2 JANUARY 1926, Page 33

Scotland's Heir. By Winifred Duke. ,(Chambers„ Is. 6d. net.)—The Young

Pretender, has .appeared SO' Often in his- torical romance that it says much for Miss Winifred Duke's skill that she has been able to giVe a totieh of ffeshness even to so hackneyed a story as that of the rising of '45: - Her narra- tive is well sustained and lively,: her characterization eon- vineino. and her portrait of the Prince himself quite unflatter- ingly historical. The sariie indeed 'might be said of all the portraits, and it is a veritable Highland gaHerY that is given -us, -including a study of _Miss Walking,sbaW, whose liaison with the Prince is made -a 'feature of the story. •