2 JANUARY 1953, Page 1


Date Pages


Jan. 2


6498 9



16 57-80


23 81-112


30 113-136


6 137-168

6503 . . 13 169-200

No. Date 6504 • • Feb. 20 6505 • • „ 27 6506 .. March 6 6507 • • „ 13 6508 . • „ 20 6509 • „ 27

6510 . . April 3

Pages 201-232 233-264 265-296 297-328 329-360 361-404 405-436 No. 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516

• • • • • • • •

Date April 10 „ 17 May 2t

98 8

„ 15

• • • • - • • • • • • •

Pages No. Date

437-468 6517 .. May 22

469-500 6518 29 501-632 6519 .. June 5 533-560 6520 „ 12 561,-588 6521 „ 19 589-660 6522 „ 26 Pages 661-688 689-716 717-744 745-772 778-816 817-844 NEWS OF THE WEEK

ACTORS and Television 663

Adult Education : reduction in Government grant .. .. 171 Aircraft : British production, 2; use of helicopters in war, 690; specialisation and economy in production .. 747 Amateurs and Sports. 535 Argentina; Per6n regime, 470; Peron's difficulties .. 502 Arms-slump ? 438 Army : encouraging report by Secre- tary for War Athletics : and amateurs, 535; R. Bannister's mile record .. .. 563 Atomic development : Russia and atomic warfare, 203; and the

Ministry of Supply 535 Austria : concessions in Russian Zone 746

BALKANS : defence, 114; pro- grass of defence talks, 170; treaty between Turkey, Greece, and Yugoslavia .. 266 B.B.C. : televising of the Coronation 747 Belgium : position of King Baudouin 234

Berlin rising, the .. .. 773 Buds...et : scope for the Chancellor, 283; business community's hopes 405 Burma and Chinese Nationalist

troops . 266 Butler, Mr. : economic policy, 138; and the Budget .. 233 CAMBODIA King's night to Bangkok .. 774 Central African federation; in the balance, 2; and the natives, 58; white paper on, 137, 170; native opposition to China : U.S.A. and possible blockade, 170; Nationalist troops in North Churchill, Sir 'Winston on foreign policy Coal : 1952's bad record, 26; miners' wage claim, 114; stocks getting low, 202; campaign to improve production .. .. 234 Commonwealth : and Royal Titles Bill .. 266 Coronation : amnesty for deserters, 235; public enthusiasm. . 689 Cotton : industry's hostility to U.S. criticisms, 2; double day shift suggested , . 235 Cricket : Australian touring team arrives .. 471 Czechoslovakia : internal economic position .. .. 746 DENTISTS' Incomes 663

ECONOMIC Survey for 1953 .. 405 Egypt; Neguib regime's diffi- culties, 26; and the Sudan. 58; opposition to Gen. Neguib, 82; discussion on the Sudan, 114; agreement on Sudan, 170; Gen. Neguib's complaints, 297; propaganda and Canal Zone, 329; progress in negotiations, 406; forthcoming negotiations, 470; talks foundering. 562; declaration of a Republic .. 818

Eire; An Tostal .. 438 Europe; a parliament ? 26; Britain and European unity, 58; difficulties of the " European " movement .. 297 Europe (Council of) ; meeting of Consultative Assembly .. 82 European Coal and Steel Community 561 European Defence Community : and France, 265, 297; and Germany .. 362 Everest : summit reached .. 719 FARMERS : and controls, 139; government policy and 203 Floods (East Coast) : result of floods, 137' government aid promised, 169 ; Commons debate 363

France : political crisis, 1; and E.D.C., 265; and European "communities," 297; Prime Min- ister's visit to U.S.A., 362, 406; re- newed political crisis, 689; still

without a government .. 818 rIERMANY : Communist ineffi- ciency, 25; arrests of neo-Nazi leaders, 81; Communist pres- sure on E. Gemuny, 81; refu- gees from the East, 138;

banning of neo-Nazis, 170; the Foreign Office and Herr Naumann, 233, 330; and E.D.T., 362; Dr. Adenauer at the White House, 438; Dr. Adenauer's anxieties, 719; the Berlin rising, 778; effects

of Berlin rising 817 Government's present strength .. 745 Gruenther. General : Europe's new commander ..

WEALTH : better hospitals, 115; • cost of health service .. 662

IA: Mr. Bevan addresses

Indian Parliament .. 202 Indo-Chin a : Laos threatened, 471; serious position in Laos, 502; lessons of Laos, 533; French defeats, 562; lull, 593; King of Cambodia in Bangkok .. 774 Iraq : King Feisal II .. 562 Israel; and Jordan .. .. 171 Italian general elections .. 745 TAPAN : another election .. 330 J Jordan; incidents on Israel border, 171; King Hussein .. 562 Judges' salaries ENYA : the Pritt affair, 1 • Mau

" Mau terrorism, 25; settlers' impatience, 57; Mr. Michael Blundell, 82; settlers and government, 113; • progress against Mau Mau, 201 ; arrest of Mr. Odede 298; Mau Mau and the Kikuyu, 405; who manages Mau Maul 437; new moves, 470; progress against Mau Mau, 682; Mau Mau

stronger .. 719 Korea exchange of prisoners, 470, 503; stalemate at Panmunjom, 534; sonic progress in negotiations, 561; pettifogging, 594; talks to begin again, 6452; Syngrnan Rhee, 890; Syngman Rhee and President Eisenhower, 719; truce negotiations 774; the impossible Mr. Rhee .. 817

LOUR PARTY: meeting with T.U.C.' 58; revival needed, 501; policy statement ready in

June .. .. 534 Lords (House of); conference on reform, 138; Labour Party refusal to attend conference .. .. 201

MALAYA: progress against

• "" terrorists, 26; General Templer's report .. .. 662 Motorcars : prohibition of re-sale ended 83 Municipal elections; Labour gains.. 594

NAVY: and the Russian navy .. 331 Nigeria; Kano riots .. .. 661 Paris meeting .. .. 362

PAKISTAN; religious rioting, 298; economic problems .. .. 501 Persia : Dr. Moussadek and Mullah Kashani, 82; weakness of the Opposition, 266; Dr. Moussadek and the SM.. 438 Poland : Communist inefficiency .. 25 Prisons : problem of accommodation 207

QUEEN MARY: death, 361; lying in state and funeral .. 405 RATES : burdensome increases .. 299

Ridgeway, General .. 661 Road Transport : third reading of Transport Bill, 202; heavy lorries

and the speed limit 819 Russia : Stalin s answers to questions, 2; trial of the nine doctors, 57' new moves, 138; rupture a relations with Israel, 171; and Mr. Trygve Lie, 298; attacks on aircraft, 330; Russian navy, 331; change of attitude, 362; and the West, 469; Prarda's reply to President Eisenhower, 534; and prisoners, 662; cross-currants in

'Wage .. 774

ScHOOLS : Select Committee's


Scilly taxation : : 503

Shop stewards; and the Austin strike 267 South Africa : Criminal Law Amend- ment Bill, 139; Public Safety Bill, 202; general elections, 470; election results .. 502 "Spectator," The; changes in format, 503; 125th anniversary, 593; and sport 690 Steel : denationalisation, 331; Steel Board and trade unions .. .. 690 Sudan : visit of Major Saleh Salem, 58; discussions in Cairo, 114; Anglo-Egyptian agreement, 170; General Neguib's complaints, 297; Progress in negotiations 406 Sunday Observance laws .. 83 TELEVISION: the Coronation, 747 ; commercial television, 775; B.B.C.'s development pro- gramme 818 Trade Unions : and the Labour Party, 58, 115; strike at Austin works, 299; an ultimatum from Austin's, 363; dispute becomes more bitter, 406- conclusion of dispute, 563; and Iron and Steel Board .. 690, 746, 818 Transport Bill : third reading .. 202 Tunisia: murder of M. Chedly Kastally .. 562

T TNITED NATIONS: resump- `-' lion of adjourned Assembly,

234; Mr. Trygve Lie and the Russians, 298; finding a successor to Mr. Lie .. .. 330 U.S.A. : the McCarran-Walter Act, 1; Stalin's answers to questions, 2- Mr. Dulles and Europe, 114; Mr. Dulles and Mr. Stassen in Europe, 169; a China blockade ? 170; and Yalta agreement, 201 ; tariff barriers, 265 ; Mr. Eden and Mr. Butler in Washington 297, 329; and Russia, 469; McCirthy's travelling investigators, 502; Preadident Eisenhower's moves, 534; possible purchase of Comet Ills, 535; Senator Taft on the Far East, 719; the President's growing control .. .. 774 VUGOSLAVI A : Tito and

" progressive movements" .. 234

LEADING ARTICLES AFTER Stalin .. 268 BUDGETING for Freedom .. 472 rHALLENGE to Freedom, The .. 84 Churchill—Eisenhower

DEFENCE Policy .. 564

Dulles—Bevan Axis, The .. 504 PASTER Hope .. " Eastern Enigma East of Suez .. .

FEDERATION Vote, The T-TALF-Defended Europe How Safe is Europe ?

