2 JANUARY 1926, Page 34




Mum as I should like to be in the position of giving readers of this column an accurate forecast of financial, commercial and Stock Exchange conditions in the new year, the following of which would ensure fortunes during 1926, I fear that the task is beyond me. Indeed, it will probably occur to the intelligent reader that if our financial writers had such prescience as is sometimes attributed to them, they would most of them be relin- quishing their present positions and pursuing occupations wherein, by acting upon their own foreknowledge, a rapid accumulation of wealth would result.

Nor do I feel tempted by the fact that a year ago my forecasts concerning the Stock Markets happened to be reasonably correct to dogmatize in any way concerning future possibilities. All that I can do is to present what I think may be regarded as a fairly accurate consensus of the best City views with regard to the prospects for 1926, in doing which I shall endeavour to steer a course between those who regard the year with the keenest optimism and those who are inclined to be gloomy.