconformist0.nd the Communion, 853-891-030. North Wind in March, the, 499.

nmaas Pensions, 18-52.91-123; and National Insurance, 776.815; and Land Values, 776; the Unionist Party and, 815; in Ireland, 815.

Oxford Anglo-German Society, the, 974.

pANDITA RAMADAI-0. Correction, 738-817. "Paradise Lost,' " a Critic on, 55. Parents, Degraded and their Children, 457.

Parson Bird, the New Zealand, 698.

Party Government and the Outlook, 662. Patriotism, Women's Share in, 1027.

Peking, the Position of, 297, Physical Training, the Relation of, to Defensive Power, 572-611.

Playgrounds, Village, 340-375. "Playing the Game" as Understood about 80 B.C., 200, Polecat Hunt, a, 699. Policemen., Two Gallant, 221, Poor Law, the Reform of the, 779. Poor Livings, Grants to, 419.456-400-535-574. Pragmatism and Religion, 90-129-219, Preparation, 814. Press Conference, the Speeches at the, 972. Press, the Antiseptic of the, 495. Proportional Representation in South Australia, 575.

Purana-a Correction, 779.

ODA nuns, the, and their Principles, 090.737.770-814. Quarterig Rosiew a Curious Wunder, 738479, Quebec Battle:le/as, New Zealand end the, 974. 'RADICAL Socialists," the Meaning of, 92.

AA' Reciprocity and Imperialism, a Canadian View of, 378.

Redwing, the, in England, 17. Reunion and Intereommunion, 738478, Eights and Duties, 129.221, Rodney, an Aneodote of, 260-301.

Roosevelt, Mr., and Sir Horace Plunkett, 930471 Russian Parliament, the, 93.

ST. PATRIC:IC, 93. School-Books and Polities, 54-92. School-Children, the Feeding of, 52,

Schoolmasters and Inhabited House Duty, 776, Sea Power, 536-890.

Secret Service, 221.

Serjeant's Inn, the Judges and, 074. Siam, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in, 1023.

Sinba, Mr., 537-574-696.

Sinking Fund, Old, the Theft of the, 778. Slavery on the Cocoa Plantations, 14-50-260-416- 433-496-536-587-969.

Small Holdings Act, the : Demand for Fifty-Acre Parma, 12, Smith Professor Goldwin, on Mr. Gladstone and Home-Rule, 698. Socialism and Liberalism, 330-373-456, Socialist, a French, on the Minimum Wage, 818.

Sophisms, Eeonomie, 895. Spectator Experimental Company, the, 690. Spectator, the : and the Nineteenth Century, 93,5; Unknown Donors of the, 537-739-976.

State the, and the Family, 534.574-611. Stead, Mr. W. T., and the Alleged Spirit Photo- graph of Piet Botha, 93. "Stewart of Lovedalo," 221.

" Stroke, the Government," 856.

Stupidity, 301.

Sublime and Beautiful Carted Away," the, 2131- 339-376.

" Suffragettes," a Parallel to the, 129. Sultan, tho New, How he was Girt with the Sword, 852, Suum Cuique, 576.

Swinburne and Gladstone, 802.

Tarr, Archbishop-a Correction, 1030.

-A Tariff Reform, the Methods of : in the Border Burghs, 837.417; and Electioneering, 878; a Warning from Canada, 663.

Tariff War, a, 257.

Tenacity of Purpose, 817. Territorial Officers, the Lack of, 973.1027.

Theology, a School of, at Oxford, 935. Trained Men, Why not a Census of 1027. Travelling and Amusements, Why not Tax them P 260-300.

Treaties, European, Britain and, 659.

Tree, Marks on a, 576.

" Truth, No Refuge but in," 341.

Turk, the Passing of the, 772.

Turkey the Now Era in, 222 ; the Crisis in, 337; the Second Revolution in, 855; and Crete, 934.

eLOTED, the, and the Snowstorm, 01, Unionist Free-Traders and the Present Govern- went, 14-120.

Unionist Party : the Now Split in the, 219; and Old-Age Pensions, 815.

VOLUNTEERING, Half•a-Century of, 1030.

WAGE, Minimum, a French Socialist on the, 813. War, Why Should the Nations Wage ? 661.