IMPASSE in Egypt .. JOIN Europe Now ? Ni'-" World, The ..

PRESIDENT'S Policies, The " Prices Up or Down ? Programme for Malenkov Prospect of Bermuda ..


QEEKERS, The .. " Strictly Technical ?

THREE Men ..

n To the Long Reign .. Truce in Korea, A ..

WHAT Worries America .. .. 407 .. 332 .. 204 .. 364 .. 238 .. 27 .. 595 .. 172 MIDDLES

(Note :—Page references such as 624 (xiv) are to the Special Anniversary Supplement foliating page 624 in the issue of May Itithl A BBEY's Needs, The .. 120

" Adenauer and Schuman .. 62 After the Berlin Riots.. .. 822 After the Singing .. Agnostic's Quest. An .. Aintree Adventure .. 372

Alfred the Great .. 624 (riia

American Atomic Plenty .

Americans in Italy .. 272 Andes and Antarctica ......242

Antigone and Cricket .. 785 At Sixty-Five 146 At Spithead .. 778 BACK into Crisis ? 801 Banking in the British Common- wealth .. . .. 807

Banking on the Monit:ary. durb . .. 805

Before the Bonfire .. 722 Better Family Doctors Better Health Service, A .. .. 409 Better Hospitals 336 Bob's Worth. A .. .. 701 Bottled .. 179 Boys in Coal Mines .. 411 Budgeting for Peace .. .. 367 Builder's Labourer .. .. 478 Buse's Benefit .. .. 730 rANADIAN Dilemma, The .. 238 ‘-' Can There Be a Socialist Foreign Policy? Catching a Crowd Gets Set, The .. .. 620

Cecil Rhodes .. .. .. 624 (ititiv,1

Channel, The . - China Worries Eisenhower .. .. 693 Christmas Questions (Answers) .. 13 Church Survey in East Bristol .. 601 City of London .. 624 (ars) Coelacanth, The .. .. - so Colonel Fawcett and Company .. 442 Continuous Performance ..

Critical Times for Publishing .. 381 T1AMNED Don't Cry, The D'Artagnan of Today, A Dead Humanities, The .. Dean Farrar; Issi-nos De Gaulle's Departure ? Dutch Way with Radio, The

EARTH Is the Lord's, The East Coast—January 31st Editor, Tfie', • : . Editor and. I, The - Education and Moral Values • • Egyptian Mcra The Elizabeth the First .. Engaging Assailant, An Europe in Suspense ..

PASHION Dictators, The .. Federation Plan, The ..

Feminism Today .. Fifty Years of Motoring First Hundred Days, lime Fishing up the Put .. Flight to the West ..

For Love and Country .. Formosa Argument France and the E.D.C. France and the Soviet Smile Freedom of Choice .. French West Africans From Piney to Mayer Fuel Policy Now. A .. 610 608 240 370 598 31 476 176 441 826 694 624 "(xvii) .. 178 .. 270 .. 337 .. 142 .. 64 624(icitvl) .. 567 .. 605 .. 443 .. 511 .. 175 .. 302 .. 474 .. 376 .. 566 .. 81 .. 304

r_AMES of Chance .. .. .. 216

.. 820 `-' Gentleman from Glasgow, The 514 Getting to Court .. .. .. 32 Going to the Cricket .. .. 675 140 Gold Coast Progress .. .. .. 119 .. 116 Grand National .... .. .. 417 .. 439 Growing Importance of Pension .. 691 Schemes, The.. .. 811

Child Scots Tongue, 'lin .. .. 670

T-TAMLET-TURK .. .. .. 541

n n Hark Back .. ..

.. 776 Hawk, The .. .. .. 413 .. 536 Haworth Moors, The • • .. 600 Health and the Hierarchy .. .. 753

.. 59 Henry II .. .. 624 (rn)

.. 718 Hiss Case, The .. .. .. 542 .. 748 Homes and Home .. .. .. 666

Hope and the Western Isles .. .. 888 664 Huddersfield Double, The .. .. 646

Human Roundabout, The .. .. 869

IMMORTALS at the Oval .. 182

' In Budapest .. .. .. 569 India's Chance .. .. .. 781 Industrial Future .. 624 (xxviii) Informer and the Communist. The 206 In Search of a Home .. .. 211 In Search of Violence .. .. 278 Interview, The .. .. .. 479 In the Abbey .. .. .. .. 721 Investing in Building Societies .. 813 Italian Election Circus .. .. 750 JAPAN the Expected 88 KEEP Battling . KEEP Du Das Land ? King Baudouin Again

LAITY in the Church. The

"' Leaders in West Africa, The Leon Let's Start a Nics'


Liberal Assembly, The .. Life Assurance Opportunities Little Old New Amsterdam London Library, The Lone Prairee, The ..

MAN Who Was Robinson, The Many Inventions .. Matthews Hero

Meaning of the Coronation, The MIG Mystery, The ..

My Factory My Oxford Aunt ..

NAZI Arrests, The .. New Car or Old ? " New Year Greetings" No Mean City

Now There Are Seven

OIL City .. ii (x12x1)

Oliver Cromwell 6

011ey 1 011ey I 011ey I 759

PARTISAN for Rommel - a Pattern of Terrorism, The Perfect Reviewer, The Perdn's Purge ..

Pieuvre et le Pritendant, La Pilate's Prisoner ..

Police Action in Russia ..

Poppies at Skyros Pot and Govm Prisons Without Bars Proust Gap Bridged, A.

QUAKER Story Queen Mary Queen Victoria


REFUGEES for Ever ? Riding on the Engine Ring Heroes ..

Riven Oak, The .. Rugby for All Runners and Jumpers Russian Melting-Pot QT. Loe Strachey's Spectator 624 (xxx) " St. Valentine's Crackers .. 241 Sci-Fantasy 508 Serpents of the Abruzzi, The .. 724 Shady Mr. Holmes .. .. 247 Show Goes On. The .. 724 Shrewdom.. 754 Sicily in Spring .. .. 371

Snake Solid or Brilliant ? , . • . 831

Sorcerer's Apprentice, The .. 147 Sovereign Greatness ' 624(xiii) Sporting Aspects .. .. 12 Sporting Films, The • .. 482 Stolen Decade, The .. .. 507 Strains in Pakistan .. .. 334

TALKING Turkey .. .. 824 Television Fame .. .. 410

Theology and Life .. .. .. 174 Thoughts in a Cathedral .. .. 273 Three Minutes in Lathe .. .. 570 Through Eight Reigns-1828 6240v) Through Eight Reigns-1853 624 (vi) Through Eight Reigns-1878 624(viii) Through Eight Reigns-1903 624 (ix) Through Eight Reigns-1928 624 (a) Timbuktu. 1953 .. .. .. 667 "To Carthage Then I Came ..." .. 274 Tools and the African's Job .. .. 210 Trade-Not Aid .. .. 6 Trade with Muscovy .. .. 599 Traffic-Jam .. .. 91 Transatlantic 1953 .. 118 Trouble at the Tate 335 Truth in Kenya .. 177 Tubman's Liberia .. 779 Two Barristers .. 89 Two Generations .. 271 Two Nations in France 695 Two Woods, The .. .... 414 VACATION Work ... 63 Vanishing Irish, The 509


• Warships at Spithead Weeklies, The 624 When Did Stalin Die ?

Why Mountaineer ? .. • • Why Write Verse in Spring ?

Wild Animal Farm .. .. • • Word to the Wise, A .. .. • .

Writing of English, The ..

YORKSHIRE Derby • • 38

543 444 209 • 208 • • 540 - • 243 726 - • 475 • • 809 - • 143 - • 602 • • 669 .. 450 .. 476 .. 573 .. 597 .. 696 .. 34 .. 124 .. 86 .. 33 .. 33

.. 8

.. 723 .. 506 .. 539 .. 239 .. 751 .. 696 .. 411 .. 87 .. 510 .. 338 .. 145 .. 207 .. 144 .. 568 .. 310 .. 446 .. 150 .. 342 .. 303 .. 1125 624 (Kai)

68 752 538 305 477 782 813 29 CONTRIBUTORS

AGAR, Herbert, 20-Allen, Sir Carleton,

73, 754-Allen, H. Warner, 608- Alport, C. J. M., 304-Altharn, H. S., 458 -Amery, Julian, 189-Arlott, John, 730- Ash, Jeremiah, 815-Ashley, Maurice, 624 (xx)--Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank, 21, 837-Atkins, J. B., 624 (xxx).

