2 JANUARY 1942, Page 12

Sia,—Was the " British Government Lecturer " in America, referred

to in Harold Nicolson's article in your issue of December 26th, strictly correct in telling his audience that " Australia had been completely independent since 1855 "? Surely " complete independence" implies absolute independence in foreign policy and defence? Did Australia enjoy the latter so far back as 1855? Actually, I believe, the right of so-called " responsible government " was granted to the Australian provinces in the eighteen-fifties, to New South Wales and to Victoria in 1855, to South Australia and to Tasmania in 1856 and to Queens- land in 1859 But did such "responsible government " amount to " complete independence," even in domestic affairs, such as the Dominions now enjoy? Was there not " control " from the Colonial Office up to a much later date?—Yours faithfully,