Watson, Mr.: Indictment, 736. Welsh D1E:establishment, 607-738-773-912-855-033 ; the Bishop of St. A saph on, 855.

Winding Horn to Rouse Old Panic a, 013. Women's Share in Patriotism, 1027.

" VOIenli a Liar I " 538. A. Yuan Shih-Kai, 125.

APPEALS.-" Lord Roberts'. Boys," 17.- Middlesex Hospital Cancer Charity, 56.-Help for Good Boys, 181.-Girtion College, 301.-Fund for the Murdered Irish Constable, 2131-302-341.377.458--. Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, 498.-Pilgrim Fathers' Memorial, 664.-The Monument to Madame do Steel, 739.-Tho Women's Holiday Fund, 935.- Victoria League Newspaper Scheme, 976.-Rest- Rooms for Girls at the White City Exhibition, 1030.



ACIDENT Banquet, the, 727. Academy, the, John Butt, and the Spectator, 79. Admiralty : the Case against the, 563.599; the Case for the, 599.

Aerial League of the British Empire, the, 503. Aerial Navigation, Mr. lialdnaio's Statement on, 727.

Afforestation: the Royal Commission's Report on, 114; Mr. If, J. Elwes on, 247.

Aga Khan, the, on the Government and Moham• medan Representation in India. 1014. Airship, the Morning Post's Subscription List for an, 1016.

All-India Moslem League, the, on Lord Iforley's Indian Proposals, 762.1014. Asquith, Mr. : at the Queen's Hall, on Free. Trade, 407; at the Barristers' Benevolent Associa- tion, 562; at Glasgow, on the Navy, 651; on the Place of the Press in the National Life, 959, Asquith, Mrs., the Paris Gowns of, 803.

ACON, Captain, the Letters of, 802; Sir George AA Armstrong on, 842.

Balfour, Mr.: at the Tariff Reform League Luncheon, 440; at the Agricultural Hall, on the Naval Crisis, 523 ; at the Guildhall, 523; at Cam. bridge, on Darwin, 1015.

Balfour of Burleigh. Lord on Aims of the British Constitution Association, 115; at Guildford, 207. Beresford, Lord Charles : the Rumours as to, 168; at the Australasian Banquet, on Imperial Defence, 842.

Berlin's Chief Burgomaster and Nunielpal COLIDOMOre Visit to Loudon, 841, n2014 7Mr. ., his Ref-twat to Appear at a Music-

Birrell, Mr. : at Dublin, on the Infinence of the Press, 11.5; and the Murder of Constable Goldrick, 407.

Birthday Honours, the, 1014. Boat-Race, the Oxford and Cambridge, 563. Budget, the Times Parliamentary Correspondent on the, 248.

Burke, Professor Walter Raleigh on, 763-803.

Canneinez, the Proposed Reforms at 763. Cecil, Lord Robert, on the Confederacy and the Free-Trade Unionists, 166.

Chemistry, Applied, the Congress of, 1978. Churchill, Mr. Winston : his Letter on the Navy, 1500' Deputation to, on the Channel Ferry, 763. Clarke, Mr. Charles, the Boycotting of, by the United Irish League, 247. Collen, Sir E., on the Abolition of the Indian Military Supply Department, 200. Colliery Disaster in Durham, the Terrible, 287. Confederates, the Direct Effects of the Action of the, on the Unionist Party, 166. Congo Natives, Mr. Morel's Memorial to Sir E. Grey on the Rights of the, 205. Congo Question, Sir E. Grey on the, 363, Coruna, the Centenary of, 115.

Copartnership in the Shipbuilding Trade, 79, Cox, Mr. Harold, at the Authors' Club, 207. Cromer, Lord at Leeds, 114; at the Queen's Hall, on 'Woman Suffrage, 523; the Award of, in the Midland Railway Arbitration, 562; his Speech to the Press Conference, 917,

DALMENT, Lord, Decides not to Seek Re-election, 206. Darwin, the Centenary of the Birth of, 247-1015. Daylight Saving Bill, Sir Robert Ball on the, 651.

Dillon, Mr. 3,, his Violent Speech on the Land Bill at 'Thurles, 651. Duma, the Visit of Members of the, 957.