B., 10-B., A., 164-B., J. F., 83, 115, 139, 171, 203, 235, 267, 299, 331, 363, 471, 503, 535, 563, 594, 663, 747, 775, 819.-B., L., 180-B., M. J., 53- B., S., 214-Banharn, Reyner, 456- Banister, Rodney, 726-Barlow, John, 246, 729-Barraclough, G., 632-Barry, Sir Gerald, 624 (iii)-Bartlett, Vernon, 142-Bashford, Sir Henry, 636-Beloff, Max, 108, 130, 157, 292, 522, 552, 836- Berger, John, 632, 792-Bergonzi, Bernard, 785-Black, J. B., 520-Blacker, C. H., 372, 543-Blakeston, °swell, 426-Blishen, Edward, 829-Blockley, Peter, 117- Blunden, Edmund, 74,424, 634-Blunden, Leonard, 9-Boase, T. S. R., 258-Bone, Stephen, 48, 522-Bourne, Sir Frederick, 334-Bowen, Elizabeth, 681-Boyd, Francis, 475-Braddock, Joseph, 642- Branfield, John, 446-Brinsmead, George, 242, 751-Bristol, Bishop of, 208- Brogan. D. W., 118, 143, 221, 444, 542, 577, 624 (x), 695-Brooke, Jocelyn, 285- Brown, Hilton, 50, 318-Browse, Lillian, 38, 123, 180, 308, 339, 374, 447, 481, 618. 673, 755, 784-Bullock, Alan, 624 (xiii)-Butler, David, 826.

(4., E., 307, 784-C., J. M., 164, 400,

464, 656, 686, 770-C., M., 214-

C., M. 464. 528, 584, 650, 770-C., P., 584-Calogero, Guido, 554-Capra, B. A., 90-Card, W. 1., 336-Castle, Barbara, 144 -Chancellor, Richard, 87, 303, 350, 538, 599-Charques, R. D.,, 106, 226, 354, 494, 644, 685, 794-Church, Richard, 513, 740 -Clarke, Austin, 160, 642-Clarke, W. K. Lowther, 160-Cohen, J. M., 50, 102, 148, 183, 192, 290, 314, 352, 394, 455, 580, 646 -Collins, H. P., 541-Cooper, A. J., '211- Cooper, Martin, 11, 36, 66, 72, 93, 122, 148, 180, 212, 244, 276, 308, 339, 374, 394, 415, 448, 480, 492, 544, 572, 615, 609, 728, 755, 783, 827-Correspondent, A, 811-- Coton, A. V., 69--Coulson, C. A., 460- Coxe, Anthony D. Hippisley, 11-Craig, Maurice, 350-Crankshaw, Edward, 624 (x:civ)-Cranston, Maurice, 428, 850, 736, 790-Crawford, Oliver, 34-Croome, Angela, 31-Croome, Honor, 490, 724- Crosland, Margaret, 146, 375, 508, 838- " Custos", 22, 54, 78, 110, 134, 166, 198, 230, 262. 294, 323, 357, 402, 432, 466, 498, 530, 560, 587, 658, 687, 716, 743, 771, 797, 844.

A.,843-Darwin, Bernard, 831- ' -' Davie, Donald, 827-Davis, A. V., 337-Day, J. H. J., 809-de la Mare, Walter, 507-de la Roche. Catherine, 784- Dickinson, Patric, 91, 149, 630-Dobree, Bonamy, 46, 159, 316, 763-Donini, Filippo, 735- Duffin, Henry Charles, 507-Dukes, Graham, 668 - Durrell, Laurence, 513.

PDEN, R. J., 414-Edwards, J. M. B., • 636-Ellison, W., 349 - Elliston,

G. L. C., 409-Esdaile, Arundell, 626.

.p., G., 10, 212, 671, 699, 727-F., G., " 164, 322, 742-F., H., 196-Faber, Geoffrey, 381-Fairn, R. Duncan, 145- Fay, Alice, 786-Fay, Gerrard, 481. 544, 571, 784-Feiling, Keith, 102- Fergusson, Bernard, 7, 130-Fermor, Patrick Leigh, 724-Fiermes, Clinton, 684-FitzRandolph, Helen, 837-Fleming, Peter, 212, 222, 373. 415, 442, 571, 722- Flower, Desmond, 602-Foot, Dingle. 735 -Fowler, Lettice,260-Freeman, Gwendolen, 71, 666-Friedlaender, Ernst, 62, 88, 270, 443, 822-Fripp, J. S., 478- Fulford, Roger, 624 (vi).

G. P., 164, 714-G., P., 307, 496-

G., R. L., 228-Gardener, W. A. B., 398-Gardiner, Leslie, 510-Gardner, Brian, 569-Garnett, Richard, 47, 287, 392, 605-Garrod, H. W., 158-Gassman, Michael, 511-Gedge, Michael, 411- Gillie, D. R., 61, 302, 474, 598-Goodhart, A. L., 100-Gordon, Gavin, 209- Gordon, Seton, 645-Gough, Mary, 8- Graham, Virginia, 10, 35, 65, 92, 122, 149, 181, 213, 244, 276, 307, 339, 373, 415, 447, 480, 513, 545, 572. 699, 728, 757, 783, 828-Green, Peter, 240, 643-Griggs,

G. P., 256, 490, 647.

T_T., A. I C., 700-H., D., 76, 464- ' IL, H. W., 74-H., I., 36, 133, 307, 340, 356, 699-H., J., 686-H., J. C., 282- H. K., 292-H., P. 584, 899-H,„ T., 214 -Habakkuk, H. J., 458-Hall, Julian, 579, 840-Halliwell, Leslie, 306-Halsbury, Lord, 624 (xxviii)-Hamilton, Iain, 10, 36, 66, 92, 122, 148, 180, 212, 275, 371, 373, 415, 445, 447, 481, 512, 615, 671, 696, 721, 727, 778-Hampshire, Stuart, 682- Hampson, John, 524-Harris, Wilson, 46- Hartley, Anthony, 148, 340, 416, 578, 618, 828-Hawkes, Jacquetta, 88, 271, 369, 476, 600-Healey, Denis, 823- Heimann, Heidi, 842-Hemingford, Lord, 119-Henderson, Philip, 318-Henn, Desmond E., 121, 238, 669-Hibbett, T. F. 91-Hills, John, 411-Hobson. Oscar R., 801-Hodges, Doris M., 65-Hodgkin, Edward, 72-Hodgkin, Thomas, 540, 566, 667, 779-Hodgson, N., 13- Holloway, John, 705-Holme, Thee, 164, 840-Hopkinson, Torn, 544, 671-Horder, Mervyn, 349, 515, 758.-Houston, Penelope 818, 672-Howard, Esther, 132, 428, 526- Hudson, Derek, 48, 93, 192, 316, 390- Hulton, Paul, 224-Hunsworth, John, 805 -1-lutheesing, Raja, 781-Hyde, Sir Robert, 104.

TNGLIS, Brian, 178, 509, 753-Ingram, C. Cl., 179, 245, 274.

I., L. E., 90-Jacques, C. L., 273-

J "Janus," 4, 28, 60, 85, 117, 141, 173, 205 237, 269, 301, 333, 365, 408.- Johnson. Joyce, 375, 574-Johnston, George, 412-Jones, Sir Harold Spencer, 194.

ELLY, Sir Gerald, 253-Kendall, " Guy, 125-Kennedy Ludovic, 544, 554, 578, 625, 740, 766-Kirwan, L. P.,

315, 684-Klare, Hugh J., 50.

• M., 322-Laing, Allan M., 309, 654- ▪ Laird, John, 120-Lane, Margaret, 103, 288-Laski, Nlarghanita, 40, 78, 194, 253, 320, 344, 410, 454-Laver, James, 221, 766-Lean, Tangye, 52, 108, 162. 207, 290, 430, 556, 628, 712-Lewin, Ronald, 223 -Lewis, C. Day, 373 - Lewis, Roy, 89- Lindsay, Martin, 20-Lloyd, Roger, 568- Lockhart, J. G., 286- "Lucilio", 484.

P., 228-M., R., 558-Macdonald, -""- James A., 338-Mackenzie, Sir Compton,387-"Maecenas", 547- Magnus, Sir Philip, 126 - Manahan, J. P. W., 12, 38, 68, 94, 124, 150, 182, 215, 247, 278, 310, 342, 376, 417, 450, 482, 514, 546, 573, 520, 675, 701, 759, 785- Mankowitr, Wolf, 610, 782-Markham, F. M. H., 430-Martin, R. J., 452- Mason. Colin, 672, 698-McKichan. Alasdair J., 670-Middleton, M. H., 35, 67, 92, 123, 149 181, 213, 245, 275, 277, 308, 335, 374, 415, 480, 512, 545, 571, 617, 673, 898, 727, 756, 783,827-Miller, Betty, 128-Morgan, Charles, 520-Morrison,K Campbell, 606-Muir, enneth, 577, 768 -Mumford, Margery, 32, 177-Murphy, Richard, 191, 352, 582, 648, 838-Myatt, Edward, 813.

MASMYTH, Jenny, 539, 723, 735- ' Naval Correspondent, A, 752- Neale, J. E., 624 (xiii)-Neyroud, G. E., 6-Niall, Ian, 18, 37, 67, 99, 127, 156, 188, 220, 252, 284, 313, 341, 380, 422, 448, 483, 518, 550, 576, 624, 680, 704, 734, 762, 788, 834-Nicholson, Jenny, 750-Nicolson, Sir Harold, 624 (ix)-Nicolson, 506-Noel-Baker, P. J., 175, 367-- Noyce, Wilfred, 305.

