2 JULY 1831, Page 12


P.ARTNERSHIPS rossotv on.

AUMGER and BAXTER, Oxford, tailors-FLINTDrp and BoTTERWORTH. cotton- spinners-Cu Ron EN and GE tt A itn, Milk Street, Cheapside, box-makers-WALKER and Daum Sculeoates, Yorkshire, lath.readers-P., W., and G. WYNNE, Pater- noster Row, wholesale.stationers ;so far as tegards G. Wv:sive-Dixox and Bus. VINE, Wardour Street, Soho, sureeons-Conemx and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stone-merchants ; so far as regards BOTTGOILEy-CousEN and Co. Shelf and Northowram, Yorkshire, stone-merehants-Ta vLo a, and By LANDS jun. Wigan, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Bovca and Bonita a, Bideford, Devonshire, attornies -WHITE and Co. Whitehall Wharf, Westminster, timber-merchants-HALL jun. and Jon NSON, Manchester, small ware manufacturers-HoLDE it NESS and WARD, Kingston-upon-Hull, ship-brokers-J. and J. RsAn, Sheffield, refiners.


ABons, loss, Wilderness Row, St. John Street, engineer, June 27.

Ronson, Joux, Norton, near Twycross, Leicestershire, grocer, June 2. SHARP, DAVID, 5faldon, Essex, cattle-dealer, June 27. WYATT, FRANCIS, Clifton, Gloucestershire, livery-stable‘keeper.


Wusolv, JOHN, Goldsmith Street, silkman, from July 1 to Aug. 19.


BISHOP, EDWARD WILLIAM, George Street, Pentonville, surveyor, to surrender July 5, 8, Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Sylvester and Co., Furnival's BROWN, JaassrAs Sheerness, oyster-merchant, July 8, 15, Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Co:Coopers' Hall, Basinghall Street. CLARE, Wir.mAm, Ilford, Essex, victualler, July 5, 12, Aug. 9: solicitor, Mr. Woolley, Liverpool Street, Broad Street. Dutra, JOHN, Mark Lane, wine-merchant, July 1, 12, Aug. 9: solicitor, Mr. Cruckshank, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street. MOORE, WILLIAM, and M'Crter arm, JOHN, Liverpool, corn-merchants, July 25, 28, Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Blackstock and Bunce, King's Bench Walk, Temple; and Mr. Bardswell, Drury Lane, Liverpool. Mosss,TH OMAS MSTCALFE, late of Stockton-upon-Tees, Durham, cabinet-maker, July 8, Aug. 2,9: selicitors, Mr. Taylor, Clement's Inn ; and Mr. Marshall, Durham. OVERTON, Joss: Low, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, builder, July 11, 12, Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Field, Old Jewry ; and Sir. Haynes, War- wick.

PALMER, Jon, Birmingham, scrivener, July 7, 8, Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co., New Inn; and Mr. Parker, Birmingham.

PATTISON, WILLIAM, Wetherby, Yorkshire, spirit-merchant, July 8,9, Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane ; and Mr. BaIllie, Tadcaster.

PAYNE, DANIEL BEAUMONT, HOPE, HENRY, and HOPE, GEORGE HULBERT', Wells, Somersetshire, bankers, July 9, 12, Aug. 9: solicitors, Mr. Dyne, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Brookes, %Vella. PHILLIPS, Josses, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, tobacconists, July 1,8, Aug 9: solicitor, Mr. Norton, Jewin Street.

SAY WELL, ANN, Queenborough, Kent, linen-draper, July8.15, Aug. 9: solicitors, Mr. Aubrey, Hatton Garden; and Mr. Edmeades, Sheerness, Kent. TAPPER, HARRIET, Titchfield, Southampton, inn-keeper, July 8, 9, Aug. 9: solicitors, bressr3. Holme and Co., New ion; and Mr. Paddon, Fareham, South- ampton. TASKER, WILLIAM, late of Waterhead Mill, Oldham, inn-keeper, July 20, 2/, Aug. 9: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Shuttleworth, Rochdale. WEST, THOMAS, and BRAIN, AARON, jun., Avon Colliery, Conhani, Gloucester- shire, coal miners, July 12, 13, Aug. 9 : solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co., New Inn ; and Mr. Meredith, Cold Square, Birmingham. WILLSHER, WILLIAM and GEORGE, Oxford Street, bakers, July 8, 15, Aug. 9 : solicitor, Ur. Young, Mark Lane.


July 22, Burton, Cornhill, auctioneer - July 19, Harsleben and Anthony, Long's Yard, Lamb's Conduit Street, Red Lion Square, confectioners - July 19, J. and H. Middleton, Seven Oaks, upholders-July 19, De Freitas and De Costa, Tokenhouse Yard, merchants-July 19, Bighorn, New Bond Street, hatter-July 26, Bristow, Lloyd's Coffehouse, London, underwriter-July 23, Braithwaite, Blan- chester, ironmonger-July 29, Daft and Browne, Liverpool, merchants-July 22, Hardwick, Cheltenham, carpenter.


To be granted; unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 19.

Martin jun., Swindon, Wiltshire, currier-Andrews, Judd Street, Brunswick Square, ironmonger-Lander, Birmingham, factor-Haines, Royal Hospital Row, Chelsea, grocer-Browning, Cambridge, inn-keeper-Bram:in, Philpot Lane, Fen. church Street, tnerchats-Petty, Manchester, builder-Shillibeer, Bury Street, Bloomsbury, livery-stable-keeper.

Friday, July I.