RIMER, Lord, his Serious Warning to the Country, -AA 878.

Exploration Expeditions to Start in 1909, 114,

MUM Colony at Barton Moss, the Loss on the, 651.

Fisher, Sir John, Rumoured Retirement of, 843. Free-Trade Principles, City Committee for the Furtherance of, 562.

arms to the People, Three Notable, 116.

Grey, Sir E.: at Coldstream, on Austrian Charges against Britain' 165: on the Congo Qum:. tion, 3433; his Speech to the Press Conference, 917.

HALDANE, Mr., at Glasgow, on the Territorial Force, 79. Hamilton, Lord George : on the Yield of the New

Taxation, 842; on Universal Training, 1015.

Healy, Mr. F. BS., on the New Irish Land Bill, 79. Mediu, Dr. Sven, on his Third Journey la Tibet,


Henson, Canon Hensley, and Dr. Gore, the Con- troversy between, 563.

Holbein's "Duchess of Milan," 727-763.878.

Holy Communion, the Divisional Court's Judg• ment in the Case of Refusal of, 803.

ThIPERIAL Press Conference, the, 917; at the Alder. A. shot Review, 958; at the Naval Review at Spithead, 958; Visit to Oxford, 959.

Indian Prophecy, a Curious, and the Budget, 727. Ireland, the Inorease of Agrarian Outrages in, 39. Irish, Compulsory, at the New National Univer- sity, the Conflict over, 287.

Irish Nationalist Convention, the, 247.

TADANEEIN AillballeadOT, the, on Japan', Foreign Policy, 825.

Viscaln-Smirn, Capt.: Resigns his Seat in Perlin. ment, 562; his Defeat at the By.olection, 727. King, time: his Horse ' Minoru ' Wins the Derby, 843; Presents 103 Units of the Territorial Army with Colours, 1015.

Krishnavarma, Mr., Oxford University and, 106.

,nroir Woods, the, Presented to Bristol by Mr. G. A. Wills, 167.

Lloyd George, Mr., his Libel Action against the People, 443.

Local Government Board Report, the, and Pauperism, 246.

lite'ACDOSNxia., Lord, on the Indian Bfehrimmedaus and the Proposed Electoral Colleges, 39. Malcolm, Mr., on the Le ',vim State of Ireland, 247-287.

Meat Trade, the Inquiry into the, 763. Meredith, Mr. the Question of hie Burial in the Abbey, 802; on National Service. 878, Minimum Wage, the, and Sweating, Lecture on, at the British Constitution Association, 522.

Morgan, Mr. Piorpont, his Gift of Canon Green' well's Colleotion to the British Museum, 115. Morley, Lord : his Address to the Press Confer. cues on "Literature and Journalism," 918; at Oxford, on the Indian Deportations 954.

Murray, Prof. Gilbert, on the Interpretation of Ancient Greek Literature, 207.

NATIONAL Rine Association, Civilian Rifle Clubs and the, 207. National Service League, the, 482.

Navy Estimates, the Cabinet and the, 206. Naval Commands, the Rumoured Changes in the Chief, 166. Naval Crisis, the, 411-462; the Attitudes of the Colonies on the, 522; the Standard on the Attitude of the American Press on the, 593. Naval Warfare, the Declaration on Laws of, 483. Newspaper Gambling Competitions, the Homo Secretary and, 827.

" nDSEnvErt " Apology to the, 217; on Tariff Reformers and the Union, 287.

Ornaments Rubric and Divine Service, the Report of the Committee on the, 327. Oxford, the Gift of Sixteen Distinguished Americans to, 167, Paean, Mr. G., on Great Britain's Capital Invest. mauls in Other Lands, 859. Plunkett, Sir II., 111r. Roosevelt's Letter to, 878. Poor Law Commission, the Report of the, 287. Prevention of Corruption Act, Prosecutions under the, 79.

'RADIUM Institute, British, the Establishment of a, 167. Railway Arbitration, the Award of Sir E. Fry in the, 240. Rosebery, Lord : at Edinburgh, on Thrift, 3; on the Territorial Force, 441; his Speech to the iress Conference, 917. Ruskin College, the Dispute at, 563.

