2 JULY 1831, Page 11

OLD BAILEY.—These Sessions commenced on Thursday with a

calendar of 312 prisoners. Burglary 2, forgery 2, housebreaking 12, highway robbery 3, horse-stealing 2, stealing in dwelling-houses 11, cutting and maiming 3, embezzlement 1, stealing from the person 63, receiving stolen goods 3, larceny 223, uttering counterfeit coin 2, utter- ing a forged order 1, manslaughter 1, having in possession counterfeit coin 4. None of the trials have presented any thing novel or interesting. RECORDER'S REP 0 RT.—On Wednesday, the Recorder of London made his Report to his Majesty in Council of the persons capitally con- victed at the last sessions, Old Bailey ; all of whom his Majesty was most graciously pleased to respite during pleasure.

A RARITY.—The London Sessions were held on Wednesday, before the Lord Mayor, Recorder, Sheriffs, and Aldermen. The Grand Jury were sworn, and addressed by the Recorder. The Clerk of the Arraigns then announced, that at the present session there was not a single pri- soner for trial, or a case of assault to investigate. The gentlemen sum- xnoned on the petit jury were therefore discharged. CONST.—This amiable man and impartial magistrate has inti- mated his intention of retiring from the Chairmanship of the Middlesex and Westminster Sessions. Some of our contemporaries speak of Mr. Marriot as his successor ; that will indeed be a change.

MR. MARRIOTT MATTHEWS —From a re-examination of-Davis, on Monday, it would appear that this young gentleman is not dead, as was at era supposed. Davis says he was sworn to secrecy ; which was the rea- son of the silence he observed when first examined. He declared on Monday, that Mr. illatthews had only gone to the country ; he did not know where. He was remanded for a fortnight. Murrey_George Snadden and Samuel Williams, seamen of the Royal Saxon East Indiaman from Calcutta, charged with mutiny awl insubordination during the homewardlmund voyage, and committing a most violent assault on Captain D. W. Petre, and Mr. Hays, the chief officer, were on Thursday committed for trial at the next Admiralty Bess:ens.

ELDERLY ROGUES.—At the Essex Quarter Sessions, which com- menced on Tuesday, with w calendar of sixty one prisoners, the united ages of seven of the prisoners amounted to 403!

ATTEMPT TO BREAK PttIsON.—Twelve of the felons confined in Chelms- ford prison, made a desperate and all but successful attempt at escape on Saturday night. The plan was discovered by a fellow-prisaner, and the whole of the dozen were seized as they came out of Chapel on Sunday, and heavily ironed. They had contrived to work a large hole in the bottom cell of the handing, in No. 1 yard, and had determined when they reached the yard to smash all before them till they got to the outer gate.