F. and W. BEOWNBILL, Leeds, tea-dealers-W. F. and T. PARR, Nottingham, tanners, fellmongers, and oil leather-dressers-Sox:mos and A L GER, kn.). Norwich, chemists and druggists-T. and J. PERRY, Oxford Street, silversmiths and jewellers: -TATTOO and MATHER, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, platers-PRoo- TOR and Co. Selby, Yorkshire, general merchants ; so far as regards Pitocron- FAn RA R and Co. Bread Street, Cheapside, linen and Manchester-warehousemen; so far as regards FARRAR-MPArto u HA It and Co. Bahia, Brazil merchants and commission-agents ; so for as regards M'FaRQuilAn-J., T., and J. HuxtEr, London, tobacco and snuff-manufacturers-HUNTER and HALLAM, Terrace, Wal- worth, apothecaries-CRADDOCK and SEAGRAM. Shepton Mallet, Somersetshire, attornies and solicitors-CtoUTT and 'Wise:4 Cranbrook, Kent, auctioneers and. appraisers-PATTI Ns ON and DUDLEY, elleapside, Manchester. warehousemen- SCOTT and FREARSoN, Wath-upon-Dearne, Yorkshire, schoolmasters-W., J., and W. HIRST, jun. Gomersall and Leeds, Yorkshire, woolstaplers and merchants; sa far as regards J. Hutsr-Potnitt. and JONES, Kentish Buildings, Southwark,. tobaccotnatinfacturers-SUTTAIIT'and Co. Stationers' Court, Ludgate Street, book* sellers, stationers, and pocket-book-in al. rrs-A N and Co. City, prowl on-agents ; so far as regards ALLAN-SHEA CNA N mai Co. Gt.:meat:reit Street, wholesale and retail hatters; so far as regards J. W. SHEArt mAN-W. and F. W. GRIFFITHS. Bucklershury, solicitors-Fit:to and GoActe.:, Frith Street, Soho Square, truss- makers-Go xs and WARD, Bishopsgate Street tVithout-11:toran and LLOYD, Kingsland Road, Shoreditch, chernisto-Puroimm. and ST:cos:Er, Southcoates and Kingston-upon-Hun, fiourtnirters and connnissinii-agents-STICKNEY and Co. Sontheoates, and Kingston-upon-Hull, seed- crashers and general me:chants; so far as regards STICENEY-CoLES \YOE, HY and G Lac: Wa!nut-Tre,.!-Watir, Lout bulb, manufacturing chentists-E. and W. Ti; on; os, Par:: Lane, It orse-cleaters.


WILSON, STEPHEN, G011isalith Street, siikman, July 1 ta August 19. IIANSGUUTCV surgasnonn.

Lassnows, To OM As Po Cinque, Sumerselshire, LODGE, DENNETT, Panic, 1"olunOnger. WOODHEAD, AolutEr., Salford, LaacasItire, common-brewer. BANarcilers.

ATKIN, DOROTHY, and WEEtErt, DAN!' t., Lower Marsh, I amh:t11, brewers, to surrender July 8,11, Aug. 12: selicitors, Messrs. Teesdale and Co., Feuchurch Street. Buten, RICHARD, Shrewsbury, grocer, July 14, 15, Ana.. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Blackstock and Bunco, King's Bench Walk, Temple ; and Mr. Watson, Shrews- bury. DRAEEFORD, DAVID Austinfriars, broker, July 8, 16, Aug. 12 solicitor, Mr. Hudson, King Street, eheapside.

FEATHAM, ROBERT, Brooksby Street, Isliogton, builder, July 8, 15, Aug, 12: solicitors. Messrs. Brooking and Surr, Lombard Street. Gums, WILLIAM, "FT.vage Gardens, wine-merchant, July 8, 15, Aug. 12: solici- tors, Messrs. Willey and Morris. Bank Chambers, Lothhury.

MOONEY, JOSEPH, Portsea, linen-draper, July 25, 26, Aug. 19: solicitors, Mr. Conry, Gray's Inn Place ; and Mr. Long, Prince George's Street, Potties. MARSH, JAMES. Manchester innkeeper, July 20, 91, Aug 12: solicitors,Blessrs. Milne and Parry, Temple ; and Messrs. Crossley and Stollow, Manchester. MERRY WEATHER, SAMUEL, Manchester, brewer, July S, 15, Aug. 12; solicitor, Mr. Matlock, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Square. SALE, SAMUEL Honsox, Glossop, Derbt shire, cotton-spinner, July 9, 11, Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Morris and Owen, Spring Garden's. WILLIAm, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, grocer, July 8, 12, Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Grover and Co., Bedford Row.


July 22, Burns and Co. Watling Street, warehousemen-July 5, Castley, Friday. Street, Cheapside, warehouseman-July 8, James, Minories woollen-draper-July 29, Wagner and Chapman, Greek Street, Soho, drapers-July 22, Coe, Bath, silk- mercer-July 12, Cooper, Prince's Street, Lambeth, distiller-July 22, Roberta. Little Easteheap, grocer-July 29, Bray, Tied Lion Yard, St. Giles'sdn-the-Fields, horse-dealer--July 22, Thorogood, Chipping Ongar, Essex, victualler-July 25, Os- borne, Colchester, seedsman-July 27, Rogers, Gainsburgh. Lincolnshire, linen- drapers-July 26:Chaplin Haverhill, Suffolk, maItster-July 30, Thompson, Raw- den, Yorkshire, merchant-July 25, Barton, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, grocer.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 22: Turtill, Regent Street, fancy-warehouseman-Saxon, Oxford Street, ehinaman- Williams, Hatfield Street, Blackfriars Road, jeweller-shepherd, Castle Street, Holborn, linen-draper-Roberts, Burford, Oxfordshire corn-dealer-Slater, Bright. elmstonrauctioneer-Hart, Hand Court, Holborn, victualler.

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