PIT. Los, Captain, on " the Liberty not to Fight for One's Country," 207.

Salisbury, Lord, on the East Herta Unionist Association and Mr. Abel Smith, 407.

' Sappho,' the, in Collision off Dungeness, 1015. Secret COMIRISSiOntl, Prosecutions for Receiving, 70.

Shakespeare Memorial, the Scheme for a, 483. Shipbuilding Trade, the Agreement between Employers and Men in the, 79. Sinclair, Mr., his Acceptance of a Peerage, 166. Smith, Mr. Abel. the Harts Conservative Associa- tion and, 207-407.

Suffragists, the, 327.

TERRITORIAL Force, the Formation of is Reserve to the, 598. Thomson, James, Discovery of the MS. of his Alfred : a Masque, 89.

Thrift, a Remarkable Instance of, 3. Tottenham, the Outrage by Two Russians at, 167. Trawlers, Steam, the Purchase of, by the Admiralty, 598. True Temperance Association, the Inauguration of the, 803.

UNEMPLOYED: the DOSS on the FRTIII Colony at Barton Moss, 651' the Value of Work Done in the London Parks by the, 1015.

Unionist Free-Trade Members of Parliament, the Position of, and the Confederates, 114. Universal Training, the Press Conference and, 918.

VITAtes, Prince of, Presides at the Royal Com- " minion for the Brussels, Rome, and Turin Exhibitions, 562.

Welsh Eisteddfod, the, at the Albert Hall, 959. Woman Suffrage, Mon's League for Opposing, 803. Wreck of the White Star Liner Republic,' 167. Wright, Wilbur and Orville, the Visit of, to England, 727.

yILOMANRY, the riold-Day and March-Put of the, on Salisbury Plain, 879; a French Correspon- dent on the, 918.


A DDRESS, the Debate on the, 286; the Unemploy. " meet Amendment, 286; the Fiscal Amend- ment, 286-320; the House of Lords Amendment, 826; the Irish Amendment, 526; the Local Taxation Amendment, 327; the Congo Amendment, 827.

Army Estimates, the, 802-406. Army, the Duke of Bedford and Lord Roberts on the, 891. Asquith, Mr., on the Indian Deportations, 958.

ROAR°of Trade Bill, the 687. Budget, the, of Mr. Lloyd George, 685; the Debate on the, 720; the New License-Duties, 762; the Laud Values Tax, 762; the Reply of Mr. Asquith to the London Bankers, Sue, 801 ; Mr. Balfour on the, 802; the Irish-Grown Tobacco Amendment, 842.

COcOA and Slave Labour in Portuguese East Africa: Mr. Churehill on, 327; Sir E. Grey on, 406.

DAYLIGHT Saying Bill, the, 400-051,

Via4wez Bill: the Debate on the, 919; the mittoo Stage of the, 1014.

GREY, Sir E., on the International Situation, M.

Homete Proposals, the Rumoured, of the Govern. ment, 878. Houses of Parliament (Admission to the) Bill, 050.

Housing and Town Planning and Irish Land Bills, the Closuring of the, 958.

Triceren-Tex, the Graduation of the, 483. Indian Couacils Bill, the, 325-863.406-650.087.

Ireland, Condition of, Debate on the, hi the Lords, 286.

KING'S Speech, the, 285, lepers, Appointment of Committee to Inquire into J-1 the State of the, 650.

Navy Estimates, the Debate on the 442-482. Naval Vote of Censure, the, 522.

oenstie Pensions Act, the Administration of the pABLIAMBRT, Opening of the Fourth Session of, 285. RETALIATION, a Debate on, e22.

QMALL Holdings Act, the Working of the, 44,3. Sweated Industries 13111, the, of Mr. Hills, 522.

TWo-Powen Standard, Debate on the, 842. Epieterfeemeive Debate, the, 302.

WELSH Diseetablishment Bill, the, 610; the " Withdrawal of the, 959,

Women's Enfranchisement Bill, the, of Mr. Howard, 483.


