2 JANUARY 1932, Page 23


THE DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE. In my usual Sunday reading I chanced upon the following lines of Euripides, which the members of the Disarmament Conference might well carry with them to their deliberations g io TaXaIrcupot Pporciv, rt Kria0c X4rxas Kai Kerr' EtXX4X., VOW rt Wolk ; ra.Oacto6, IcXXIt Wavres refrom deny OuXdowerrO' lovxoc par op.expdv rd xpiyan rau ((foe ; Tarr.' 51 XP)/ ms ioacrra. Kaigi) airs, rdvar Samrcpiv.

Like Virgil, Euripides has " the sense of tears in mortal things."—NoaroN G. LAwsoN, Temple Lodge, Richmond, Yorkshire.


You are a firm advocate of pure English, but your paper

frequently gives us "try and" instead of the more gram- matical "try to" .... You can do much to save our language from this vulgarism before it is too late, unless it may be too late already. In this issue the lapse occurs in the first para- graph on p. 886.—P. WILLIAMS.

THE WHEAT PURCHASING Boman Those who, on the ground of national economy, are rejoicing over the scrapping of the land value tax valuation machinery had better pause. The cost of it was put at between £1,000,000 and £1,500,000 ; but how much are we to pay for the Wheat Purchasing Board, which is now part of the proposed quota scheme ? It is estimated at between £5,000,000 and £7,500,000. It is evident that what the Treasury saves on the land valuation they will assuredly surrender, and three or four fold, in the cost of " policing " the production and marketing of wheat from the field to the baker's shop.—Jolla PAUL.