AKESHOTT, Michael, 579.

p., K., 512, 699-Pakenham, Lady, 64- Parmenter„ Raymond, 33-Paddy, D. R., 216, 674-Pendle, George, 462- Percy, Lord, 19, 29, 104, 681-Perkins, J. 0. N., 807-Philby, H. A. R., 624 (xxv), 694, 824-Plant, Sir Arnold, 48-Plumb, J. H. 130, 456-Pope-Hennessy, John, 764-Powicke, Sir Maurice, 624 (xvi)-- Prioleau, John, 624 (rorvi)--Pyrn, Christopher, 132.

n UENNELL. Peter, 624 v)--Quigly, . 4 Isabel, 272.

R, J.., 528, 584-Ratcliffe, S. K., 708-

Rem, Goronwy, 206-Richardson, Justin, 34, 488-Ritchie, Irmes, 462- Roberts, N. M., 413-Rowse, A. L., 624 (viii)-Rozycki, Z. J., 243-Ryan, A. P., 710.

S., C., 244-S., D., 198, 356, 400, 558, 584, 712-S., L. A. G., 53-S., M., 108, 228-Sackville-West, V., 454- Sadleir, Michael, 73, 314, 640-Scannell, Vernon, 413, 728-Scott-James, R. A., 239-Shaw, Colin, 95-Sinclair, Robert, 706-Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 366-Sitwell, Sacheverell, 630-Smyth, Charles, 370- Snow, C. P., 254, 384-Somervell, D. C., 146-Southwell, Bishop of, 258, 794- Spender, Stephen, 388-Starkie, Enid, 190 -Stenton, Sir Frank, 624 (xiv)-Stewart, Oliver, 696-Stockwood, Mervyn, 174, 601-Stone, David, 479-Storm, Sir Ronald, 706-Stratford, V. P., 418- Street, A. G., 389, 736-" Strix," 440, 473, 505, 537, 565, 596, 665, 892, 720, 749, 777, 821-Strong, L. A. G., 21, 158, 260, 398, 582, 768-Sutherland, Lucy S., 836-Swan, Michael, 196, 226-Sweet- Escott, Bickham, 708-Sykes, Christopher 385, 489, 624 (xxi)-Sykes, Norman, 597,

rr,., A. E. 108, 356, 686-T., C. H., 612- " T., P., 292-Tansley, Sir Arthur, 492-Taplin, Walter, 441-Tawney, John, 210-Tennyson, Hallam, 476-Thompson,

E. Anthony, 613-Thwaite, Anthony, 274 -Tomlinson, Philip, 19-Towneley, Robert, 567, 693, 780-Trower, Philip, 224, 710, 842-Turnell, Martin, 288, 552, 645.

INWIN, Peter, 179-Usbome, John, 641-Usborne, Richard, 151, 449, 477, 705.

AT., C. E. 584-Vulliamy, C. E., 128. 354,

V 386, 526, 553, 580, 634, 740, 792.

UT., E., 292-W., M. D., 196, 292- " W.-E., A., 292-W.-T., J., 322, 484 -Wade, Allan, 790-Warner, Res, 100, 157, 222, 285, 383, 423, 489, 551, 626, 707, 763-Webster, Sir Charles, 424, 712-White, Antonia, 755- Widlake, Brian, 570, 826-Wight, Martin, 639-Wilkinson, Elizabeth M., 638-Willetts, William Y., 494-Williams, E. T., 523, 630-Williams, W. W., 176-Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 460-Williams-Ellis, Clough, 320- Williamson, Hugh Ross, 638-Wilmot. Chester, 738-Wakemann, Elizabeth, 791 -Woodhouse, Hon. C. M., 189, 254, 423

- Woodward, Sir Llewellyn, 241- Wolfenden, J. F., 5, 63-Wrench, Sir Evelyn, 738.

VONGE, C. M., 30. 1°

5 7

t„ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR / A CCENTS, 71-African Lily, An, 452, " 549, Africans and Democracy, 152- Agnosticism. 98, 126-Ahmadis, The, $48 -Alcoholics Anonymous, 422-Americana Abroad, 346-Americans in Italy, 311- " And Northern Ireland", 311-Art and the Abstract, 486, 516, 575, 622, 702- At the Circus, 45, 71, 99-Autonomy for Government Departments' 760.

BACH on the Piano, 218, 248-B.B.C.

Monopoly, The, 832-Bentley, 152, 186-Bishop and Two Others, A, 250, 280-Blue African Lilies, 488, 516-Blue- green, not Black, 378-Book Club, 420- Bounds of Criticism, The, 420-Bowes & Bowes, 378-Bow Group, The, 576- Boys in Coal-Mines, 486, 516-Britiah Furniture, 282-British Hospital in Aleppo 548-British Photographers, 575, 678- Broads and the Floods, The, 252.

CANADA Today' 311-Canadian '6-** Dilemma, The, 419, 548-Case of the Missing Cliché, 575, 622, 702- Central African Federation, 217, 250, 377, 419-Cheeseparing, 217, 252-"Christmas Questions", 16-Church and the Kremlin, The, 575-Colonel Fawcett & Co., 678- Commonwealth and Coronation, 16- Commonwealth and Empire, 787, 832- Communist Technique in Britain, 70- Coronation Oath, The, 151, 184-Cost of Lis ing, 217-Critics Criticised, 575-Cure for Verjuice, A, 378.

"Th The," Humanities, e," 312, 347-

"-"" Dean Farrar, 420, 452-Denton Welch, 622-Diplomatic Soldier, The, 702 - Double Leap Year ? 218-Drawing the Dole, 42.

P DWARD VII to the People, 42-Empire War Memorial, An, 678.

FEDERA noN, 151-Football Fans,

522-Formosans, 184-Four Gospels, The, 45, 99-Freeing Trade, 419-Fuel Policy, 345-Fund for Korean Children, 832, HARD, The, 45-Haworth Moors, The. ". 678, 702-Hispano-Phobia, 622- Holmes, Sweet Holmes, 732, 762, 788.

IDENTIFICATION and Arrest, 250- L In American Eyes, 832-Income Tax, 419-Indians in East Africa, 126, 154- Irish Incident, An, 250-" Italian Visit, An", 184.

IORDAN Valley Irrigation, 186-Juliet J at the Party, 452-Justice for Judges, 420.

• AFFIRS, 377-Kenya, 14-Kenya -" Settlers, The, $12.

LEARNING to Spell, 248, 280-Lionel

Johnson, 488-Little Learning, A. 486-Local Administration, 347-Lone Prairee, The, 702, 731, 760, 761-Long- bridge Strike, The, 419.

A/IANCHESTER'S "Forward Move- ."'" ment", 16-Man Who Was Robin- son, The, 549-"Marginal Comment", 14

- Marshal Tito's Visit, 14, 44-Mau Mau, 44-McCarran Act, The, 217, 377- Memorial to Miss Strachey 834- Militant Suffragettes, 5162-Miller's Mystique, The, 832-Miscegenation, 44- Misquotation Spotter, A, 576-Miss Qurgly, 378-Mistaking a Murderer, 762 -Monkey Puzzles, 548-Mr. R. S. Thacker, 188-Mr. Wilson Harris, 451, 486-Mussorgsky, 218-Myths and Matriarchs, 731, 761.

NAIROBI Demonstration, The, 154- National Distress Fund ? A, 217- National Theatre Appeal, 518-"Nelaon", 282-New Poets, 787.

O BJECTIVE History, 187-Outward Bound Trust, 452.

pARLIA.MENT'S Rights, 188-Pensions " 127-Perfect Reviewer, The, 282- Peronismo, 676-Pictures of Rudolf, 252 -Politics in the Bathroom, 676, 761, 787-Polygon, The, 378, 420-Post-War Credits, 452-Potted Oak, 127-Privacy and the Press, 14, 71, 98-Protestantism, 70, 96.

QVEEN Mary's Grand-daughters, 420- Queen's Numeral, The, 44-Quota- tion Spotter, 622.

1) EV. R. E. Kendall, The, 516-Road to

"A. Serfdom, The, 676-Rugby for All, 218-Russia and Religion, 126.

QAVING the Western Isles, 702—Schools Ir-/ and Sport, 44—"Seeing Browning Plain", 16, 45—Se False Lesser, 420, 488—Settlers' View, The, 96—"Silence in Vienna", 70—Sir William Nicholson, 422—Sir Winston and the Arabs, 702— Social Credit, 282, 377—Sors Vergiliana, 518—Soviet Gesture, The, 486— -"Spectator" Puzzle A, 154—"Spectator" Puzzle Solved, A, 1138—" Sporting Films, The ", 516—Stalin and his Successors, 516—Stalin's Double, 575, 822—Stephen Radio, 42, 98—"Sunday Express" Re- porting, 70, 99—Superannuable, 187.

'TEETH and the Gums, The, 240, 280—Television and Reading, 452— Tennyson's Ode to Wellington, 45— Theodore Cooke Taylor, 762—Tooth and Claw, 732—Trouble at the Tate. 378.

