2 JANUARY 1948, Page 20


Stu,—The instructive article, Everyman's Charter, by H. G. Daniels, in The Spectator of December 19th, rightly criticises the article of the draft declaration regulating freedom of movement " by any general law ad?pted in the interests of national welfare and security" because this was exactly what formed the legal basis for imprisoning hundreds and thousands of Jews in Germany under Nazi law. May I inform you that, at the suggestion of the World Jewish Congress, admitted as consultant to the Economic and Social Council under Article 71 of the Charter, the text of the Article in question was changed on a motion of Mr. Macnamara, Australia, and the following text adopted :—" Subject to any general lap not contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations, and adopted for specific reasons of security or in the general interest, there shall be liberty of movement and free choice of residence within the borders of each State."—I remain, Sir, yours faithfully,