ATTERCLIFFE.-MT. 3, Pointer (Labe, 727. CROYDOE.-Sir 14. Hermon-Hodge ( 523. DENBIGHSHIRE (EAST).-NET. E. G. Hemmorde (L.), 563, EDINBURGH (EAST).-Mr. J. P. Gibson (L.), 651. EDINBURGH (SOUTII).-Mr, DOESS (Ld, 363. FORIPABSIIIRE.-Mr. Falconer (L.), 363, GLASGOW (Ceern.u.).-Mr, Soott-Diekson (U.), 363.

STRATFORD•IIPON•AVON.--Mr. Foster (C.), 727. TAUNTON.- MT. P001 (U.), 327.



Dinumflu, the Conviction of, 3132.

Jameson, Dr., on South African Union, 285. South African National Convention : the Question of the Capital, 205 ; Natal and the, 353-861; the Bond Congress, 400; the Revised Constitution Signed by the, 763; the Referendum in Natal, 918- 938.


Deakin, Mr., his Proposals in relation to Imperial Defeuce, 1013. Fisher, Mr., the Defeat of, by Mr. Deakin, 878.

CANADA, Leacock, Professor, his Vindication of British Diplomacy in regard to Canadian Interests, 38, INDIA.

Budget, the, 483; the Debate on the, 523. Military Supply Department. the Abolition of the. 105; Sir E. Cohen on the, 200.

National Congress, the, at Madras, 2. Sian, Mr., Appointed to the Viceroy's Executive Council, 483.

Titaghur, Serious Religious Rioting at, 39.

NEWFOUNDLAND, Fisheries Dispute, the Tentative Agreement at Washington on the, 105; the Government's Assent to the, 205.


Elections, the Significance of the, 38.



Agram "High Treason "Trial, the Inner History of the, 1013.

German Emperor, the Visit of the, to Vienna, 761. Hungarian Bank in Bosnia, the Proposed, 725. Navy : the Increasing of the Strength of the, 165; Four' Dreadnoughts ' to be Added to the, 661.

(See also under "Near East.") CHINA.

Hong-kong University, the Endowment of, 878. Japan, the Deadlock with, over Railway Con- struction, 877, Manchuria, Japan Refuses Arbitration over Questions in, 521. Railway Construction, the Misuse of British Money in. 405.

Yuan Shill-Kai, the Dismissal from Office of, 37.


Abbe Loisy, the, on the Study of Religions, 727. Civil Servants Bill, the, 811.

Clement:wan, M., and the Post Office Strike, 761. Execution of Four Murderers at Bethune, 78, Where', N., the Assault on, on Christmas Day, 2. Guya, Al, Yves, on the Character of the British Government, 206.

Joan of Arc, the Beatification of, 2. Moroccan Question, the Joint Declaration on the, 245.

Navy, a Commission of Inquiry into the State of the, 522; the Report of the, 1013.

011ivier, M. Emile, the Reminiscences of, 877. 61., on French Policy in Morocco, 113. Post Office Strike, the, 401-725.761-801. Riots, the, at the Auteuil Racecourse, 1013. Senatorial Elections, the Results of the, 88.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany's Ultimatum to Russia in regard to, 521-561. British Labour Members, the Visit of the, 918. Billow, Prince, on Foreign Affairs, 521. Dernburg, Herr, his Lectures on the German Colonies, 114. Imperial Finances Opposition to the Govern- ments Proposnle for Reorganising the, 3; the Special Committee on the, 1111; the Government's New Proposals, 9513; the Rejection of the Inherit- ance-Tax Bill, 1013. Kaiser, the: his Visit to Vienna, 761; • Meets the Czar at Sea, 877-957; on his Meeting with the Czar, 1013. King Edward, the Visit of, to Berlin, 245. Moroccan Question, the Joint Declaration on the, 245. Naval Estimates, tho, Voted by the Reichstag, 481. Prussia, the Official Report upon Public Health in, 877. Prussian Budget Estimates, the Deficit in the, 113. Zeppelin, Count, the Forty Hours' Flight of, 878.


Queen Wilholmina Gives Birth to a Daughter, 087-720. ITALY.

Joan of Arc, the Beatification of, 2. Sicily and Calabria, the Earthquake in, 1-37' the Experiences of Signor do Filippi at Messina, 78. JAPAN.