ULSTER'S Fighting Advocate, 732— United States and Consultation, The, 217—Use of a Hatchet, The, 44.

VACATION Work, 126, 218—Verse in Spring, 518—Views on Formosa, 184 —Virginia Woolf, 312.

WAY of Michael Scott, The, 787- " W.E.A. , 312—" White Knight, The ", 248, 280. 348—Who are the Laity? 250—Women in the Ministry, 154—Word Blindness in the Army, 731 760.


ACCORDING to the Scriptures- 2. C. H. Dodd .. - 258 Achievement in Education : the Work of Michael Ernest Satlleir—Lynda Grier19

Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic—Benedetto Croce, trans. Douglas Ainslie - 554 Alcbar's Religious Thought Reflected in Mogul Painting—Emmy Wellesz 656

Alexander and John Robert Cozens—

A. P. Oppe .. 224 Amazing Amazon, The—Willard Price 108 American Into English—G. V. Carey 584 Angela ASIrdett-Coutts—Clara Burdett Patterion - 837 Archaeology in the Field—O. G. S.

Crawford .. .. 884 Around Theatres—Max Beerbohm 520 Art and Social Life—G. V. Plek.hanov 632 Astronomy for Everyman—Edited by Martin Davidson .. - 194 Autobiography : My Childhood. In the World. My Universities.— Maxim Gorky .. 644 RANK of England Note, The- '-" A. D. Mackenzie 462 Benjamin Britten : A Commentary on his Works—Edited by Donald

Mitchell and Hans Keller - _ 72 Big Change, The, 1900-1950—

Frederick Lewis Allen .. .. 130 Blind White Fish in Persia—Anthony Smith Bolshevik Revolution, The : 1917- 1923. Volume III—E. H. Carr - 522 Book of Cricket Verse, The—Edited

by Gerald Brodribb 458 Book of Necklaces, The—Salt Oved.. 856 Books in General—V. S. Pritchett .. 192 Born to Believe : An Autobiography— Lord Pakenham . 708 Britain at Anna—Compiled by Thomas Gilby Britain's Economic Problem—

H. A. R. Crosland .. 815 Britain's Post Office—Howard Robinson .. 132 British Court, The—lfan Kyrie Fletcher .. 625 British Policy in the Sudan, 1882- 1902—Mekki Shibeika' ' .. 72 British Prime Ministers. APortrait Gallery introduced by Duff Cooper 630 Bronte Story, The—Margaret Lane.. 253 eADDIE : A Sydney Barmaid. An ••-' Autobiography .. .. 770 Call Back Yesterday : Memoirs, 1887 -1931—Hugh Dalton .. 708 Cambridgeshire—Olive Cook .. 742 Came to Oxford—Gertrude Bone .. 108 Campaign in Norway, The—T. K.

Derry 20 Captain Marryat : A Rediscovery—

Oliver Warner .. .. 490 Carlyle : An Anthology-lb. M.

Trevelyan .. 455 Carson—H. Montgomery Hyde .. 710 Catholic Commentary on Holy

Scripture. A .. . o 160

Cecile Sorel : An Autobiography .. 840 Chalk in My Hair—" Balsam" .. 322 Channel Shore, The—Aubrey de Selincourt .. 522 Chatham—J. H. Plumb .. .. 102 Children's Toys throughout the Ages —Leslie Dadien.. 642 Chronicle of Private Henry Metcalfe, The—Edited by Lt.-Gen. Sir Francis Tuker

Church and the Artisan Today, The— Roger Lloyd

Cities and Men. An Xutobiography- Sir Harry Luke .. .. 554 Civilisation, War and Death : Selec- tions from Five Works by Sigmund Freud—Edited by John Rickman .. 646 Clear the Decks !—Rear-Admiral Daniel V. Gallery .. 164 Clothes—James Laver 228 Cockney, The: A Survey of London Life and Language — Julian Franklyn .. 314 Collected Stories of Dsiert Sitwell.. 489 Communist Conspiracy, The—Stephen King-Hall .. 552 Communist Technique in Britain, The —Bob Darke - Complete Poems of Lionel Johnson, The—Edited by lain Fletcher .. 394 Complex Fate, The—Marius Bewley 50 Concept of Empire. The : Burke to Attlee—Edited by George Bennett 523 Concise Bible Commentary—Dr.

W. K. Lowther Clarke .. .. 74 Connoisseur Coronation Book, The,. 625 Cornhill Magazine, The : Spring, 1953 Coronation Book, The—William le Hardy - 625 Coronation Service of Queen Elizabeth

IL The—E. C. Ratcliff 625 Crowning of the Sovereign. The—

Dr. Jocelyn Perkins .. 625 DESIGN in Town and Village .. 320 Diplomatic Twilight. 1930-1940 —Sir VValford Selby _ 712 Disinherited Mind, The—Erich Heller .. 159 Divided Image—Margaret Rudd .. 423 Divine Horsemen : The Living Gods of Haiti—Maya Deren 222 Doctor and the Devils, The—Dylan Thomas .. Doctor at Sea—Richard Gordon .. 647 Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939—Edited by E. L.

Woodward and Rohan Butler .. 424 Domestic Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, The—Marjorie Plant 318 Don Quixote de la Mancha—Miguel de Cervantes .. .. 290 Duke of Edinburgh, The—Malcolm Thomson .. 625 Dynasty of Ironfounders—Arthur Raistrick .. 464

EARLY Chinese Pottery and Por- celain—Basil Gray _ 494 Early Victorian Woman, The—Janet

Dunbar - 288 Eddie Marsh—Christopher Hassall and Denis Mathews .. _ 714 Edward Lear's Indian Journal—Edited

by Ray Murphy .. 349 Eliot, T. S.: Selected Prose—Edited

by John Hayward .. 551 Elizabeth I and her Parliaments, 1559-1581—J. E. Neale - .. 520 Elizabethan Lyrics : A Critical Antho- logy—Edited by Kenneth Muir .. 356 Elizabeth Barrett Browning—Dorothy Hewlett .. 128 Elizabeth Our Queen—Richard Dimbleby .. 625 English Architecture since the Regency —H. S. Gooclhart-Rendel - 456 English Historical Documents, 1042- 1189—Edited by David C. Douglas and George W. Greenaway - 832 Essential Cunninschaine Graham, The —Selected by Paul Bloomfield .. 224 Et nunc manet in te--Andre Gide .. 190 European Communism — Franz Borkenau. - 552 European Mind; The (1680-1715)—

Paul Hazard.. 707 Evolution in Action—Julian I-Insley 388 Existentialism and the Modern Pre-

dicament—F. H. Heinemann .. 790 Existentialism From Within—E. L.

Allen .. 790 VABLES—Jacquetta Hawkes 763 Family Affairs of Sir Thomas Phillipps, The—A. N. L. Munby 73 Famous Meeting—Robert Gittings .. 838 Fantasy and Fun .. . 164 Fathers Are Parents Too-0. g.

English and C. J. Foster .. .. 460 Flowers of the Coast—lan Hepburn 103 Folk Tales from Korea—Zong In-Sob 292 Forrest Reid : A Portrait and Study—

Russell Burlingham. .. 524 Francis Younghusband : Explorer and Mystic—George Seaver 222 Fred of Oxford—Fred Bickerton .. 640 Freedom : A New Analysis—Maurice

Cranston .. 579 Future of American 'f'olitics, The—

Samuel Lubell 130

rlENERAL Selection from the Works of Sigmund Freud, A—

Edited by John Rickman .. 646 George Bass : 1771-1803—Keith

Macrae Bowden .. .. 738 George Douglas Brown—James Veitch 50 German General Staff, The—Walter

GiSrlitz .. 791 German Lyric Poetry—S. S. Prawer 638 German Studies 352 German Sturm mid Drang, The —

Roy Pascal -' . .. 400 Gilbert and Sullivan Op-a-a—Audrey

Williamson *. .. 492 Glitter and the Gold,The—Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsam 837 Glover, T. R.—H. G. Wood .. 684 God and the Unconscious—Victor White

Goethe the Alchemist—R. D. Gray .. 352 Gordon Bottomley : Poems and Plays —Introduction by Claude Collect Abbott .. .. 228 Gordon : the Life of a Hero— Lawrence and Elizabeth Hanson. 584 Great Accomplishment, The—Averil

Mackenzie-Grieve .. 584 Growth and Fluctuation of the British Economy, The (1790-1850)— A. D. Gayer, W. W. Rostow and

Anna J. Schwartz .. 458 HANNAH More—M. G. Jones .. 260 Harold Laski—Kingsley Martin 73 Heir of Douglas, The—Lillian de Is Torre' Henry Fielding His We -584

Works and Times—F. Homes Dudden .. 19 Henry James. The Untried Years, 1843-1870—Leon Edel .. 790 Himmler : the Evil Genius of the Third Reich—Willi Frischauer .. 292 History in Hansard : 1803-1900— Stephen King-Hall and Anne Dewar ..- 356 History of Fashion, A—Douglas Gorsline.. 786 History of Science, A: Ancient Science through the Golden Age of Greece

