2 JANUARY 1932, Page 23


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May one of your older readers crave space for a brief tribute to that most worthy and accomplished Irish gentleman, Mr. Alfred Perceval Graves, who died on Sunday at his beloved Harlech ? I first met him during the War, and I can never forget my surprise and pleasure at finding him as youthful and enthusiastic as his songs and books. lie must have been seventy then, but he did not look it or anything like it ; and, unlike many eminent authors, he seemed not only ready but anxious to talk about his work and to expound his plans for the further and fuller popularising of Gaelic and Welsh song as well as of the Irish balladry in connexion with which he is best known. I knew that he had served for many years as an Inspector of Schools, and I am afraid that I bad nerved myself for a somewhat alarming interview with one of these formidable personages. But my fears were idle. " A. P." was as bright and lively as any of the wandering harpers and minstrels of old Erin can have been in their day, and his kindness to me, a stranger, was charming in the extreme. Others may speak of his contributions to our folk-song and folk-music. I must content myself with giving your readers a glimpse of the man himself, wise, cultured, but above humorous and humane, whose passing is a great loss.—I any

Sir, &c., E. G. Ii.