China, the Deadlock With, over Railway Con- struction, 877.

Komura, Baron, in the Diet, on Foreign Policy, 203.


Casablanca Episode, the Hague Arbitration Result in the. 841.


Berlin and Vienna Press and the "Machiavellian" Attitude of Great Britain, 2-39. Servia and Montenegro, the Position in regard to, 87.

Turkey's Acceptance of Austria-Hungary's Offer of er.2,500,000, 77.

Turco-Bulgarian Frontier, the Powers and the Situation on the, 165.

Russia and the Bulgarian Indemnity to Turkey, 215.246.

Austria and Sonia, the Hostile Attitude of, 285- 325-443.481, &rein.: the Reply of, to Al. Isvolsky, 3611 and to the Powers, 405.

Bosnia and Herzegovina : Reside and the Annoxa• tion of, 431; Germany's Ultimatum to Bassi& in regard to, 521-561. Crete the Problem of Evacuation, 918-957. (See also under "Turkey,") PERSIA.

Shah : the Times Correspondent's Interview with the, 361; Re•establishos the Constitution, 702. Tabriz, the Siege of, 562.

(See also p. 801.) PORTUGAL.

King, the Task before the, 918.

RUSSIA, Azoff Scandal, the Debate on the, in the Bums, 362.

Czar, the, Meets the Kaiser at Sea, 877. Dune, the, Exprestse3 Sympathy with Slav Peoples and States, 2.

Isvoisky, M., on the Near Eastern Situation, 2. Lopukhin, Al.: the Trial of, 509; the Sentence on, 761.

Stolypin, M., and the Czar, 762, SEE VIA.

Crown Prince, the Renunciation of the, 481, (See also under "Near East.") SIAM.

Treaty with Britain, the, 957.


Carrera, Admiral, the Death of, 502.


Gamble, Rear-Admiral, Appointed to Reorganise the Navy, 3.

Abd-uldiamid : his Speech to the Deputies at a Banquet at Yilitiz Kiosk, 39; the Deposition et, 686; the Treasure of, 723. Kiamil Pasha, his Speech on the General Situa- tion to Parliameut, 77.

Ibrahim Peelle, Chief of the Milll, the Downfall of, 78.

Cabinet, the Changes in the, 246. Berbasti, the Assassination of the Editor of the, 501. Counter...Revolution in Constantinople, 597, Young Turk., the Victory of the, 649-835, Adana : the Massacres at, 050-725; the Relief Measures at, 878.

Rootlet]. Effendi, the New Sultan, 087.

Mimi Pasha Appointed Grand Vizier, 725.

Yikllz Kiosk, Curious Stories about the lures Lige. tions at, 762.

Desert, the, under the Constitution, 811. }lever Bey, Major, on the Cretan Problem, 918. Djavid Bey, the Financial Statement of, 1013, (See also under "Near East.") UNITED STATES.

Battleship Fleet, Mr. Roosevelt's Speech of Welcome to the, 325, German Ambassador on the Peaceful Attitude of Germany, 720.

Lincoln Centenary, the Celebrations of the, 283. Newfoundland Fisheries Dispute, the Tentative Agreement on the, 165. Payne Tariff Bill, the, 483. 'Republic,' White Star Liner, Wreck of the, 167. Roosevelt President: his Reply to Congress on the Secret leervice, 38; his Tribute to British Rule in India, 113; his Remarkable Presidency, 301 ; on Japanese Immigration and the American Navy, 726. Root, Mr., on the Congo Question, 246, Ruef, Abraham, the Conviction of, at San Fran- cisco, 3.

Taft, Mr., the Inauguration of, as President, 361. Tariff Inquiry, the Progress of the, 2.

Tillman, Mr., his Reply to Mr. Roosevelt's Charges, 78.

OBITUARY. Arnold•Forster, Mr., 44$, Butler, the Rev. A. G., 115, Caran d'Ache, 871.

Cervera, Admiral, 562. Chauchard, M., 066.

Coquelin, H., afne, 167-220. Davideon, John, 692.

Fox, Arthur Wilson, 190. Goldrick, Constable, 261, Meredith, Mr. George, 802.809. Swinburno, Mr. A. C., 599-005.