—George Sarton _ .. 498 History of the Crusades, A. Vol. II—

Steven Runciman 258 Hitler's Table Talk. 1941-1944— Introduction by H. R. Trevor-

Roper 628 Hong Kong — Harold Ingrains.. 53 Honourable Company—M. Bellasis 836 Hope in Africa—C. J. M. Alport .. 48 House of Collins, The—David Keir.. 133 IBSEN'S Dramatic Method—John

Northam .. .. 400 Ideas and Places—Cyril Connolly .. 681 I Live Again. The Memoirs of Princess Ileana of Rumania .. 108 In My Solitary Life—Augustus Hare 390 In Spite of—John Cowper Powys . 558 In Spite of Blasphemy—Michel Mourre.. 489 Intimate Journals of Paul dauguin, The

Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Drama, An—Frederick S. Boas .. 579 Introduction to Welsh Poetry, An—

Gwyn Williams .. .. 383 I'm on a See-Saw—Vivian Ellis .. 464 Italian Visit, An—C. Day Lewis .. 158 Italy—Martin Hfirlimarm ....630 'IEAN Anouilh—Edward Owen J Marsh. .. 464 Jerusalem—William Blake .. 423

John A. Macdonald : The Young Politician—Donald Creighton .. 292 John Donne. The Divine Poems—

Edited by Helen Gardner .. 352 Journey for our Time : the Journals of the Marquis de Custine 350

KING George III and the Politicians —Richard Pares .. 130 Kings and Queens—Eleanor and

Herbert Farjeon .. 625 Konigismark Drawings, The—Rex

Whistler .. .. 76 T ANDSMAN Hay—Edited by M. P. Hay .. .. 766 Laugh a Defiance—Mary R. Itickard- son- .. Law of Libel and Slander, The— Oswald S. Hickson and P. F.

Carter-Ruck .. 735 Laws and Charities of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of London—Neville Laski.... 356 Learning Laughter — Stephen Spender ..

Leha : the Life of 6eorge Sand—

Andre Maurois 763 Life and Activities of Sir John Hawkins, The—Percy A. Scholes.. 292 Life and Times of the Duchess of Portsmouth, The — Jeanine

Delpech • . . . 581 Life and Work of Van Gogh, The—

Carl Nordenfalk 792 Life for Me, The—Rupert Croft- Cooke Lilies in Their Homes—Alice C.

Maxwell .. 387 Literature for an Age of Science— Hyman Levy and Helen Spalding.. 316 Little Book of Eternal Wisdom and Little Book of Truth—Henry Suso. Translated by James M. Clark .. 292 Living Dangerously—F. Spencer Chapman .. 287 Living Times, and the Integration of the Life—Maurice Nicoll 196 Locke's Travels in France—Edited by

John Lough 736 Logbook of the Coiners—Andre Gide 190 London Calling North Pole—H. J.

Giskes.. 254 Lost Tradition in Music, The—Fritz Rothschild .. .. 394 Love's Apprentice—Tom Hopkinson 838

MACAULAY • Prose and Poetry —Selected* by G. M. Young .. 157 Madame Colette, A Provincial in Paris

—Margaret Crosland578 Magic Books from Mexico—Intro- duction by C. A. Burland 686 Mallarme—Wallace Fowlie .. 645 Marginal Land in Britain—W. Ellison 389 Marie Corelli—Eileen Bigland .. 553 Marriage at Ferrara, The—Simon Harcourt-Smith. . .. 221 Mary II. Queen of England—Hester W. Chapman .. 456 Masque for Janus. A—W. S. Mervin 838 McCarthy—Jack Anderson and Ronald May .. 735 Meet the Greek Testament—Adam Fox . . . . . . _ . . . . 258 Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, The : The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920-1933 .. 577 Memories—Desmond MacCarthy - 285 Middle East in the War, The : 1939- 1946—George Kirk .. 157 Middlesex—Michael Robbins .. 706 Military Necessity, The—Alfred de Vigny. Translated by Humphrey Hare .. 385 Mint, The—Sur John Craig .. 462 My Dear Marquis—Baroness de


My Father Before Me—Norman Goodland 742 My Political Life. Vol. 1: England Before the Storm, 1896-1911- L. S. Amery 681 NAME to Conjure with, A—G. B. Stern. 354 Nationalism and Communism in Easi Asia—W. Macmahon Ball.. - 552 New Elizabethans, The—Philip Gibbs 625 Newman's Way—Sean O'Faolain 222 New World Arising—Harry Hopkins 108 Nineteen to the Dozen—Arthur Marshall.. 634 No Distress Signals—Winifred Brown 258 Normal Child, The—Ronald S.

Illingsworth . .. 460 North Country Life in the Eighteenth Century—Edward Hughes .. 104

nLIVIERS, The : A Biography— Felix Barker .. .. 840 One Man's Meat—Ludovic Kennedy 641 On the Four Quartets of T. S. Eliot—

Anon. Foreword by Roy Campbell 464 Oracle. The : A Manual of the Art of Discretion — Baltasar Graciin.

Translated by L. B. Walton - 390 Our Times : A Social History, 1912- 1983—Vivian Ogilvie .. 688 Our World from the Air—E. A. Gut- kind .. 322 PAINTING in Britain. 1530-1790 —E. K. Waterhouse .. 764 Paintings of Renoir, The—William Gaunt Pascal : His Life and Works—Jean Mesnard. Translated by G. S.

Fraser .. 288 Peacocks and Primroses. A Survey of Disraeli's Novels—Muriel Mese- field .. 228 People and Americans—Stanley Wade Baron.. 221 Philosophical Investigations — Ludwig Wittgenstein Picture—Lillian Ross.. 426 Pleasures Strange and gimple- William Sansom - 226 Poems of Michael Drayton—Edited by John Buxton.. 580 Poetical Works of John Milton, The. Vol. I, "Paradise Lost "—Edited

by Helen Darbishire 352 Poetical Works of Robert Bridges .. 102 Poetic Approach to Language, The—

V. K. Gokak

Political Memoir, A—Jose's); Chamberlain. Edited by C. H. V.

Howard .. . 189 Political Tracts of Wordsworth: Coleridge and Shelly, The—Edited

by i R. J. White .. 428 Politics n the Age of Peel—Norman

Gash .. 838 Portraits—Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Edited by Frederick W. Hilles .. 46 Power—Bertrand de Jouvenel. Trans-

lated by J. F. Huntington - 430 Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, The

George Gissing . 390 Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg, The—Edited by Arthur H.

Vandenburg, jun. .. .. 100 Prompt Copy : the Brough Story—

Jean Webster-Brough164 Prophecy of Famine --- H. J. Massing- ham and Edward Hyams .. 349 UEEN Mary—Marguerite D. Peacocke

Queen's Silver, The .... 625 Quest of Alain-Fournier, The—

Robert Gibson .. .. 552 ARE and Extinct Birds of Britain a‘ —Ralph Whitlock .. 645 Rarely Pure—Sewell Stokes .. 48 Ray of Darkness. A—Margiad Evans 196 Recollections of the Table Talk of Samuel Rogers—Edited by Morchard Bishop .. 74 Related Multiplicity—B. K. Mallik 53 Responsibilities of the Critic. The- -F, 0. Matthiessen .. 582 Romantic Poets. The — Graham Hough . 318 Roosevelt and the New Deal—D. W.

Brogan 20 Royal Homes—Gordon Nares .. 625 Royal Homes Illustrated .. .. 625 Rumours of Wars—A. J. P. Taylor .. 639

SAFETY Last- Col. W. F. Stirling 708 Sails and Whales—Capt. H. A.

Chippendale 714 St. Francis Xavier—James Brodrick 292 Saint Teresa of Avila—Marcelle Auclair. Translated by Kathleen Pond .. 770

• ' L Salisbury-1830-l903—A. L. Kennedy 426 Science and Religion—C. E. Raven .. 460 Sea Coast, The—J. A. Steers.. .. 522 Selected Poems—ldris Davies .. 838 Selected Poems—Wallace Stevens .. 191 Selected Prose of Bernard Shaw— Edited by Diarmuid Russell - 314 Seven Queens of England, The—

Geoffrey Trease 625 21

Shadow of Stalingrad, The—Count Heinrich von Einsiedel .. 686 Shakespeare—Henri Fluchere. Trans- lated by Guy Hamilton .. 648 Shakespeare : Comedies, Historical Plays, Poems and Sonnets, Tragedies

(3 vols.)- • • ' 558 Shakespeare : His World and His

Work—M. M. Reese .. .. 577 Shakespeare's Motley—Leslie Hotson 584 Shelley : The Last Phase--Ivan Roe 424 Silent World, The—Captain J. Y. Cousteau .. 392 Sir Hans Sloane and the British

Museum—G. R. de Beer .. 626 Smaller English House, The—

Reginald Tumor .. 196 Sociology of Communism—Jules Monnerot. Translated by J. Degree

and R. Rees552 Soldiers and Soldiering—A. P. Wavell 626 Sophocles : Electra and Other Plays

—Translated by E. F. Watling .. 100 Spadework—Sir Leonard Woolley .. 884 Speaking Poetry—Geoffrey Crump.. 740 Specially Employed—Maurice Buck- master .. .. 130 Story of Everest, The—W. H.

