2 JULY 1836, Page 11

The lieferna Association has begun to move in the business

of this year's Registry. Circulars containing plain directions for waking shouts and ohjections ate in course of distribution from the rooms, No. 11, Cleveland Bow; where any information that Iteforners may require will be eheerfully given.

fie grand points to he kept in mind of present are, that

in CwInties-

The :10th of July is the last day on which a Claim to vote can be received by the Overseers ; The '2.5tii of August is the last day on which Objectious can be made, In Cities and Banotghs- 'ue :20tli of July. is the last day fur the le:Iyment of Poor. rates and 'nixes; The _'5th IS .1 moist is the last day to claim for yourself, if omitted from tl:e list. e:t to ohje et to aoy bad cute. Reformers should revolleet, that on their ;activity or negligence at the ensuing liegistiation it will very et eotly depend whether the 'furies try another coop dt'oet in the autumn. 'limy should turn to the pro- erediiii4s of He gist ration Associations last year. and see how consider- ably the Reform strength \vas augmented by what they did then. Sug- gestions for the !fitid:Ince of Registration Societies will soon be cireu- latcd through the country. tl i re. is the time for tativity. If the Liberals ate slack between this time nod the ..4ttli instant, Cosy will deserve and almost certainly rece.ive defeat from the 'retries before Christmas. It is only by oriotnization tend watchfulness th.lt the Liberals can hope to suceued against 'Fury intimidation and limbic influence.