Murray .. — 578 Story of the Coronation, The— Randolph S. Churchill .. 625 Strange Case of Alger Hiss, The— Earl Jowitt .. 542 Stranger's Son, The—John Keevil .. 388 Strasbourg Geese and Other Verses—

Sagittarius .. . 316 Stratford Festival, The—T. C. Kemp and J. C. Trewin .. 356 Sudan, The—J. S. R. Duncan .. 72 Sudan Story—John Hyslop .. .. 72 Sudden View, The : A Mexican Journey—Sybille Bedford .. _ 462 Survey of London : Vol. XXIV, King's Cross Neighbourhood— Walter H. Godfrey and W. McB.

Marcharn 48 Sword and Swastika : The Wehr- macht in the Third Reich—Telford

Taylor .. 791 Sword From the Rock, The—G. _G. R

Levy 643

Tit from Me—Jimmy Edwards 464 Temptress Returns—Edward Allcard .. 196 They Have Their Exits—Airey Neave 423 They Serve the Queen—Randolph S.

Churchill .. 625 This Star of England—Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn 768 Thomas Carlyle • Letters to his Wife —Edited by Trudy Bliss .. — 455 Thomas Cook Story, The—John Pudney 738 Thomas Hughes : the Life of the Author of ' Tom Brown's School- days "—Edward C. Mack and W. H. G. Armitage.. . 285 Three Exemplary Novels—Cervantes. Translated by Samuel Putnam .. 290 Time and the Novel—A. A. Mendilow 254 Tito Speaks—Vladimir Dedijer 189 To Define True Madness—Henry Yellowlees 636 Treatment of the Young Delinquent,

Arthur Hoyle .. .. 50 True Voice of Feeling, The : Studies in English Romantic Poetry—

Herbert Read .. 318 Two Studies in Virtue—Christopher Sykes 706

T BER Alles : Germany Explored-

" George Mikes .. .. 842 Ugo Foscolo An Italian in Regency England—E. R. Vincent _ 735 Under the Red Sea—Hans Hass . . 47 Under the Sea Wind—Rachel L.

Carson .* 103

Upon Several Occasions—El —izabeth

Berridge .. 322 VAGABONDING under Sail—W. I.

• B. Crealock.. 256 Victorian Sage, The—John Holloway 650 Von Rundstedt, The Soldier and the Man—Guenther Blumentrift .. 164 Voyage in a Barquentine—Peter Roach 256

WAKE of the Bounty, The—C. S. Wilkinson — . 634 Weald, The—S. W. Wooldridge and Frederick Goldring .. 492 Weeping and the Laughter, The—

J. Maclaren-Ross .. 710 Well Remembered—Claude Martin Blagdon .* .. 794 Wessex Letters from Springhead 76 What I Have Had—Harold Brighouse 354 White Knight, The. A Study of C. L. Dodgson (Lewis C:arroll)— Akvander L. Taylor- . _ 192 Wild Elephant Chase—Heinrich

Oberjohann . . ' . . . . . 813 Wildes of Merrion Square, The—

Patrick Byrne .' .. 350 Wiltshire Harvest—H. H. Bashford.. 736 Winston Churchill : The Era and the Man—Virginia Cowles .. 286 Without the City Wall : A Survey of London Street-names North of the River—Hector Bolitho and Derek

Peel Word, The—Adrienne von Speyr.

Translated by Alexander Dru 638 NEAR of Space, A—Eric Linklater 128 Yesterday Was Mine—Princess Anne-Marie Callimachi .. 21 48 You Have a Point There—Eric Partridge . 580 Young Delinquent in his Social Setting, The—Thomas Ferguson 50 FICTION

AGE of Innocence, The—Edith Wharton .. .. 384 Among Women Only—Cesare Pavese 582 Asphalt and Desire—Frederick Morton .. .. 194 BERMUDA Murder Case, The—

Leslie Ford — .. 132 Best Stories from Colliers'—Chosen by Knox Burger .. — 21 Beware of the Trains—Edmund Crispin _ .. 528 Bishop in Check—Simon Rattray — 526 Blanket Boy's Moon—Peter Lanham and A. S. Mopeli-Paulus .. 194 Blue Hussar, The—Roger Nimier .. 78 Breach of Reason—E. H. John .. 428 Bridge of Asses, The—Jean-Jaques Gautier .. .. 162 Broken Penny, The—Julian Symons 526 CASE of the Burnt Bohemian, The - —Christopher Bush .. 428 Case of the Vagabond Virgin, The- Erle Stanley Gardner .. .. 428 Casino Royale—Ian Fleming .. 494 Chalice and the Sword, The—Ernest Raymond .. .. 21 Change of Sky, AFrank Singleton 768 Courting of Susie Brown, The-- Erskine Caldwell .. .* .. 290 Crown Princess, and Other Stories, The—Brigid Brophy .. .. 494 Curve and the Tusk, The—Stuart Cloete .. 290 T1EADLY Nightcap—Harry Car-

l'. michael .. 526 Death at Crane's Court—Eilis Dillon 428 Death in Ambush—Susan Gdruth .. 132 Desiree—Annemarie Selinko. Trans-

lated by Arnold Bender and E. W. 226 Diplomatic Diversions—Roger.

Peyrefitte 396 Do Evil in Return—Margaret Millar 132 Dreadful Hollow, The—Nicholas 526 E ASTER Party, The—V. Sackville- West .. • . .. 158 Echoing Grove, The—Rosamund 454 Emperor, The—Robert Payne .. 842 English March, The—Elizabeth d' Oyley .. 320 Enter a Player—Hi Lewis .. 396 Epitaph of a Small Winner—Machado de Assis 768 Escapade—Rex Warner 740

FACE Beside the Fire, The—

Laurens van der Post .. .. 454 Fair Bride, The—Bruce Marshall .. 106 Farewell, Catullus—Sir Pierson

Dixon.. 712 Farewell Crown and Welcome King—

Margot Bennet .. 428 Fatal Woman—Patrick Quentin .. 428 Fenny—Lettice Cooper . .. 652

Fight, The—Vernon Scannell . 582 Financial Expert. The—R. K.

Narayan 52 Five Roundabouts to Heaven—John Bingham . . 428 Flagellant of Seville, Tile—Paul Morand. Translated by Nora Wydenbruck

G ENESIS—Kevin Faller .. 788 Going Up, Going Down—

Dennis Parry — 652 Good-For-Nothing, The — James Yaffe .. 320 Good Luck to the Corpse—Max Murray .. .. 428 Groves of Academe, The—Mary McCarthy .. 430 HAPPY for the Child—Robin

Jenkins. .. 260 Have Pity for the Damned—Geoffrey Gilbert .. .. 494 Heads I Win—Quentin Downes .. 428 HeTavilesnieaynd Herbert Common—Frank 556 Hill of flowth, The—L. A. G. Strong 712 Hills Were .Joyful Together, The— Roger Mars .. 494 Honour the Shrine—Francis Clifford 794 Horse for the Island, A—Bettina .. 76 House of Mirth, The—Edith Wharton 384 Human Kind, The—Alexander Baron 454 JN the Castle of My Skin—George

Lamming In the Wet—Nevil Shute 685 Into the Labyrinth—Francoise Mallet 566

Invisible Man—Ralph Ellison .. 106 It's Warm Inside—Peter Towry .. 320 TENKIN'S Green—Ralph Arnold .. 526 .1 Judgment of Paris, The—Gore Vidal 556 LAST Seen Wearing . . .—Hilary Waugh .. .. 526 Last Shore, The—George Baker .. 842 Ledger is Kept, The—Raymond

Postgate .. • • .. 526 Let the Day Perish—Gerald Gordon 52 Life and Death of Sylvia—Edgar Mittelholzer .. 652 Lilies and the Bees, The—Edward Grierson — 454 Literature of Crime, The—Compiled by Ellery Queen ... _ — 132 Lotus and the Wind, The—John Masters ..

Love Among the Ruins—Evelyn

Waugh .. .. 712 Loved and the Unloved, The—

Francois Mauriac .. 162

AfrAHARAJAH—Richard Cargoe 494 Man in the Queue, The—

Josephine Tey 428 Man Without Qualities, The—Robert Musil .. 430 Midsummer Meadow—John Moore 52 Mike and Psmith—P. G. Wodebouse 260 Modern Greek Folktales—Chosen and translated by R. M. DaWkilifl . . 162 Mountain, The—Henri Troyat .. 582 Mr. Nelson's Ladies—Showell Styles 740 Mrs. Reynolds—Gertrude Stein .. 162 Murder as a Fine Art—Carol Carnac 526 My Brother, 0 My Brother—Harold Kampf .. .. 712 Mystery : An Anthology of the Mysterious in Fact and Fiction .. 132 'MEW Russian Stories—Selected and • translated by B. G. Guerney 528 New Shoe, The—Arthur Upfield .. 132 New Town, The—Mervyn Jones .. 260 Night is Darkest—George Bernanos. 'Translated by W. J. Strachan .. 226 No More Champagne—Flitabeth Varley76 Noonday, Devil, The—Ursula Curtiss 428

PASSING of a Hero, The—

Jocelyn Brooke .. .. 556 Philanderer, The—Stanley Kauffman 454 Pool, The—Mary Roberts Rinehart.. 526 Present and the Past, The—I.

Compton-Burnett .. .. 430 Pride of Parson Carnaby, The—David Emerson .. .. 652 Prize of Gold, A—Max Catto .. 494 Producer, The—Richard Brooks .. 21 QUEEN'S Award Series 6, The .. 526

REBECCA Redfern—R. P. Lister.. 712 Reclining Figure—Marco Page 132 Requiem for a Nun—William

Faulkner .. .. 226 Restless House—Emile Zola.. .. 162 Rock, The—E. M. Almedingen .. 52

SAFARI with Fear—Jeremy York.. 428 Satan in the Suburbs—Bertrand

Russell .. 260 Sea of Troubles, A—Marguerite Duras 290 Siesta—George Millar 396 Singer Not the Song, The—Audrey Erskine Lindop . .. 290 Sinner of Saint Ambrose—Robert Raynolds .. 842 Sister Mavis—Norah Hoult .. 582 Sleeping Beauty, The—Elizabeth Taylor .. .. 354 Sojourner, The—Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings .. .. 290 Spectacle, The—Rayne Kruger .. 396 Stranded in Heaven—Robert Crottet 21 Strange Laughter—Pierre Molaine .. 582 Stranger Here, A—Robert Henriques 354 Sundry Creditors—Nigel Balchin .. 685 Swift Cloud, The—Sigrid de Lima .. 106

TIME of the Assassins, The— Godfrey Blunden .. 194 Tracy's Tiger—William Saroyan .. 76

Treasure Hunt—M. J. Farrell .. 52 Troy Chimneys—Margaret Kennedy 226


.. .. 794 VANITY Row—W. R. Burnett Videhi—C. L. Holden .. Vintage, The—Ursula Keir

WHO Calls the Tune—Nina Ba wden .. 320 Who Goes Home—Maurice Edelman 106 Wild Swans, The—Ethel Mannin .. 21


Airs on a Shoestring (Royal Court), 544; Anthony & Cleopatra (Stratford Memorial), 671; Apple Cart, The (Haymarket), 615; As You Like It (Mermaid, Royal Exchange), 571; Boy Friend, The (Players), 481; Breadwinner, The (Arts), 148 ; Aritannicus (Comedic Francaise, St. James's), 671; Christmas Magic (Fortune), 10: Dangerous Curves (Garrick), 512; Devil Came from Dublin, The (Embassy), 122; Dick Whittington (Palladium), 10; Eastward Hol (Mermaid, Royal Exchange), 784; L'Enfant Prodigue, (Arts), 415; Escapade (St. James's), 92; Father, The (Arts), 275; Five Philadelphia Physicians (Embassy), 275 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Arts, Cambridge), 307; Friendly Relations (St. Martin's), 10; Gift, The (St. Martin's), 122; Glorious Days, The (Palace), 307; Guys and Dolls (Coliseum), 727' Happy as a King (Princes), 699; High Spirits (Hippodrome), 671; .7eir de

.. 428 .. 794 .. 260

l'Arnour et du Hazard, Le (Comedic Francaise. St. James's), 671; Yuliur Caesar (Old Vic), 275; King Henry VIII (Old Vic), 615; King Richard II (Lyric, Hammersmith), 10; King Richard hf (0.U.D.S., Playhouse, Oxford), 307, (Stratford Memorial), 416; Living Room, The (Wyndham's), 512; Man, The (Her Majesty's), 35: Maria Marten (Arts), 10; Merchant of Venice, The (Old Vic), 88, (Stratford Memorial), 373' Muffin Show, The (Vaudeville), 10; Murder in the Cathedral (Old Vic), 447; Oedipus (King's, Hammersmith), 180; On ne Saurait Passer a Tout (Comedic Frangaise, St. James's), 671; Over the Moon (Piccadilly), 699; Paint Your Wagon (Her Majesty's) 212; Peter Pan (Scala), 10; Private Life of Helen, The (Globe), 784' Rain (Em- bassy), 212; Red Headed Blonde (Vaude- ville), 447; Ruth Draper programme (Globe), 148; Seagull, The (Arts), 544;. Second Best Bed (Arts), 699; Seven Year Itch, The (Aldwych), 671; Shrike, The (Princes), 212; Starched Aprons (Em- bassy), 571; Stockholm Festival, The, 784; Taming of the Shrew, The (Stratford Memorial), 755; Tartuffe (St. James's), 571; Teddy Bear, The (St. Martin's), 481; Theatre in Paris, The, 828; Three Cheers (Casino), 307; Titus Andronicus (Arts, 'Cambridge), 307; Troilus and Cressida (0.U.D.S.), 784; Twelfth Night (Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park), 727; Two Bouquets, The (St. Martin's), 671; Uninvited Guest, The (St. James's), 727; Venice Preserv'd (Lyric, Hammersmith),

671; Way of the World, The (Lyric,. Hammersmith), 244; Where the Rainbow Ends (Princes), 10; White Carnation, The ((,lobe), 373' Woman of No Im- portance, A (Savoy), 212.


Above and Beyond, 244 ;Adorabks Creatures, 672; Appointment in London,. 181; April in Paris, 244; Bad and the Beautiful, The, 276; Battle Circus, 572; Battle of Stalingrad, The 447; Beggar's Opera, The, 757; Belles tie Nuit, Les, 181, 416; Bwana Devil, 373; Captain'r Paradise, The, 757; Come Back, Little Sheba, 307; Cruel Sea, The, 373; De- cameron Nights, 66; Desert Rats, The, 513; Desperate Moment, 339; Destination Gobi, 480; Dr. Knock, 122; Final Test,, The, 447; Forever Female, 828; Gene- vieve, 728; House of Wax, The, 572; Hullo Elephant, 35; I Confess, 480; Imposter, The, 699; Iron Mistress, The, 92; Ye= Interdits, Les, 10; Journal d'un Cure de Campagne, Le, 513 ; Kermesse Heroique,10; Little World of Don Camillo, The, 213; Long Memory, The, 92; Maclovia, 92; Malta Story, The, 828; Man on a Tightrope, 672; Medium, The, 373; Military Policemen, 149; Minute de Write, La, 181; Moulin Rouge, 307; My Cousin Rachel, 35; Naked Spur, The, 447; Net, The, 122; Niagara, 513; One Summer of Happiness, 276; Peter Pan, 480; Plaisir, Le, 149; Plymouth Ad- venture, 149; Prisoner of Zenda, The, 35; Ragazze di Piazza di Spagna, Le, 7S3; Rough Shoot, 213; Sabotage, 616; Single- Handed, 757' Springfield Rifle, 181; Stalag 17, 699 ; Star, The, 244; Stars are Singing, The, 339; Stop, You're Killing Me, 339; Story of Gilbert and Sullivan, The 616; Story of Three Loves, The, 88; Titanic, 783; Titfield Thunderbolt, The, 276; Tonight We Sing,

672; Two Pennyworth of Hope, 545; Virtuous Isidore, The, 218; Women of Twilight, 66 ; Wozzeck, 122; Young Bess, 699; Young Chopin, The, 415.


Bergonzi, Bernard, A Question of Angles, 785; Braddock, Joseph, Art Examination, 642; Butler, David, Death in a Summer's Day, 826; Church, Richard, After the Banquet, 513; Cohen, J. M., Sonnet, 148; Crosland, Margaret, Sunday, 146, Kew Gardens, 375, Spring Legend, 75; Davie, Donald, Remembering the 'Thirties, 827; de Is Mare, Walter, Another Tongue, 507, Both Barrels, 507, How Wayward, 507, Went the Mind Clockwise . . . 507; Dickinson, Patric, The Great Dead, 91, Snake, 149, This Year, 630; Durrell, Laurence, Lesbos, 513; Edwards, J. M. B., Carmen Scholasticum, 636; Gardner, W. A. B., Old Men at Peking, 398; H., A. I. C., Mary's Testament, 700 ; H., I., Prayer for a Sentry, 36, He and She, 340; Hartley, Anthony, Vienna, 148, Sense of Responsibility, 340, And where you love, you cannot break away, 416, Homage to Ibn Khaldoun, 618; Holloway. John, Stanzas for Dancing, 706; Ingram, C. G., Intercepted Signals 179, The Old Four- poster, 245, Four Ironies 274; J., L. E., To Sir Edward Marsh, 90; Johnston, George, The Hero's Kitchen. 412; Lewis, C. Day, The House where I was Born, 373; Morrison, Campbell, Audit Day, 606; Richardson, Justin, Deep Thoughts in January, 34, Summing-up and Down, 4,88 ; -Ritchie, Innes, To Time, 482; Scannell, Vernon, Easter, 413, Suburban Etersing, 728; T., C. H.. The Umpire, 612.